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joined Mar 13, 2014

I can't say I agree with anything said above, but it sure is interesting seeing takes so vastly different from what I've interpreted from the manga.

joined Jun 27, 2022

I can't say I agree with anything said above, but it sure is interesting seeing takes so vastly different from what I've interpreted from the manga.

That person's take on Fuuko are an Enigma none of us petty mortals can understand, it's as interesting as it is frightening.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I can't say I agree with anything said above, but it sure is interesting seeing takes so vastly different from what I've interpreted from the manga.

That person's take on Fuuko are an Enigma none of us petty mortals can understand, it's as interesting as it is frightening.

If I can help you to understand my POV, I already gave a code (Author made it)
I decoded it and I read from shifted perspective, made by creative freedom of Author:

There's something what I did read long time ago, about drama triangle and roles called Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor.
In classic setting, Fuuko should be "naturally" in the role of Persecutor and it is the reason why people mechanically are assuming her as the intruder (a homewrecker), by their habitual observation.
But since we have A SHIFT in this case, Fuuko is actually in the role of Rescuer, just in a "wrong" starting position.
And Nanase is an actual Persecutor, again, in shifted role (she should be a Victim by default, but she is unconsciously torturing Yuni (the true Victim) and it's documented in manga).

If someone reads this, they could probably understand why I see Fuuko as the Rescuer (Savior, the Righteous Angel, noble, etc), as a part of drama triangle with shift from the start.
It's something EXISTING in psychology, in art, in life by itself through relationships and power plays of people, etc, it's not a part of my imagination and something what I made up by myself without solid foundations and facts from manga itself, to deserve to be called "sick" (peak yandere) by others and attacked on personal level by some ignorant people who are constantly expressing their personal animosity toward me.

last edited at Mar 29, 2023 10:09AM

joined Apr 27, 2014

Culmination starts like this:

-Nanase sees Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs, but she sees Yuni from the back
-She runs away still not ready to face the truth (Nanase is in denial)
-She injured her leg

-Yuni does not know that Nanase saw them, but Fuuko knows it and she keeps it for herself not telling Yuni
(she does not want to upset her, my guess. Yuni would completely freak out and get a terrible panic attack. Yuni is the most emotionally unstable character of the three of them and I'm perceiving her as potentially suicidal person)

-Yuni finds out about injury and is very worried about Nanase

  • Fuuko arranges meeting for THE THREE of them in the park (Yuni is still in darkness unaware that Nanase knows (suspects))

-Fuuko lets Yuni face Nanase first, to test their reactions (she is actually watching them from aside, hiding)

-Nanase is still in denial, but now aware how terrible GF she is and tries to fix it with words "Let's have a many dates" (she is not stupid, she knows her faults, because she did not attack Yuni for cheating)
But something in her demeanor is upsetting Yuni, and Fuuko appears to cut it off.

-Yuni now can feel the shift of energy between all of them, and she feels that Nanase is suspecting something. She asks from Fuuko to confirm that they are "just friends", she does not know how pointless it is.
After Fuuko's appearance it's already a confirmation to Nanase that it was Yuni kissing Fuuko.

-The scene of revelation is a silent dialog between Nanase-Fuuko:

She (Fuuko) even stepped out surrounding Yuni to keep her feel safe in her embrace while revealing the truth. It could be actually a gesture of claiming her, as well.
She already marked Yuni as hers, with a matching earring and with a promise if Yuni wants her, not to take it off.
That's why she started revelation showing Nanase the matching earrings, knowing that Nanase will understand what Fuuko does not say with words ("She's mine, I'm claiming her")

-Nanase cries (maybe she is aware that she lost the girl by her own fault, taking all for granted?)


Well, I can see here that Fuuko did not harassed Nanase telling the truth, because Nanase knows but still wants to keep her eyes closed
(she is aware that she has a big part in Yuni's adultery, but wants to put it all aside and try again as Yuni's GF)
But it's not possible now. Too many people and emotions involved.
Fuuko simply brings everything out, without pretense.

Now she has no control over the choices and decisions of Nanase and Yuni, and we will see later what is going to happen after opening, and which cards will every character show

This sums it up in quite a well manner!!! Yes, we gotta wait and see.

Thank you very much.
I actually saw your question to readers ("what's your take?') and I took my chance to sum up from the point when culmination started. So, somehow you moved me, and I'm glad that you appreciated my summary.

About what you say regards my impression of Fuuko as the Righteous Angel:

This is quite an interesting impression, I chuckled a bit at the "judge" part, I just read manga to entertain myself not to judge the fictional characters, but this idea of a righteous angel, is, is sure something else, I don't share the vision but it's quite interesting, even if it's a huuugeee stretch of the imagination.

I wish to say, my vision of Fuuko as the Righteous Angel was because of Yuni. Not something totally imaginative from me, without foundations from the manga.
And I also included some of my knowledge about...let's call it some kind of mysticism. I used that knowledge to explain this artwork on that level, completely aware of many (negatively) ignorant people here.
Some of them are expressing constant animosity toward me, which speaks against themselves.
They are showing their ignorance publicly without knowing, grumbling after every my comment. I can only laugh at it. It's actually funny if you don't need to do anything to mock them. They do it to themselves. And they are making good publicity to my comments, so I can only say "thank you" to them.

Here's my explanation including facts from manga and my knowledge about (some kind of) mysticism :

Yuni is constantly crying out for a Savior ("Please somebody save me!" when Nanase did not care for her while she was in infirmary
In that moment when Yuni cries out for a savior, Fuuko sends EXACT text what Yuni expected)
Later, in chapter 16 it happens again: "Fuuko, save me like you always do!"
And we should not forget the salvation when two guys tried to pick up Yuni to "play" with them, while she was frozen from fright.

That's why I see Fuuko as the answer from "above" to all Yuni's prayers, The Righteous Angel with powers of Salvation and Disaster, according to someone's deeds (salvation and disaster are called Judgments)
She is in the role of the Angel of Judgement (Angel of Marriage), and that rank of the Angels is the Most High, they have the powers to change someone's destiny, to change Seals of Destiny

I can only say that Author is properly inspired, with the great sense for Universal Law, even if she might be unconscious about "ranks of the Angels" and other stuff I mentioned, but she is doing her job perfectly. I just hope she will do it till the end, not making any mistake.

Hi, well I am actually glad you felt moved to explain further thanks to my question, I actually do see your point now, that you have explained with more detail, I also actually like the whole angel and mysticism thing you are on about, it's cool to see people reading manga and extracting so much from it. I don't wholly think Nanase is the worst but between you and me...I like her the least, at least Fuuko is honest, and Yuni...well, she needs to get her shit together for sure.

Have a lovely day!

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Hi, well I am actually glad you felt moved to explain further thanks to my question, I actually do see your point now, that you have explained with more detail, I also actually like the whole angel and mysticism thing you are on about, it's cool to see people reading manga and extracting so much from it. I don't wholly think Nanase is the worst but between you and me...I like her the least, at least Fuuko is honest, and Yuni...well, she needs to get her shit together for sure.

Have a lovely day!

Thank you. I'll be glad to read more of yours inputs and insights here in this section of comments in future developments.
See you around, and have a lovely day too!

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can't tell which had more drama; the chapter or the comment section.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I wish to add something to make things more understandable to others, about Fuuko in the role of Rescuer in drama triangle, and my vision of her as the Righteous Angel. I said:

That's why I see Fuuko as the answer from "above" to all Yuni's prayers (constantly crying out for somebody to save her), The Righteous Angel with powers of Salvation and Disaster, according to someone's deeds (salvation and disaster are called Judgments)
She is in the role of the Angel of Judgement (Angel of Marriage, as union of opposing powers in one, powers of revolution, powers of creation), and that rank of the Angels is the Most High, they have the powers to change someone's destiny, to change Seals of Destiny

This means Fuuko is "The Angel of Karma", it's the same with all I mentioned above, explaining ranks of the Angels (highly inspired humans with missions)

Fuuko has the powers of judgment, to reward or punish (to bring Salvation or Disaster), according to person's deeds (like action-reaction)

In one of my first comments in this section, I said that Nanase initiated relationship with Yuni, but she is careless and she is playing with the Destiny (with Karma).
Her actions are just taking, without giving.
It's not quite surprising that Fuuko will appear to rightfully take the girl from her.
I think that Author is aware about those Cosmic Laws, applying them in this story, even if I called it differently, it's the same thing.

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 5:07AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

How many of you noticed that Author is teasing readers in Afterword, Extra 15.5?especially those sided with Nanase:

"Nanase's swimsuit had a Dalmatian pattern. She is the dog lover"
(obvious allusion to Cruella De Vil)

And "the dog" is sitting right beside her (I'm not talking about two Dalmatians)

Haahaaha, unbelievable...
And some people mocked my sight, c,c,c...

One day I know that I'm going to meet Iwami in person, and we will laugh together about all of this.
And she is giving the hints to readers, into her coded artwork, and yet some people refuse to see.

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 6:45AM

joined Oct 2, 2021

Is Finding Jessica Lambert Iwami Kiyoko?

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Is Finding Jessica Lambert Iwami Kiyoko?

Sorry to disappoint you, but no. We are probably a kin of same family of Spirits, not knowing each other personally.
And that's the reason why I understand her artwork very well, this manga particularly.
And I have already a great experience in coded works, of art and documents of human history.

(and please don't guess who I am, because nobody can guess for now who I am, I'm not currently among celebrities and worldly known people to be recognized by anyone, but sure you will hear about me, one day, soon. I will not hide in that time)

And please, let us all stay in the course of discussion of manga, without asking me to reveal personal details. I just wanted to respond to stop further discussion about this

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 6:42AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

I'd rather notice that she's sitting besides Yuki (and not Yuni), but whatever.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I'd rather notice that she's sitting besides Yuki (and not Yuni), but whatever.

Exactly. My guess: Yuki is like her little puppy who adores Nanase.
So, Nanase is a lover of every little puppy who is faithfully following her around, giving to Nanase all adoration she needs.
We already questioned Yuni's faithfulness to Nanase, so now we know why Yuki sits in that place.
It's OK if someone has other explanation, this was mine

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 7:03AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Another questions I have for thinking about, if someone wants to participate.
Extra 15.5 scene when Yuni is leaving, and Fuuko is in bed alone :

-"Please don't go..." I wish a had the strength to say it - (thoughts of Fuuko with tears in her eyes)

What do you all think, if Yuni saw her crying, would she go or not? And why? (for both possibilities)
Why Fuuko did not ask Yuni to stay, even if she wanted to ask her?

(there's no right or wrong to answers of these questions, just an examination of possibilities and perceptions of Yuni's character, if someone wants to step deeper in observation)

I'm very interested to hear opinions of others, about my questions.
(I must add that I'm not quite hopeful, expecting to get the answers from people, but if someone wants to answer, thanks in advance)

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 8:28AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

I couldn't make this shit up

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 10:50AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

I wish to call for the attention of Admin or Mods to check and confirm that this person "FuzzFactory" (after receiving the warning (Admin: March 27, 2023 3:40AM) for writing a personal insult to me, what I quoted above ) they did not stop to harass me (not quoting me directly but mentioning some of my words casually, and making allusions), always indirectly expressing their personal animosity toward me after almost every my comment about this manga, aggressively and continually spitting on my opinions and personal preferences about this artwork.
They are making me feel stalked, always provoking me to enter in personal level conflict with them, which I refuse. So I ask from stuff to check at least 10 of their currently written 35 comments, and check their behavior toward me after receiving the warning.

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 1:00PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

this conversation ends now. if you post in this thread, it should be about the manga.

those who are unable to discuss manga without insulting other people will be banned. if you are perpetually antagonistic, you will also be reprimanded. If a moderator asks you to stop what you are doing, you should do so.

if someone is making you uncomfortable or being rude to you repeatedly, feel free to reach out on discord. you can DM me directly if you are uncomfortable. the wrong thing to do is engage that user in an argument that makes it impossible for others to talk about the manga.

we're all here to enjoy gay ass comics together. before you post, take a step back and remember that.

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 1:28PM

joined Mar 4, 2018

Your girlfriend going at it on the stairs with your rival is NO reason to be suspicious.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I didn't think just translating and posting a chapter here would raise such a storm.

Well, if I translated it, it's because I think it's really good at what it does.

And the reactions are proof of it. Better hate than indifference.

Thank you so much for the translations! I'm on the edge of my seat with each chapter and that MTL was just dog shit.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Does anyone know or can guess the length for this manga? I mean, a turning point is here, I really hope it won't get rushed or do those time skips, a time skip would be the worst for me lol. Also, I think Yuni has caught feelings for Fuuko OR she has developed an unhealthy attachment...hmmmm

joined Jul 2, 2022

uhhh why were some chapters skipped

joined Jun 27, 2022

I think it will end soon enough, maybe one or two more volumes? Iwami has no trackrecord of a long running series but this one is really popular so if we are lucky she's gonna stretch it.

joined Jun 27, 2022

uhhh why were some chapters skipped

Because they were MTL uploads with very poor quality

joined Dec 3, 2017

anyways, i'm here for the fallout. Let's go!!! Nanase and Yuni just need to break up already this is a shit relationship where neither of them don't seem to feel truly happy with each other. Esp. Nanase, just go date your bestie instead since you trust her more with literally everything LOL

joined Nov 23, 2014

Ah, I see now...You are equalizing a trait of character with an act.
Now I think I finally understand what is the problem here, generally.
There are people, like colorblind, but in the level of understanding abstract terms.
For example, If I am defending cheating here as a case from manga, you (they) see me like a cheater itself. Because you (they) can't make the difference between an act and me. For you (them) it's the same.

And now, I made a problem to you calling Fuuko noble (her character), but she is a cheater in your eyes
And now it confuses you, because your mind makes mechanical equalization between noble and cheating, and it is like you have a red alert in your mind. You are fighting to exclude one from another, using your own logic.
Give me some time to think how I can help you to see better, and understand. Give me a time to find a way how to explain it for you that you can understand. (or correct me if I got this wrong) but I saw recently many people online with this "problem". I just suppose that is the problem between us to understand each other better

There is no confusion, I walked down your line of logic to ONE possible interpretation of it, I never said it was the only one. You have built a massive strawman here, it will make a lovely bonfire on midsummer's eve. Anyway it seems like it is impossible for you to not assume this holier-than-thou attitude so let's just skip to the end.

One question for you, what you think about this manga? You said that you don't agree with me, that manga irritates you (why?), but give me some hints about your thoughts, some fragments to understand your POVs

Regardless of what I though of it at the start, at this point I am inclined to agree with Blastaar and FuzzFactory: we have here three people doing very poor decisions one after another, and I am still hanging onto this doomed train to see how bad (or how funny!) it will get by the end. It's one of those spectacular crashes you know, on one hand you kind of feel bad for everyone involved, but on the other you just want to giggle in glee watching it all burn.

Tbh, it looks obvious that Fuuko relishes the chaos.

Thank you! To be honest, I probably should have taken your example and just leave it at "just your opinion man". Truly I played myself, I feel as dumb as Yuni. I'm so embarrassed, I wish everybody else was dead!

addendum: probably should have read all of last page in full, especially the staff note. I will leave my post up and leave it to you to decide if I was insulting and/or veered off topic too much, however I will take that step back as instructed. Without sarcasm this time, I have truly played myself engaging in this particular discussion as much as I have.

last edited at Apr 1, 2023 6:25AM

joined Jan 17, 2023

Gosh this was intense & messy! I actually felt something sliced thru my heart on certain parts cuz it's that good! I'll take more angst but here's hoping they all get happy endings... YunixFuuko/YunixNanase, either way's gonna hurt like a bitch for the one left out. Also I felt sorry for Nanase's friend when Yuni physically assaulted her, poor babygirl, bad Yuni! The wait is killing me, I literally only slept 3 hrs before work cuz of this!

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