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joined Nov 15, 2011

The chapters are finally here!

joined Oct 26, 2016

She's healing!
Are we truly free of the angst?

joined Dec 20, 2018

That was a lot to catch up on. Glad we got to see her sister's thoughts on it all as well, especially their past. There's still that constant slight feeling of dread hanging in the air, though, even if things have gotten somewhat better...

joined Dec 30, 2018

I've read through all the chapters and i don't really get the incest tag tbh

Im glad that things are going in a good direction now

joined Mar 18, 2023

I am at 19. Story is still growing strong and there is no sign of seeing any axe around.

They went on a date. On Kiku's birthday, Sena bought Kiku's flowers. During dinner Sena CONFESSED to Kiku with no condition at all. Kiku broke down and cried. Also, Sena remembers how old is Kiku, so that makes the birthday congratulation - date - confession even more important
The manga is at the correct speed. Everything that is important was finished. Mei can draw whatever she wants until the axe comes. But unlike others, she has already covered everything. There is no frantic last minutes outpouring of ideas onto the manga here at 19, you would not have guessed that it will stop at 19. I myself will find if it ends on 19 it will wasted an big opportunity. These two MC are the closest lesbian couple that I have ever seen in comparison to the real life ones. That by itself is significant.
So all the work that Kiku did for Sena finally bares fruit. Good for her, she needed it. If you think about it, Kiku has no social life, and having a committed relationship with Sena will really help her. As for Sena, enjoy your non-depression days, because you will need it, especially now you are part of a couple.

last edited at Jun 19, 2023 2:34AM

joined Mar 22, 2014

This series has just got the AXE. It ends on chapter 19 I believe. Just read the official twitter and manga authors accounts. This is an alarming trend when it comes to... certain types of Yuri. I hope that it's just a coincidence.

I stalked the author and manga's Twitter accounts and found nothing. There's a possibility I didn't search far enough though, so just in case, is there a source link for this?

I read up until chapter 19 (raws) as well. Slightly different from what conradin said, but (warning: spoilers from chapters after 14):

Essentially, over the last few chapters, Sena becomes more aware of the support she has around her. Most notably, she tells Kiku that at first, she disliked her and never wanted to see her again, but things are different now. From a previous chapter, Sena is worried over not knowing what love is. She also knows she can't keep Kiku waiting when it comes to deciding whether or not to continue their relationship. ALSO, it's kinda cute because Kiku repeatedly tells Sena she's willing to wait for her, but Sena knows despite what Kiku says, she's getting a little impatient (not in a bad way, lol).

Anyway, Sena eventually acknowledges Kiku as a comfortable presence in her life and tells her on her birthday that she wishes to continue this relationship with her as lovers, which makes Kiku cry, something that surprises them both.

I can't imagine the manga ending on chapter 19 nonetheless. Maybe a few chapters later, but also not likely imo.
joined Apr 19, 2012

This series has just got the AXE. It ends on chapter 19 I believe. Just read the official twitter and manga authors accounts. This is an alarming trend when it comes to... certain types of Yuri. I hope that it's just a coincidence.

I believe the newest update was chapter 19, but the author plans on it ending in 2 more chapters (chapter 21.) It was reported to end on chapter 20, but the author tweeted to clear it up.

joined Mar 18, 2023

This series has just got the AXE. It ends on chapter 19 I believe. Just read the official twitter and manga authors accounts. This is an alarming trend when it comes to... certain types of Yuri. I hope that it's just a coincidence.

I believe the newest update was chapter 19, but the author plans on it ending in 2 more chapters (chapter 21.) It was reported to end on chapter 20, but the author tweeted to clear it up.

One more chapter to go, but to feel safe she wants to have a 2 chapters deadline. Hence #20 and then #21.

joined Mar 22, 2014

This series has just got the AXE. It ends on chapter 19 I believe. Just read the official twitter and manga authors accounts. This is an alarming trend when it comes to... certain types of Yuri. I hope that it's just a coincidence.

I believe the newest update was chapter 19, but the author plans on it ending in 2 more chapters (chapter 21.) It was reported to end on chapter 20, but the author tweeted to clear it up.

Thanks! I must've missed it.

joined Mar 8, 2022

I don't want it to end so soon!

joined Mar 18, 2023

My favorite on going manga. I am on 19. What I like most is probably I want to read a story of romance between adults. The age gap between the two of them are not that far. Manga themes like this is simply rare. When Sena is battling depression, the artist truly drew it like that. When Sena is manic (which in this chapter she is about to do the depression u turn to manic) she is really aggressive in work even if she has no material to work with.She just keep on thinking. Kiku is the nicest adult MC character that I have ever read, and her persona is not unique in real life. But the best character of her is she stay out of drama, she keep quiet, for this chapter, she did not even say a single word to her friends that Sena was actually her partner. She behaved like she was clueless and dumb. ie the neighborhood nice girl who is pretending to be not smart.

joined Apr 7, 2016

I fell off this manga a while ago because of the lack of updates, so you can imagine how excited I was when I saw that a huge trove of chapters made it here.

Sad that this series got axed and will end at 21 chapters, but then again, I feel like there are enough elements to end things as they are. Sena's getting her life together, but she's not perfect and her depression will always be something she has to live with. Having someone like Kiku will help. Obviously, Kiku can't cure Sena, but she can support her by making her life a little easier (e.g. making sure she eats, cleaning up the house, etc.) and letting Sena know that she'll be there for her. It's a pretty realistic outcome that depicts how some relationships out there are like.

I really like how their relationship is organically developing, too. Sena is slowly starting to fall for Kiku, and Kiku's feelings are getting more intense the more Sena reciprocates. But she holds back a lot because she respects Sena's boundaries and understands that she can't just force anything to progress further. I guess the word to describe it would be "mature," which I don't see often in other works--yuri or non-yuri.

Really, the only complaint I have is that we know next to nothing about Yuuna's fiance. We just know that Yuuna genuinely loves him, but that's it. Other than that, this manga is definitely one of my faves.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Just the slightest bit of progress.

joined Jul 8, 2021

Aww short hair Kiku :')

joined Nov 28, 2021

Gosh there've been a lot of developments since I last read this. Caught up to now and it's like, my heart's thumping along with Sena and Kiku's growing attachments. I thought the love triangle bit would involve Yuria, but it really seems like it's just - Kiku is giving Sena a lot of room to breathe and see new people and come out of the Depression Hole.

If it's really ending so soon then that's sad, but I hope it's a good end. I really liked seeing Kiku's uh. INTENSE DREAM. Desire for the shut-in Sena.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Yuria is just a fan girl.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Kiki likes it hot
She likes it hot
Robert Palmer

joined May 11, 2023

I thought the love triangle bit would involve Yuria

I thought the same, and I think the story was low-key setting up such a scenario. It could be that it was the plan. I see that the story was cancelled, so maybe that plotline was dropped?

joined Sep 10, 2022

I thought the love triangle bit would involve Yuria

I thought the same, and I think the story was low-key setting up such a scenario. It could be that it was the plan. I see that the story was cancelled, so maybe that plotline was dropped?

Maybe but I think it was more to show Sena's slowly opening up to people and finally making connections beyond just Kiku and her sister. She has similar moments with her manager/editor as well. So I never sensed any romantic potential from Yuria. Yuria also seemed to suspect Sena and Kiku's relationship from the start. Sena also made it clear during one of her meeting with Yuria, that while being with Yuria is also fun, her being with Kiku was always a slightly different feeling (one that made her nervous). So it's the series' patented discussion about the difference between platonic affection/love and romantic affection/love. Yuria seems squarely platonic.

last edited at Jul 21, 2023 8:27AM

joined Oct 16, 2013

Always love the tension between the two of them in this story. The dialogue always makes my heart clench for some reason. I love the melancholic and distant tone of the whole series. It kinda always feels like I'm floating in the ocean reading it.

joined Dec 20, 2018


joined Sep 10, 2022

Sena looking out for Kiku again and still being confused by her as well. The memory of what Kiku wanted flashing before Sena's eyes were funny. You could practically here her again wondering why this woman is so confusing. "Didn't you want to be with me for this!?"

It kinda always feels like I'm floating in the ocean reading it.

Awesome way to put it.

last edited at Jul 22, 2023 8:17AM

joined Nov 21, 2022

I'm finding the few chapters completely confusing.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm finding the few chapters completely confusing.

What do you need help with?

joined Oct 16, 2013

Don't be shy Sena! Pat the Kiku!!

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