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joined Oct 16, 2013

^ If you're gonna apologize for posting a spoiler then don't post the spoiler? At the very least use spoiler tags by putting == before and after the spoiler like this

joined Apr 2, 2022

I'm already reading ch. 12 in Bahasa. Here's some spoiler:

In chapter 11, Yaya is asked to do reading section for literature club. She's asking Ichigo to train her like usual. Until the reading section ended, the rival is showed up like a stalker. And in ch. 12, the rival showed up against Ichigo and showing the picture of her and Yaya flirting. It seems like the rival wanted to be praised like Yaya. Because of sympathy, Ichigo hugged the rival like Yaya earlier. And then Yaya showed up and making Ichigo feeling like two-timing her senpais. FYI, the rival name is Kujou Hitomi.

last edited at Dec 12, 2022 1:10AM

joined Apr 2, 2022

I'm already make conclusion about this series so far. Hinamori Ichigo should spoil two of her seniors, Suou Yaya & Kujou Hitomi. And I feel this series would be similar like Watanare.

last edited at Dec 12, 2022 1:50AM

joined Aug 1, 2011

For some reason, chapter 8 really reminded me of GRS-'s comics.

joined Aug 8, 2021

I'm already make conclusion about this series so far. Hinamori Ichigo should spoil two of her seniors, Suou Yaya & Kujou Hitomi. And I feel this series would be similar like Watanare.

Oh if this ends up like Watanare, I'll drop this. Hopefully it won't.

last edited at Dec 12, 2022 3:44AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, the classic "I'll wash and return it!" - and it's an umbrella... :D

Some nice doki-doki moments there. ^_^

joined Apr 2, 2022

@Yukina-san: Well, in the end Ichigo felt like something is going to be happen. And the rest, well, still waiting for next chapter.

last edited at Dec 12, 2022 6:14AM

joined Apr 2, 2022

Sorry I don't know how to reply. So, I only can posting comments instead.

joined May 20, 2013

Ch. 8: Just Normal

joined Jul 28, 2020

I thought for a second that Ichigo realized how messed-up and massive senpai's attention complex is, but the bit of drama turned out to be about jealousy in the end, shame.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Normal, normal, so much normal.

joined Apr 2, 2022

Oh, wow. Indonesian language already updated until ch. 15. Hopefully English translation would follow up faster.

joined Jun 10, 2019

Sean’s badminton credits were amusing, my hat’s off to their research and reasoning

joined May 1, 2015

Ichigo has no chance in defeating Yaya.
Might as well just accept her fate and marry Yaya.

joined May 20, 2013

That POV in 7.1 <3

joined Dec 20, 2018

Excellent. :D

That POV in 7.1 <3

I could feel the headpats.

joined May 7, 2022

Ichigo has no chance in defeating Yaya.
Might as well just accept her fate and marry Yaya.

Ichigo, already on a wedding dress: “W-well, if I must…!”

Oh, wow. Indonesian language already updated until ch. 15. Hopefully English translation would follow up faster.

Waa…? Where did they get the other 3 chapters? I’ve been checking the raws at and the latest is Ch.12

last edited at Feb 13, 2023 12:04PM

joined Apr 28, 2022

Ichigo soul straight left her body on page 20 after that amazing bout of the gay panics. Now for the rest of this series I'm going to be wondering who or what is inside Ichigo I no longer trust her.

Also I don't think I could put up with the crying from yaya. Honestly her weird ass outfit was cute in it's on way it's her very weird and unique style.. But good lord the crying would just drive me insane >_>. I hope we eventually get some weird backstory that shows why she has to be babied like this. And why she acts 100% normal around everyone else but goes into the wanting to be spoiled mode with Ichigo.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

That outfit was very much in the mainstream of "Covid Fashion".

joined Apr 19, 2018

Awww I wanted to see what senpai would end up wearing for the next outing with her friends

joined Feb 11, 2018

That was the funniest chapter so far.

last edited at Feb 27, 2023 3:07AM

joined Oct 3, 2021

Ichigo's soul ascended from the sheer gayness

joined Dec 20, 2018

Call me 12 all you want, but I need that dragon Hinamori-san shirt now.

Strawberry, eh? :D

Went to calm Senpai down and got murdered instead... :D

Oh, just give up and admit you want to go on a date with her, Ichigo-chan. :P

Awww I wanted to see what senpai would end up wearing for the next outing with her friends

Well, considering that they went shopping specifically to buy an outfit for that outing, I'd expect it to be exactly what she's wearing at the end there.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I feel personally attacked by this chapter...

joined Apr 2, 2017

They may have drawn these two as cats but they are actually dogs.

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