Forum › Whispering You a Love Song discussion

joined Nov 23, 2014

Shiho manages to add a bit more drama without even appearing in the chapter (outside flashbacks), what a pro.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Aki has finally figured out what she wants.

But now Shiho has disappeared. Is she running away, or is she preparing herself? I guess we'll see the next time...

joined Oct 16, 2013


That last page is pure comedy.

joined Jul 29, 2017


That last page is pure comedy.

They all needed to be prairie dogs.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I'm assuming she realized that she'd settled her feelings with that hand touch. She no longer has her crush and probably hasn't had it for some time. She'll try to communicate that to Shiho with her song. She seems to want reconciliation but, as per her conversation with Shiho, Aki doesn't want to reconcile while still pinning for someone else.

Yeah, I think you are right. After all, Aki wants to convey a message to Shiho with their last song, and It can't be something like "I still have feelings for Yori, but let's be friends" as she knows Shiho would never accept that.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm assuming she realized that she'd settled her feelings with that hand touch. She no longer has her crush and probably hasn't had it for some time. She'll try to communicate that to Shiho with her song. She seems to want reconciliation but, as per her conversation with Shiho, Aki doesn't want to reconcile while still pinning for someone else.

Yeah, I think you are right. After all, Aki wants to convey a message to Shiho with their last song, and It can't be something like "I still have feelings for Yori, but let's be friends" as she knows Shiho would never accept that.

True. Also, Aki doesn't seem to like being in this frozen state either. Based on this chapter, she hadn't reconsidered her relationships in a while. Regardless of Shiho, Aki had to move forward at some point. We needed to deal with that issue and I guess we're dealing with it now with Shiho (messily and inadvertently) helping to force that reframing for Aki. So at the end of the day they are both settling some baggage they've been kicking the can on.

last edited at Apr 23, 2023 12:15PM

joined May 13, 2018

I was fine with Shiho before, but she gotta stop doing this shit. The story is just dragging at this point because of her.

joined Mar 18, 2023

this chapter was alright in regards to aki though it still feels rather late in its introduction and very rushed in its resolution making it lack the overall impact it should have had considering its narrative importance.

as for regards to shiho its leaning heavily into soap opera territory with its writing per usual since that dramatic scene at the end exists more for the sake of drama than it does for the sake of character growth.

joined Jul 31, 2019

This manga really is the embodiment of "dragging on", the battle of the bands is still technically not over lmao :P Tune in for the next episode of Whispering You a Dragon Ball.

Anyway, the one thing that I would call some actual development in this chapter (Aki getting over her feelings) was kinda silly - we aren't told what did she actually get from that handholding session, but I'm guessing she didn't get a complete panic attack and concluded she's over the heartbreak or something? Relationship between Aki and Yori probably deserved a bit more screentime than it actually got before this chapter, maybe it would also help prevent from everything being completely dominated by Shiho's stuff. (I guess we got a bit of that in the ancient times, when the manga was still mostly about Hima and Yori :P)

last edited at Apr 23, 2023 1:21PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Calling it now—10 bucks says that whoever finds Shiho in her Den of Mope says a version of, “I knew I’d find you here.”

I am NOT going to cover any of that action. No bet.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Jamal_Williams69 posted:

I was fine with Shiho before, but she gotta stop doing this shit. The story is just dragging at this point because of her.

Yeah, after saying all that stuff and causing trouble for everyone, I hope she's not thinking something like "meh, what's the point of even watching them perform? I already won anyways~" YOU STARTED THIS SHIT! at least have the decency to see it through.. but that's worse case scenario, right? I mean, there's no way right?

I also thought she could be at the graveyard, in such case, Himari is gonna have to run a lot to drag her back... but that's assuming they can leave school grounds at this time.

last edited at Apr 23, 2023 2:31PM

joined Apr 6, 2013

The saddest part is that in manga the song wont hit as well as it will in anime, but the anime will only reach this point if it gets renewed which still wont be for several years

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

So we have now had extensive Shiho backstory, as well as seeing various actions in the present. Has she ever actually done anything for or even been motivated by the good of anybody else?

Don't get me wrong, there are obviously places for jerks in stories. Occasionally even "protagonist", in certain kinds of stories. But in fluffy romances, I think it's kind of emotionally unsatisfying for someone thoroughly unpleasant to be a major viewpoint character (and at the rate things are going, probably headed for a happy ending, having learned nothing).

The two original leads are basically nice people, so it's satisfying to see them being happy. That's what non-tragedy romances are all about.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Anyway, the one thing that I would call some actual development in this chapter (Aki getting over her feelings) was kinda silly - we aren't told what did she actually get from that handholding session

That's the yuri equivalent of "Let's have sex to see if I'm over my feelings for you. Kthnxbai."

joined Dec 20, 2018

we aren't told what did she actually get from that handholding session, but I'm guessing she didn't get a complete panic attack and concluded she's over the heartbreak or something?

We do have an idea, yes, but the actual reveal is left to their performance that she's using to also let Shiho know, of course.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I also thought she could be at the graveyard, in such case, Himari is gonna have to run a lot to drag her back.

Good call. I'd forgotten about the graveyard. I'd bet that's where she's gone to spend time and maybe talk. I really don't expect this to happen but it wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't actually perform but instead meets Shiho there and talks it out or decides to play or "whisper" (her "love song") for Shiho solo. Guess we'll see either way.

We do have an idea, yes, but the actual reveal is left to their performance that she's using to also let Shiho know, of course.

Yeah, I doubt the handshake was meant to be the reveal. She's not verbalized it yet, although it's pretty obvious what she'll say about her revelation.

last edited at Apr 23, 2023 4:22PM

joined Mar 7, 2020

b58 posted:

ch41 up on Mangadex

angry commenters captured Shiho and now she's disappeared and probably dead


last edited at Apr 23, 2023 6:06PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Don’t think Shiho will accept Aki’s word… Will Aki have to prove herself? And besides, just because she’s over Yori doesn’t mean she’s in love with Shiho. Will Shiho be more flexible about being friends now that Aki isn’t pining for Yori?

Is Hima gonna find her in the graveyard and drag her back just in time to see Aki sing about her? What will the next arc be?

joined Feb 11, 2022

I hope she's not thinking something like "meh, what's the point of even watching them perform? I already won anyways~" YOU STARTED THIS SHIT! at least have the decency to see it through.. but that's worse case scenario, right? I mean, there's no way right?

I get your point and it's valid, as it would be disrespectful of her to not even watch their performance, but it was actually Aki, not Shiho, the one that made the whole bet regarding the winner of the band competition.

Don’t think Shiho will accept Aki’s word… Will Aki have to prove herself? And besides, just because she’s over Yori doesn’t mean she’s in love with Shiho. Will Shiho be more flexible about being friends now that Aki isn’t pining for Yori?

Is Hima gonna find her in the graveyard and drag her back just in time to see Aki sing about her? What will the next arc be?

All difficult questions to answer right now. I'm particularly intrigued to find out what Aki came up with in the span of a single day. I don't think she could write an entire new song for obvious reasons, so maybe it's an old song that's special to both of them?

Whatever the case, I'm having a hard time imaging what kind of relationship they'll have moving forward.

last edited at Apr 23, 2023 9:30PM

joined Oct 20, 2022

Calling it now—10 bucks says that whoever finds Shiho in her Den of Mope says a version of, “I knew I’d find you here.”

It would only be slightly more risky to bet against the sun rising in the morning, so no, not taking that bet.

I am however willing to bet on the somewhat less, but still depressingly propable course of events that the manga will never acknowledge that Shiho hurt Aki as well. Or at least, that this will not be discussed or referenced in any way by the characters within the story. Having a friend distance from you all of a sudden and without reason can really hurt, even lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. And all we got when the two were confroted was Shiho mocking Aki for staying friends with Yori, bitter as if Aki's love was something she was rightfully owed by virtue of being her friend, and Aki was in the wrong for "denying" it. She even tells Aki she is pretending to be friends with Yori, like it is not possible to stay friends if you are not loved back.

And to reference the ongoing discussion in this thread: This has nothing to do with Shiho as a character. All joking aside, she might make a great villain in a very different story, Shakespearian even. But the fact that her negative qualities and actions (like it was said before on here, has she done even one thing in the entire story that was not selfish?) are not recognized by the story as such is grating, especially after such a long time. Himawari got way more blowback for her actions than Shiho ever did, I mean come on.

joined Oct 20, 2022

Don’t think Shiho will accept Aki’s word… Will Aki have to prove herself?

Prove herself? Why? Aki has done literally nothing wrong. That would be like me having to "prove myself" to the thief that ransacked my appartment so he will deign himself to rob me again.

This whole mess makes me think back very warmly to RisingXRydeen. That was an enjoyable, stupid and silly little romp about a boy which superpower it was to produce lube from his body. Yes, the story was as mature as this concept sounds, but funnily enough, it nailed this whole debacle.

The boy has a rival that is in love with him for a long time, but never told him. She abandoned him years prior and is still antagonistic towards him because he does not love her, which leads to a fight between them. Using her OP lightning powers, she is electrocuting him, while finally breaking down, yelling her feelings at him and berating him for not realizing.

Which leads to HIM yelling at HER for being stupid, he is not a mind reader and it is unreasonable for her to blame and expect him to just notice her feelings on his own. (In case you are wondering, yes, while still being electrocuted. His lube turns out to have insulating properties, which actually ties neatly into the themes of the story, since he is always coming up with ways to use his stupid powers in clever ways to win fights, and his whole reason for developing superpowers was chasing after her in the first place.)

I just find it amusing that a story which primary focus was low-brow comedy, T&A and fights got this specific topic so much more right than a drama series with focus on character relationships.

joined Mar 8, 2019

All difficult questions to answer right now. I'm particularly intrigued to find out what Aki came up with in the span of a single day. I don't think she could write an entire new song for obvious reasons, so maybe it's an old song that's special to both of them?

Whatever the case, I'm having a hard time imaging what kind of relationship they'll have moving forward.

Same here. Shiho’s pride doesn’t seem like it’ll let her just accept Aki back into her life since Aki knows how she feels. Will we get an arc on how to let go of first loves?

I’m also wondering what’s left for our true mains? What other obstacles are in store for them and all the other girls?

last edited at Apr 23, 2023 10:04PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Don’t think Shiho will accept Aki’s word… Will Aki have to prove herself?

Prove herself? Why? Aki has done literally nothing wrong. That would be like me having to "prove myself" to the thief that ransacked my appartment so he will deign himself to rob me again.

I never said Aki did anything wrong. I mean that if Aki wants Shiho to be in her life she may have to prove that she’s over Yori since Shiho’s pride won’t let her stay beside pining Aki.

Likening Shiho’s immature actions to a criminal isn’t really on the same level but to each their own.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I’m also wondering what’s left for our true mains? What other obstacles are in store for them and all the other girls?

The only thing left unresolved is Aki and Shiho's relationship (plus Shiho's internal insecurities), so I'm pretty sure that fixing their bond (and helping Shiho to be happy) is this manga's endgame.

I just find it amusing that a story which primary focus was low-brow comedy, T&A and fights got this specific topic so much more right than a drama series with focus on character relationships.

Shiho told Aki the truth just two chapters ago, so let's wait a little longer before jumping to conclusions, shall we? I mean, I don't think it would make sense from a narrative point nor it would be satisfying to the readers if she doesn't come to terms with why some of her actions were wrong (it's not like she doesn't know that, but her defense mechanisms have always been stronger until now), show accountability for them, apologize to everyone and finally overcome all her inner conflicts. Otherwise, a potential relationship with Aki would still be built on uncertainty and insecurities, almost certainly leading to more problems.

joined Oct 20, 2022

I’m also wondering what’s left for our true mains? What other obstacles are in store for them and all the other girls?

The only thing left unresolved is Aki and Shiho's relationship (plus Shiho's internal insecurities), so I'm pretty sure that fixing their bond (and helping Shiho to be happy) is this manga's endgame.

I just find it amusing that a story which primary focus was low-brow comedy, T&A and fights got this specific topic so much more right than a drama series with focus on character relationships.

Shiho told Aki the truth just two chapters ago, so let's wait a little longer before jumping to conclusions, shall we? I mean, I don't think it would make sense from a narrative point nor it would be satisfying to the readers if she doesn't come to terms with why some of her actions were wrong (it's not like she doesn't know that, but her defense mechanisms have always been stronger until now), show accountability for them, apologize to everyone and finally overcome all her inner conflicts. Otherwise, a potential relationship with Aki would still be built on uncertainty and insecurities, almost certainly leading to more problems.

Dude, your word in God's ear, but I remember being on this very thread when the reason why Shiho was being antagonistic was still being discussed, and the theory that she was in love with Aki was widely seen as not very probable due to it being obvious, cliché and not a proportionate reaction. Oh, those halcyon days... Point is, I am not getting my hopes up. I would be happy to be proven wrong though.

EDIT: Oh wow, I nearly overlooked that. Not "some of her actions were wrong". All. All of them were wrong. Shiho did not do a single correct thing aside from breathing in oxygen.

Oh wait, that is not true. When she was reprimanded by her band member for pressuring Hima, she relented at the time. She of course did not learn a single thing from that, but baby steps. Let the records show that Shiho did one thing right. For like five seconds top, but still.

last edited at Apr 23, 2023 11:25PM

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