This story bears a striking resemblance to an old popular het romance manga called Kami nomi zo shiru sekai. In that story the protagonist Katsuragi Keima had to exorcize "runaway spirits" that settled between the "gaps in the heart" of girls by making them fall in love with him. Instead of an angel side-kick, his was a demon girl. Demons mostly had the job to hunt those spirits and capture them, they were more or less the good guys. The possessed girls were unaware of their situation just like the ones in this manga and sometimes developed abilities or dangerous effects too.
The main differences seem to be that in this manga a kiss is all that is needed and that the girls remember the kiss, while in Kaminomi the girls forgot the events surrounding their falling in love with the protagonist conveniently (thus avoiding a harem setting for most of the run until it didn't). If the locket's pattern is an indication of how many girls need to be kiss-healed then I would say this story will run into a similar problem where the harem would grow too massive. I wonder how that will be addressed.
Speaking of the locket, I seem to have missed why exactly Azuma is required to use it in the first place. Lyriel is allegedly a wellspring of life energy and has done this for a while, so why does she suddenly require a human assistant to smooch girls in her place? I suppose it is implied that as long as Azuma wears the locket life force could be transfered into both directions, but then why did Lyriel act like she is experienced with dispelling the curses if she always required a human to do it for her?
Naturally this may be way too much thought for a manga that appears to mostly care about just making girls kiss - circumstances are just an unimportant factor in the equation. As a premise I find it a bit too one-dimensional even compared to the classic het manga I mentioned at the beginning, but the humor is relatively consistent and Lyriel is such an unapologetically thirsty lesbian that I definitely will give this a shot just for the hijinks alone.
last edited at Sep 25, 2022 11:51AM