Forum › Whispering You a Love Song discussion

joined Jan 11, 2022

I think my issue remains that I don't like to be told how to feel about a character and a situation. It feels like the author and the manga wants me to understand and be prepared to forgive Shiho, and I don't feel either of those things. We've all read a million stories with exactly these type of scenarios where the characters don't act like huge jackasses. I'm sure many of us have also been in Shiho's position of knowing the person we like likes someone else and haven't turned into raging assholes about it.

Agreed, Shiho is far too cruel to the people around her, it sucks when it's so obvious you're being "primed" by the author to forgive a piece of shit character. Also in such an obvious way.

Put another way, if Shiho was a guy, then she'd be an incel, a "nice guy", or just a plain bully, and I don't think anyone would want her to have a redemption arc.

100% agree, Shiho the raging incel/bully.

last edited at Oct 21, 2022 9:00AM

joined Jan 22, 2022


joined Aug 23, 2022

LMAO my dumb self didn't read the title, so basically that scene with Aki and Yori happened while Shiho still was in the SS Girls and was about confess to Aki xddd. No girl, that's so sad. Idc what all of you think about Shiho i want her happy and not to be the second best for Aki. Please no.

joined Oct 20, 2022

Is it just me, or is it delicously ironic that Shiho left the first place she was valued for her serious attitude regarding music because of petty love drama that went on entirely in her own head, instead of something serious?

I mean, Loreley were presented at first as a more capable band than Sunny Spot, because they were more serious and didn't fool around. Which would have been a more fitting reason for Shiho to leave in regards to her intended character. But now we know that her serious attitude was more or less the reason she joined Aki's band in the first place, and that she left because she is pretty much an incel, as others here already pointed out.

I get the concept for Shiho's character, but the execution is flawed. While the communication breakdown that lead her to leaving the band was intended, the story doesn't realize that her behavior during and afterwards is way too overblown, her actions are not relative to the situation. Lord protect a cop that might give her a parking ticket in the future, she will probably enact a Monte-Christo-Level multi-year scheme against the poor sap.

And for the people that excuse this behavior with the argument of "she is sixteen, do you want your teenagers to act rational?" Short answer: Yes. Long Answer: Acting irrational is fine, IF the story recognizes that this is happening and reacts accordingly. The very few scenes of blowback that Shiho gets are in no way in relation to her actual behavior, she gets off far too easy. If a character in a story would run around and shoot random people in the head, and the other cast would chastize them in a stern but amused manner as if they flicked some foreheads at most, that incongruity would take anyone out of a story.

last edited at Oct 22, 2022 12:55PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

Is it just me, or is it delicously ironic that Shiho left the first place she was valued for her serious attitude regarding music because of petty love drama that went on entirely in her own head, instead of something serious?

It's not in her head. She has just witnessed how her first crush is deeply in love with another person on the same day that she was going to confess her feelings to her. It sounds serious enough to me.

And it's not like she did a big fuss or anything. She just broke the letter and went home. In fact, she didn't quit right away, but after Aki made a comment about her singing (although she was probably waiting to have some excuse like that one and use it to left the band).

Even if she's now aware that Yori is with someone other than Aki, part of what really upsets Shiho is that she isn't first.
A huge part of her motivation is the idea that she has to be the best and the real lesson she needs to accept is learning how to be happy regardless of whether she's first, or the best, or whatever.

You're absolutely right about this, and I'm sure it's going to be a problem when/if Aki and Shiho start dating in the future.

joined Apr 6, 2021

Put another way, if Shiho was a guy, then she'd be an incel, a "nice guy", or just a plain bully, and I don't think anyone would want her to have a redemption arc.

Wow this is it exactly. Shiho acts like she was entitled to have Aki love her but when she found out it was the case she lashes out, causing everyone grief. That’s not relatable that’s not admirable, that’s immature and disgusting. 100% if this was real people would never want to be around Shiho. If Shiho was a guy acting like this people would be appalled. People like Shiho do not deserve to be with the person they lust for, their actions should not be rewarded. It’s shocking to me how many people want Shiho to end up with Aki, why does someone who acts like Aki should love her and only her and fuck anyone else who she might be interested in, deserve to be with Aki?

joined Aug 8, 2021

Hey, hey, I just wanna ask coz I'm lazy to read this. I'm probably gonna binge read this after it's finished. So what about Yori? Does she know that Aki is inlove with her and does Aki know that Yori is in a relationship with Hima? Because I saw a part in the latest chapter about how Aki told Hima that she's in love with Yori.

I hope someone can answer me, please

last edited at Oct 24, 2022 7:21AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Hey, hey, I just wanna ask coz I'm lazy to read this. I'm probably gonna binge read this after it's finished. So what about Yori? Does she know that Aki is inlove with her and does Aki know that Yori is in a relationship with Hima? Because I saw a part in the latest chapter about how Aki told Hima that she's in love with Yori.

I hope someone can answer me, please

At the time that particular conversation took place, Hima was still not sure about her feelings, so they were not in a relationship yet.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Hey, hey, I just wanna ask coz I'm lazy to read this. I'm probably gonna binge read this after it's finished. So what about Yori? Does she know that Aki is inlove with her and does Aki know that Yori is in a relationship with Hima? Because I saw a part in the latest chapter about how Aki told Hima that she's in love with Yori.

Well, I do recommend you read it, but if you really want a quick summation Aki told Hima that she is in love with Yori at the end of vol 2 in a "if you won't take her, I will" kinda ultimatum. Yori does not yet know of Aki's feelings for her.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Finally picking this up again after putting it on hold around vol 2 (so before Shiho showed up), I'd have to say I'm glad I was able to binge up to the current chapter. There was definitely a weird tonal shift in the series after HimaYori got together and if I had to wait for chapters coming out and finding most of them dealt with Shiho, I'd also probably be annoyed like other readers. Like it was pure wholesome fluff for 2 years and then suddenly became a series about band melodrama lmao.

I picked it up again since I was curious what was going on and saw there was Shiho and Aki relationship drama which peaked my interest and since I knew what to expect, I didn't find Shiho to be too grating. She's definitely a really dramatic and irrational person and honestly doesnt really deserve to "get the girl", but I still can't really help but cheer for Aki and Shiho to get together. It's always a nice feeling for everyone to get their happy ending and as long as the story properly have Shiho apologize, truly acknowledges her wrongs and grows as a person, then I think it'll be ok. Shiho's problems have always been about not properly communicating and letting her pride overwhelm and destroy everything around her so it'd be nice to see her finally realizing her wrongs.

But yeah gotta see how the story will handle the end of her "redemption arc". I hate it when stories have the character apologize for their shitty behavior and everyone waves it off with an "It's ok! We understand, it's not really your fault" so i hope it doesn't happen here. So far the series has been really good about promoting proper communication with HimaYori, so fingers crossed it'll do well with the rest of the story.

joined Apr 20, 2013

What if the series is selling really well and the concert is not the end anymore, what if the actual winner is a new band that makes Shiho look like a saint? like, they blackmail/brainwash Aki into going with them to their evil castle, and now Shiho and Yori have to work together to save her with the ultimate love song?
joined Jun 6, 2020

With all the bigger hitters gone, wouldn't shock me if Yuri Hime was like pretty pls
joined Jun 6, 2020

Also kinda funny how there always seems to be a trend. Like they're taking a LOT out of the Citrus and Bloom Into You playbook for this too.
joined Jun 6, 2020

Also reading from the start, I can see how the pacing seems off if you're waiting but it feels pretty clean all at once. Shiho is also a lot more likeable, just more your traditional tsun and kinda emotionally clingy. Like trying to get under Yori's skin

joined Oct 20, 2022

Is it just me, or is it delicously ironic that Shiho left the first place she was valued for her serious attitude regarding music because of petty love drama that went on entirely in her own head, instead of something serious?

It's not in her head. She has just witnessed how her first crush is deeply in love with another person on the same day that she was going to confess her feelings to her. It sounds serious enough to me.

And it's not like she did a big fuss or anything. She just broke the letter and went home. In fact, she didn't quit right away, but after Aki made a comment about her singing (although she was probably waiting to have some excuse like that one and use it to left the band).

The thing is, she has not been slighted in any way. No one wronged her, no amoral action took place. All that happened is that the person she liked didn't like her back, and Aki didn't even knew about her feelings. So all the drama comes from her and her alone.

Music is supposed to be a BIG part in Shiho's life, maybe the biggest. And yet, it has brought her only conflict with those around her (because she is a bitch, but that is beside the point). Aki's band was the first place where she could use music to form genuine connections. And she throws it all away because she can't handle the possiblity of rejection. That is what makes it petty drama, which only stems from her.

Even in this new chapter: Oh, you won't give me exactly what I want from our relationship? Well, I am gonna cut you out of my life and never speak to you again. That is so ridiculously overdramatic and childish. Just shoot your shot and stay friends afterwards, Jesus H. Christ. It is not that hard. If you only want someone around if they fullfill all your desires, that is not love.

Also LOL at Shiho's bandmates basically admitting that they don't want to touch her bullshit with a ten-foot-pole, if she could just sing on stage and shut up the rest of the time, that would be grand.

joined Oct 16, 2013

I really liked how Shiho was the one who seeked Hima out to apologize for her behavior. I also think her mindset of finally breaking things off with Aki is actually a good and healthy decision. Of course it would be best if she explained everything to Aki before breaking things off, but as she is now, it is healthier for her and everyone around her instead of her being a constant piece of shit to everyone lol. Aki would be hurt, but she'd move on.

But since it's happy manga land, I'm looking forward to how they'll pull the off the happy end. I feel like SS Girls winning would be too predictable so I hope there ends up being a little twist somewhere.

last edited at Nov 21, 2022 9:04PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Miki chan is back!!! aaah I love her, and she's unstained by drama but she's also maidenless...

I feel like, the author reads the forum as of late, maybe not this one of course but it feels like we're given answers to many things one after another in detail, to not leave any incongruousness, like; why are her band members so nonreactive when she's acting like a bitch, is she going to apologize? can we talk about this with the others? but... even with the answers, she's still way too selfish and refuses to simply talk with Aki without acting like a freaking maniac who speaks over the others.

joined Feb 11, 2022

she's still way too selfish and refuses to simply talk with Aki without acting like a freaking maniac who speaks over the others.

Aki deserves to know the real reason why she left the band, but I think it would be unfair to treat it as a matter of selfishness on Shiho's part and nothing more. It's not like it's easy to tell a friend you're in love with her knowing it's unrequited love. It's childish, of course, but I can empathize with Shiho's intention to cut the bond and move on. At least it's healthier than their current relationship.

Anyway, Those last few pages made me feel that maybe not only is the climax of this Arc approaching, but that the end of the series may be closer than we thought. The sales of the manga are great, so if that's really the case, then it's just because the author want it that way.

joined May 29, 2021

It's kind of wild to think how this manga is really more Shiho's story than the supposed main characters. I think the drama involving her has been twice as many chapters as the initial romance arc at this point.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Shiho and Hima are learning how to do things and growing up. I loved it, idc what you think they are learning. I just hope that author doesn't take the pat of Shiho revealing Aki's crush to Yori or Hima revealing it by accident, that would be like killing the characters just for drama.

I'm still Aki x Shiho #1 anti.

joined Jul 8, 2019

Shiho back to be a bitch, news at 11

joined Jul 30, 2019

Gosh sometimes I think people forget they are high school girls, they make mistakes. why expect Shiho to think and act like an adult, how many of us at this age and with this circumstances do to make the "right" choices already, the thing to focus here is how the artist will end this manga, not bashing a high school girl because she doesn't know how to deal with her feelings

last edited at Nov 22, 2022 3:38AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

lowkey but highkey shipping shiho with himari, their dynamic is adorable. yori’s “looks cool but is an empty shell” personality got boring after a while. plus shiho is hot

last edited at Nov 22, 2022 5:02AM

joined Apr 17, 2017

The most effective element of the chapter for me was the transition when Himari moves from hanging out with Loreley, with their vibe of crushingly dour intensity, to hanging out with Sunny Spot. The gloom just lifted magically, and I felt, probably more than any other time in the series, how good the vibe of Sunny Spot was––in music, and in attitude, too. Of course, that only worked because of chapter after chapter of drudgery, us and Himari spending endless time with Shiho, lost in her BS. I don't really care whether Shiho's attitude is realistic, or whether her story has thematic resonance or not––it seems so to me, but it no more makes me want to read her material than if her role was implausible and meaningless––it's just that the tone of this storyline just brings the larger story of the book down. I can't remember the last time I was looking forward to reading a chapter of this; I'm mostly sticking with it to get past this storyline. I do hope there is something beyond this arc. I would like to read something with a little bit higher spirits. Hopefully Sunny Spot does great at the concert. I'm sure Shiho won't leave the story in disgrace if that's the case, but I can dream, can't I?

joined Aug 20, 2022

I have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to drama, and I do like these other girls, but I can't wait for this arc to be over. Dang teenagers unable to communicate properly and being all gay and angsty and all ,:/ I super loved Himari getting to see her girlfriend's band practicing again. Really fun and happy; matches her vibe way more.

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