Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Mar 18, 2023

Holding hands in public with teammates while in school or gym uniform will not cause problems. The problem comes when you are in street clothes holding hands, and become older like 18.

joined Mar 18, 2023

i fear for novice pokemon trainer nana-chan,since i feel like the idiot tamer champion fu-sama might actually be targeting her instead of the legendary pokemon aho-no-yuni.

joined Jun 20, 2022

I think it would be satisfying if Nanase accepts she wasn't a good girlfriend to Yuni and decides they are breaking up, but knowing this manga is just as likely that Nanase will stay Yuni while pretending she's not fucking Fuuko out of guilt.

Yup the best ending would be for the trio to all part ways, at least having learned something from this shitshow, Nanase would go out with the girl from club, the other two can fuck off and thats it. But from what this manga has been so far, it'll probably end up with even the poor club girl getting hurt

joined Jul 30, 2015

I think it would be satisfying if Nanase accepts she wasn't a good girlfriend to Yuni and decides they are breaking up, but knowing this manga is just as likely that Nanase will stay Yuni while pretending she's not fucking Fuuko out of guilt.

Yup the best ending would be for the trio to all part ways, at least having learned something from this shitshow, Nanase would go out with the girl from club, the other two can fuck off and thats it. But from what this manga has been so far, it'll probably end up with even the poor club girl getting hurt

Honestly, Yuki's been giving off silent admirer vibes basically from the moment her and Nanase shared a page. Suddenly she takes Nanase on a surprise date when she's by coincidence nearly broken up with her girlfriend? And Yuki knows that's happening, having been the first one to catch them? I'm pretty sure the "poor club girl" is very purposefully swooping in to snatch Nanase away. She's just Fuuko but nice about it. For now...

joined Aug 12, 2018

}I'm pretty sure the "poor club girl" is very purposefully swooping in to snatch Nanase away. She's just Fuuko but nice about it. For now...

Lmao i didn't think about that but you're right

this may be turning into double NTR what a twist

joined Feb 28, 2022

Before seeing Yuki(I'm sure she's in past chapters but I forgot about her lol) I thought there was more to what Fuuko wants between Nanase and Yuni, and it's not just NTR. Like, she wants to fully break these girls because she loves the thrill of it all. But adding another girl to the mix might not be so bad because Fuuko really is manipulative, horny and evil. So, I want a twist happening since it's kinda bland for me if this manga ends in dull. I want fireworks.

joined Jun 20, 2022

}I'm pretty sure the "poor club girl" is very purposefully swooping in to snatch Nanase away. She's just Fuuko but nice about it. For now...

Lmao i didn't think about that but you're right

this may be turning into double NTR what a twist

me too I completely ignored this possibility because she seems nice and innocent lol, we should always be prepared for the worst with this manga

joined May 11, 2023

Well, I guess the author will take the story in some sort of weird polyamory direction in the following chapters, based on the last chapter.

Poor Nanase, she will not even end up with Yuki. And Yuni is still in the running for the most self-absorbed person of the year.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Mhm Nanase really can't communicate for jack, like confront your girlfriend first in private before even thinking of involving your partners affair?

And Yuni is such a hot mess, still wearing the earrings, still cheating and overly confused. She really wants to have her cake and eat it.

I really hope Nanase will give them both an ultimatum, stop the affair or it's over, simple as that. That would be rational and somewhat relatable, but I fear it's gonna be something dumb to keep things spicy and dramatic.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good drama but if the lack of good writing makes people act nonsensical to create more drama in a cheap way it's getting boring.
Like with luminous blue, great art but disappointing story and climax.

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 3:57AM

joined May 11, 2023

Like with luminous blue, great art but disappointing story and climax.

Yes, looks like the author wants to do the same again. I hated the character Nene, and her cruelty, in luminous blue, have some self-respect Amane. And that weird polyamory ending was out of nowhere.

joined Jan 17, 2021

My money is on Nanase, she's gonna make Fuuko do sexual convenience for Yuni so she can focus on her club. I assume they're all bonkers.

Then Fuuko is chill about it but then she'll have feelings for Yuni and realizes it's happening again like what happen with Yuzuki-chan (ch08). In the end, she's still not the priority.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Go the triangle route. The first page of this story seemed to be implying that.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Mhm Nanase really can't communicate for jack, like confront your girlfriend first in private before even thinking of involving your partners affair?

And Yuni is such a hot mess, still wearing the earrings, still cheating and overly confused. She really wants to have her cake and eat it.

I really hope Nanase will give them both an ultimatum, stop the affair or it's over, simple as that. That would be rational and somewhat relatable, but I fear it's gonna be something dumb to keep things spicy and dramatic.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good drama but if the lack of good writing makes people act nonsensical to create more drama in a cheap way it's getting boring.
Like with luminous blue, great art but disappointing story and climax.

You can't expect good writting from this author.... It's just an one trick pony writter with a cuck fetish that can't go beyond that...

Seriously, can someone please just spoil this to me If possible? I really don't care at this point...

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 6:31AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

There is nothing to spoil because this series is still ongoing. Chapter 19 came out like yesterday

joined Sep 30, 2017

There is nothing to spoil because this series is still ongoing. Chapter 19 came out like yesterday

What about the raws?

joined Mar 28, 2015

Midnightgunner posted:

There is nothing to spoil because this series is still ongoing. Chapter 19 came out like yesterday

What about the raws?

The raws came out like yesterday too. The scanlator is uber fast.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I can't go faster than Iwami Kiyoko, sorry.

joined May 11, 2023

I can't go faster than Iwami Kiyoko, sorry.

Come on, don’t be lazy. Write and draw your own story fan written story ;)

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 7:40AM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Midnightgunner posted:

There is nothing to spoil because this series is still ongoing. Chapter 19 came out like yesterday

What about the raws?

The raws came out like yesterday too. The scanlator is uber fast.

It's a shame that actual good stories don't translate as insanely fast as this...

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 8:10AM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Midnightgunner posted:

There is nothing to spoil because this series is still ongoing. Chapter 19 came out like yesterday

What about the raws?

The raws came out like yesterday too. The scanlator is uber fast.

It's a shame that actual good stories don't translate as fast as this...

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Plenty of people love Kyoukano (including me, or I wouldn't translate it so fast).

joined Nov 23, 2014

These two previous chapters have been pretty boring. First Nanase does the reasonable thing and walks away, I definitely expected something a lot more dumb and entertaining. As for this latest chapter, nothing much happened at all I guess, just Yuni being Yuni because that's what Yuni do. Ah well, maybe next time eh?

joined Sep 30, 2017

Midnightgunner posted:

There is nothing to spoil because this series is still ongoing. Chapter 19 came out like yesterday

What about the raws?

The raws came out like yesterday too. The scanlator is uber fast.

It's a shame that actual good stories don't translate as fast as this...

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Plenty of people love Kyoukano (including me, or I wouldn't translate it so fast).

Sure... But A LOT also hate her work... and I see a lot of criticism about the author writting skills in here and at 4chan.

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 8:46AM

joined May 13, 2018

Nanase hasn't been written as a character willing to share her girlfriend, so I'd be disappointed if it went that route. What I am more sad about is poor Yuki having feelings for Nanase without even realizing it herself.

joined Jan 19, 2020

I really really enjoy this damn manga and read them all in a row. I absolutely hate cheating but this mess is really enjoyable to look at. Super nice to read, beautiful artstyle and yes almost everyone is shit but that's fine for me. Fuuko is my favorite, it always gets entertaining and a bit fucked up with her.

The look she threw at Nanase at ch 16 was my favorite panel so far, so good

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 9:56AM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Midnightgunner posted:

Sure... But A LOT also hate her work... and I see a lot of criticism about the author writting skills in here and at 4chan.

They just don't understand her genius.

Her writing, page composition; her characters expressions, movements, eyes, etc, are carefully crafted. When Fuuko wraps an arm around Yuni when confronting Nanase, it has meaning. When Fuuko puts her foot besides Yuni, it has meaning. When Nanase slightly blushes when Yuki hugs her, it has meaning.

You might no like the story because you're uncomfortable with the themes, but it doesn't mean the author is bad at what she does. On the contrary, she's very good. She call it herself "kuzu yuri", ie, "trash yuri" and everything is done on purpose to be the most infuriating possible. And obviously, her Japanese audience follows, because her serialization continues.

If you really hate it, just don't read it. Simple as that.

If you keep on reading, it means you're still fascinated, like watching a train wreck, and the author met their goal.

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