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joined Sep 16, 2019

obviously Nana has her issues, but it does suck that her friend got so bent out of shape over her doing sex work

what a shitty friend

I don’t know if her friend is even aware of the sex work. She might just have seen the photos he downloaded and assumed Nana was sexting her boyfriend. She’s still a shitty friend for going behind her back like that, mind you.

her other friend implies that the jealous girlfriend knows that she's been doing sex work here

Ah, didn’t notice that part. My bad.

joined Aug 12, 2021

I feel like maybe Tsukasa is the one who gets her girlfriends so dependent on her that they threaten to commit suicide if she leaves, not the other way around.

My prediction? Tsukasa and the main girl get together, Tsukasa continues to isolate the mc and tell her that she needs her, and then it ends up just how it started, with Tsukasa chatting up some other girl on the phone about how clingy the mc is, and leaving her after making her dependent on her.

This is really funny to me not in the sense that I disgree but in the sense that Tsukasa hasn't really needed to do anything but offer empty platitudes for Nene to cut off her friends all on her own. Like I'm sure Tsukasa will turn out to be a worse person than she already looks like given her constant cheating but Nene sure loves spiralling already, so she might as well be incredibly easy prey if Tsukasa is indeed the manipulative type as you suspect.

joined Oct 12, 2021

Oh, this is not gonna go well. Can't wait for a moment when looking at how shitty people do shitty things stops being fun and becomes depressing.

joined Feb 5, 2020

I feel like maybe Tsukasa is the one who gets her girlfriends so dependent on her that they threaten to commit suicide if she leaves, not the other way around.

My prediction? Tsukasa and the main girl get together, Tsukasa continues to isolate the mc and tell her that she needs her, and then it ends up just how it started, with Tsukasa chatting up some other girl on the phone about how clingy the mc is, and leaving her after making her dependent on her.

Agreed, although the prediction sounds like it’d be an bit unsatisfactory for this type of story. My guess is that Nana’s going to find out that Tsukasa’s a sleeze at some point (although not before she’s basically at the tipping point), and it’ll open the door for some character development and maybe a bit of well-deserved revenge.

This would be the best case scenario, but for this slowburn car crash? Probably not. When she finds out that Tsukasa's an absolute lower than sh*t scumbag, she'd probably be too deep in and not have a way out. Think Kitanai Kimi (you know, that last part).
If she finds out before she gets too deep, she probably won't care or think "No, no, she loves me, this is fine." and she seal her own doom.

It's also very fun to think about how Nana will be disillusioned. Agree with the first guy that Tsukasa will finally break up with the gf and sink her claws deep into Nana. After a while, Tsukasa will get bored of her and try to hook someone else in. It'd be the ironic twist in the story that Nana will be put into the gf's pov and that's how she'll see Tsukasa as the scumbag she is.
Ahhhh,, this isn't even finished yet but I'm already wondering what kinda stuff the author will work on after this and Kitanai...

last edited at Jun 28, 2023 6:43AM

joined Apr 27, 2014

This seems to go down the path of total chaos and destruction of minds.. I am so in for it!

joined Oct 14, 2014

She was so normal for like a whole 10 pages...
Discount Ryou needs to chill LOL

Edit: As in stop causing terrible chemical reactions in otherwise ordinary girls. Damn lol

last edited at Jun 28, 2023 10:07AM

joined May 3, 2014

So happy with all the positive comments! <3
I was afraid the 'cheating' tag would bring all the toxic whackjobs to the thread.
But it looks like Manio is too much for them to handle, hehe.

knock on wood will you? i in general at least enjoy reading the comments to figure out if the story is AS BAD as the tags

joined Aug 19, 2021

Well Tsukasa is a cheater so already it's a mega red flag. But just imagine this series will not make Tsukasa bad things to Nana, and it's just her, by herself who will fall in the chaos of isolement, dependance, paranoia and despair.
She was so cheerful and loving at the chapter 1 so explore this selfdestruction fall can be very interesting, to me at least.
But again, Tsukasa is a cheater so it's hard to believe she will not be implied in the toxicity of this series.
joined Jun 6, 2020

this whole thing is gonna be a garbage fire. I love it

joined Apr 16, 2022

it took two chapters for Tsukasa to successfully encourage Nana to cut off all her friends. she's already hit several abusive partner flags and they're not even dating yet lol

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

This manga's name in Japanese is Aishita Bundake Aishite Hoshii!
And I read somewhere that fans call it ShitaShite for short.

I dunno about you but it sure made me giggle, tee hee hee.
Here's a story full of shitty people, and it's called what? "Shitashite!" lol

joined Jun 25, 2022

This manga's name in Japanese is Aishita Bundake Aishite Hoshii!
And I read somewhere that fans call it ShitaShite for short.

I dunno about you but it sure made me giggle, tee hee hee.
Here's a story full of shitty people, and it's called what? "Shitashite!" lol

Yell "Shitashite!" anytime anything horrible happens in this manga.

joined Aug 1, 2022

I have no idea where this story is going but im def enjoying the ride. I think Nana is right to cut off her friends bc they're super shitty, but she absolutely needs to get some more. Her friends probably wouldn't have even helped her if things went south.

Tsukasa the fuck girl is so close to being a cult leader with how manipulative and isolating she is, it's scary. I do kinda hope we get to see what Tsukasa's ex is like. Like is she actually "crazy" or just desperate and in a bad place almost like MC.

joined Jan 17, 2017

Women ☕️

joined Jan 17, 2021

Cheating tag present - the comment section:

joined May 21, 2021

Series to end in next month issue, with chapter 7 being the last one.

joined Oct 29, 2023

Any chance this'll be updated again?

joined Oct 1, 2022

i hope someone will pick up translating this again

joined Jul 12, 2020

Ew, she's a smoker. Gross.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Just reread everything since it's been a long time between updates, and honestly especially with this new chapter Tsu doesn't look that bad. Bad for Nene? Oh yeah. But like not personally evil. She didn't actually tell Nene to dump her friends, just comforted her: if she was intending to isolate Nene, she also would have cut off public contact with those people lest she act as a bridge for them to reconcile. And now with chapter 4 she's casually introducing Nene to her gamer discord lol. Honestly with these four chapters combined Tsu looks like a bit of a flaky fuckboy but not someone scheming to do something bad, unlike Nene, who does actually want to have Tsu cut off from everyone else and just belong to her.

joined May 3, 2014

Just reread everything since it's been a long time between updates, and honestly especially with this new chapter Tsu doesn't look that bad. Bad for Nene? Oh yeah. But like not personally evil. She didn't actually tell Nene to dump her friends, just comforted her: if she was intending to isolate Nene, she also would have cut off public contact with those people lest she act as a bridge for them to reconcile. And now with chapter 4 she's casually introducing Nene to her gamer discord lol. Honestly with these four chapters combined Tsu looks like a bit of a flaky fuckboy but not someone scheming to do something bad, unlike Nene, who does actually want to have Tsu cut off from everyone else and just belong to her.

your comment is the definition of, ”what if we put an ribbon on garbage? will it look better?”

joined Apr 10, 2023

In what way did I "put a ribbon on" anything. I just noticed that the trend is actually Nene being way more of a red flag, something not as obvious at first glance since she's our perspective character and the audience is always biased to accept the perspective of the previous perspective character.

joined May 10, 2021

Can't help but feel like this is quite the ticking time bomb. And it's gonna be a fine mess when it'll go off.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Oct 24, 2018

Valorant gf/bf vibe in this chapter is so real

joined Oct 15, 2021

this girls a pain in the neck shes just like me fr fr

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