Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined Sep 1, 2017

At least Yuzu realizes her jealousy is her problem and not Mei's

joined May 21, 2020

this series shouldn't have continued beyond the ending of the anime honestly

joined Jan 1, 2019

I'm pretty sure that's just the flu.

joined Oct 6, 2015

At this point, I'm just waiting for them to..well it's probably not gonna happen next chapter.

Why do they have to use same tropes over and over again. :(

joined Jan 17, 2021

Yuzu was possessed by the Yuri god.

joined Sep 9, 2016

So... I can't help but think, "what if Mei had been the recipient of Matsuri's 'truth barbs'?"

I feel like she might need them more than Yuzu. Yuzu strikes me as the one that doesn't need as much help realizing that their relationship can be more than it is currently.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Nothing is going to happen in a serious manner until Arata starts to do something, and it will not "involve" Mei.
1. Arata got along very well with Yuzu. Yes, there is some small degree of jealousy from Yuzu, but Yuzu knows "business is business" so she welcome the friendship with open arms because eventually it will bear fruit. Helping out Mei, either at school or in the outside world of society, have been her prime motive since Mei accepted the proposal.

  1. Himeko was friends with Arata in middle school, and unlike Mei, Arata does have a friendship relationship with Himeko.

Just a guess, maybe Arata bats for the other team.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 3:42AM

joined Dec 17, 2022

Nothing is going to happen in a serious manner until Arata starts to do something, and it will not "involve"

I totally agree. But that we are in volume 6 dated September 26 and there are 6 months left for graduation. It is evident that in this arch (whether there is sex or not) it will close with the consolidation of the From the relationship of yuzu and MEI for their future. And after that? It only remains to close the two secondary main characters (harumin and matsuri) I don't know how. Some chapters dedicated to Some characters like shirapon, Sara and nina (who haven't appeared yet) and little else. In my opinion it would be a mistake to lengthen the story unnecessarily or to bring out new characters to lengthen this. A Christmas bow that always gives a lot of play and directly to graduation. Greetings

joined Jan 10, 2022

I can't wait for the spinoff light novel of this series from Mei's perspective. It'll be written entirely in binary code

joined Jul 29, 2017

I can't wait for the spinoff light novel of this series from Mei's perspective. It'll be written entirely in binary code

Or a Mei anime, consisting entirely of those psychedelic Ghost in the Shell POV shots.

joined Mar 18, 2023

The marriage proposal changes a lot of thing.
For Mei, because of her upbringing and background, immediately start doing things frequently with Yuzu in mind, as if Yuzu is her wife and secretary. (which means it is totally normal for Mei to NOT carry a phone). Mei sees things very far ahead. To the point that nobody else understand what she is planning. Visiting Arata is extremely important, because the days of single sex high school is slowly going away. So a all girl school to be the partner of an all boys school will ensure survivals of both schools. It was stated very clearly that Arata's family has serious difficulty NOT to run out of business. In some (real life) scenario, Many same sex school also send their students to the opposite sex school to be in a class that most girls are not interested, or alternatively, have the boys come on over to take Home-Eco classes. What Mei did was she realized sooner or later, if she does nothing, all these high end schools will go out of business soon enough. Allowing students who have excellent talent to stay plus being able to not be bound by the school rules too much is a way to recruit from a different target, a target which all the public schools already have it. For example, Mei's school has no idol group. All it takes to make Aihara super famous will be to accept idol students, give them special treatment based on their school and work schedule, and hope that when they graduate they are already becoming super popular which makes Aihara famous.

Sex. If you really want the full blown sex (3rd base and beyond), then I have to say it is not going to happen unless something unusual started in the plot. They are actually pretty much close to having sex but without doing it. They usually just wear a Yuzubocchi T shirt to bed (which means they are really practically naked, or think of them as wearing nothing except their bras.), and Mei is usually the one who snuggle up with Yuzu. Neither of them seem to be super horny in bed. Also, recalled that they DID almost reach third base by an inch, using the chairman office, or you can argue that it happened in Grandpa's house. Anyway, I think we need to toss out sex as a topic when we continue to read it. There are plenty of 18 years old out in real life there who do not even understand what sex is, and now we are complaining that the two MCs do not have sex?
We have to remember sex is one of their problems. Mei has a record of being sexually harrassed and assaults thanks to Amamiya, to the point that she will initiate sex with completely wrong motives. Everytime she visits the library, if you pay enough attention, it is always the "Introduction to Love" book. You cannot blame her for doing nothing. Then we have Yuzu whose idea about sex is all inside the mangas she bought,.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Once again I feel as if I'm reading an entirely different series than most posters here.

Mei's actions on citrus+ always have Yuzu as a priority, either by way of working towards a future that allows them to be together on their own terms or by looking for ways to show her affection. She is also more open about what is going on unless there are external factors keeping her from telling everything to Yuzu, like the exact details of the agreement she's looking to close with Arata's Family.

Besides the memes, I still can't understand why a lot of people are so invested in seeing Yuzu and Mei fuck. Mei's actions at the start of the story have been acknowledged as being wrong and Yuzu has gone multiple times about how she wants their first time to be special and happen at a point where both of them want them, but with all the emotional baggage Mei is just working out, that will take a while. Having them fuck right now would be awfully out of character for them.

That said, is interesting to see Yuzu feeling threatened like this, it hadn't happened since Sarah but this time there's the added pressure that Arata is a guy and thus, is more socially acceptable for Mei to be with him. Between this, Sayaka and Yuzu's friends, it seems that Sabu wants to treat the LGBT angle of the story more seriously.

And I love how Matsuri and Harumin seem to be together all the time now and Harumin has (reluctantly) taken over as Matsuri's guardian and slapping sense on her when needed.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Once again I feel as if I'm reading an entirely different series than most posters here.

Mei's actions on citrus+ always have Yuzu as a priority, either by way of working towards a future that allows them to be together on their own terms or by looking for ways to show her affection. She is also more open about what is going on unless there are external factors keeping her from telling everything to Yuzu, like the exact details of the agreement she's looking to close with Arata's Family.

That said, is interesting to see Yuzu feeling threatened like this, it hadn't happened since Sarah but this time there's the added pressure that Arata is a guy and thus, is more socially acceptable for Mei to be with him. Between this, Sayaka and Yuzu's friends, it seems that Sabu wants to treat the LGBT angle of the story more seriously.

Jeez, headcanon really is a hell of a drug. Evidence for the propositions that everything Mei does “has Yuzu as a priority” or that Mei is always “looking for ways to show her affection” is simply not present in the text.

Where has Mei ever stated or even hinted to Yuzu (or to anyone else) that she is primarily “working towards a future that allows them to be together”? She’s definitely working for the future of the Aihara Academy (which is fine), but there is no textual evidence that she’s doing it all for Yuzu and for their future together.

And why in the world would she need to keep the exact details of the agreement secret from Yuzu except that she’s treating her as someone who can’t be trusted with such details until some future time?

There’s a tiny hint in the latest chapter that whatever Mei is up to will somehow benefit Yuzu, but that grain of sand cannot support the castles in the air that you’ve built to explain away Mei’s erratic, often scolding, and mostly distant treatment of Yuzu when the two of them are alone together, actions that actually appear on the page.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 3:13PM
joined Jun 6, 2020

shaping up to be the first likeable male character in this manga,

Coffee guy was alright

But yeah the problem is Mei is such an ancient ancient trope that it just feels weird in a modern context

joined Mar 18, 2023

Yuzu you have nothing to worry about Mei is head over heels for you just as much as you are for her.

Sure, we know that they will eventually get married, so Mei must be in love with Yuzu, but if we didn’t have that foreknowledge, what can we see in this or in recent chapters that says “Mei is crazy about Yuzu”?

This scene to me epitomizes just how crazy in love these two are:

June 16th Part 1. Board meeting Mei outted herself, then indirectly indicated that Yuzu is the partner which Yuzu was more than happy to confirm to the entire school board. Notice that rumors have already started by that point.
June 16th Part 2. Mei explains to Yuzu she needs extra time and space to do everything now because they are now a couple and thus need to go over a lot of things, such as re-learn the relationship or how a long term couple behaves. This is not about doing things differently. but rather doing things with a fresh new motive. I find all these things done by Mei in Plus make a lot of sense because this is for a long term process. I feel she really wanted to finish all these tasks just to buy time to spend it with Yuzu. While Yuzu is a typical girl and do what a person who wants to date do, Mei has no such needs to go anywhere. All she wants is with Yuzu around her. Finally, Mei handed over the student council president title to a underclassman. She is that far ahead when it comes to planing. The quicker the training of the new student, the quicker she can finish the inter-school project with Arata, and finally will have lots of time to spare just in case something goes wrong. For example, spend more time with Yuzu to tutor her in case Yuzu fell apart academically. I was surprised that it was not Sayaka or miyabi who got the job, but someone else. But I think Mei knows what she is doing, Sayaka, if picked, would be the third student president tyrant in a roll. It might worked if nothing changes, but I highly doubted Sayaka can handle the job. Her temper is way too hot still.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 5:56PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Yay! Another Yuzu jealous arc…… we haven’t seen that in a while. TBH would have preferred not seeing it at all.

Though Arata’s comfortable around Yuzu, I hope it turns around to him liking Yuzu and Mei for once even just being a little jealous. He seems like a good guy so he doesn’t seem like he’d flip out after being rejected and still want to continue their joint venture…….

Hope it doesn’t turn out too predictable.

Or since Yuzu’s sick maybe Mei will ditch her meeting with Arata and show Yuzu she’s her priority. That’ll probably quell the jealousy monster no?

joined Dec 17, 2022

I just read conradin and Dark_Tzitzimine and while I agree on some things, I disagree on others. You practically talk about yuzu and MEI's relationship as if it were a relationship of convenience, a boss/secretary working relationship, but where's the romance in that? In real life (I guess not in Japan) such a relationship is doomed to fail. How many times do we have to say that we don't care if there is sex or not, but what we can't insinuate is that sex is superfluous in a romantic relationship. Where are those chapters of Citrus+ where we see Yuzu and MEI living together as a couple? Going to the beach together, going to dinner as a couple, going on a trip as a couple, a stolen kiss here, a hug there, jesus a little physical contact, and yes of course there is, but all very little Natural (when they went to the movies was at the initiative of matsuri, when yuzu gave MEI a hickey was for matsuri's magazine, even when they celebrated yuzu's birthday, it seemed more like a couple who had been married for 30 years, than a couple of teenagers.I think yuzu and harumin have had more interactions as if they were a couple (and they are not girlfriends) than yuzu and MEI (jesus if yuzu has touched harumin's boobs more than his own girlfriend's). in conclusion, I liked this chapter, and what I hope for the future, is a real adult conversation between yuzu and MEI about their relationship and from there to see them act like a couple in love, I'm not interested in the academy right now and I'm not interested in yuzu becoming a teacher.
Pt there are two things I didn't like about this chapter, one nene, I know it's a meme, but I think it was out of place in this chapter and another harumin (and I love her) apart from "mistreating" matsuri for whatever, will she ever speak her mind on any topic? That's why I really liked matsuri in this chapter because she finally stood up to harumin "when it comes down to it, coddling her so much won't help her" dagger straight WoW. what will yuzu do when real trouble comes in their relationship? Run crying into harumin's arms like a little girl or face her problems? I hope this message doesn't get distorted in the next chapters, I want to see a yuzu who works for herself, who becomes strong, confident, and not dependent on MEI. First oneself and then the partner, otherwise the message will be very bad.

last edited at Jun 24, 2023 6:18AM

joined Jul 13, 2020

Since some chapters ago, i feel that this story got stuck and it can't no longer move forward. Is really annoying to see Yuzu, after everything that she's been trought, gets tangled by Matsuri's bullshits. We have (not counting extras) more than 40 chapters in Citrus+ and 40 more in Citrus, more than 80 chapters and Yuzu continues to act exactly the same as in volume 2 or 3. We'll never gonna see some character development on her? She's gonna kepp tripping on her unwarranted insecurities over and over again?

I have a prediction: The boy is indeed in love with Mei, so a drama will ensue in which he asks Yuzu to help him with her. Yuzu will not know what to do and will come to the stupid conclusion that maybe it is better for Mei to be with a boy to finally regret it. A drama will ensue in which Yuzu has to arrive in time to prevent the guy from confessing. If the story is too bogged down as I fear, Mei is going to agree to date him (as happened with the white-haired siscon) the author will probably use some cheap argument like Mei needs him for her plan with both schools. They will swallow like 3 or 4 episodes of repeat drama and it will end with Yuzu confessing (for the fourth time, if I didn't lose count) her love for Mei and back were we start.

joined Jun 5, 2023

woa, a long chapter with a detail background for a long time

joined Oct 21, 2017

Once again I feel as if I'm reading an entirely different series than most posters here.

Mei's actions on citrus+ always have Yuzu as a priority, either by way of working towards a future that allows them to be together on their own terms or by looking for ways to show her affection. She is also more open about what is going on unless there are external factors keeping her from telling everything to Yuzu, like the exact details of the agreement she's looking to close with Arata's Family.

Besides the memes, I still can't understand why a lot of people are so invested in seeing Yuzu and Mei fuck. Mei's actions at the start of the story have been acknowledged as being wrong and Yuzu has gone multiple times about how she wants their first time to be special and happen at a point where both of them want them, but with all the emotional baggage Mei is just working out, that will take a while. Having them fuck right now would be awfully out of character for them.

That said, is interesting to see Yuzu feeling threatened like this, it hadn't happened since Sarah but this time there's the added pressure that Arata is a guy and thus, is more socially acceptable for Mei to be with him. Between this, Sayaka and Yuzu's friends, it seems that Sabu wants to treat the LGBT angle of the story more seriously.

And I love how Matsuri and Harumin seem to be together all the time now and Harumin has (reluctantly) taken over as Matsuri's guardian and slapping sense on her when needed.

Glad to see there are some people that understands.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Once again I feel as if I'm reading an entirely different series than most posters here.

I also feel like you are. You're definitely reading a different comment section, at the very least. People aren't hugely invested in them fucking as you and Matsuri so indelicately put it just to be inflammatory. It's way more nuanced than that.

joined Mar 18, 2023

i guess, the real question some of us here have is, ”where the hell is the romance in this romance manga”?

joined Dec 17, 2022

My last comment on this chapter. the least important thing is if for the future yuzu and mei have sex, the insecurities in their relationship go deeper than that. many people have Staying with the matsuri meme of "you need sex" when matsuri's important message is: when real problems come, how will you solve them, if for anything, no matter how small, you You start crying This chapter is about the insecurities of yuzu, which by the way we have seen since citrus started. And what I want to see in the future is Yuzu strong, sure of herself, That he work, and that if he has any doubts or insecurity that he talks about it with MEI in an adult way, and incidentally that we go from a "work" relationship, or emotional dependency to a relationship of Equal to equal, where we finally see the two in a true romantic relationship, because otherwise if all this is resolved with a simple "I MEI include you in my plans for the future, Only, the final message would be disastrous in my opinion. Greetings

joined Mar 20, 2014

If this ends in anything else but Mei going "yes!" and grabbing Yuzu, with them having some wild hanky-panky right then and there, I will be mightily disappointed.

Yes, after all this I do finally want them to fuck. Sue me!

joined Apr 19, 2018

If this ends in anything else but Mei going "yes!" and grabbing Yuzu, with them having some wild hanky-panky right then and there, I will be mightily disappointed.

Yes, after all this I do finally want them to fuck. Sue me!

You shall hear from my lawyer very soon.

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