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joined Jul 6, 2020

I know this was written several years ago but like come on, just be sappy and sapphic around ur kid and family and stuff

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Man. Sure didn't give us much honeymoon before going back into harsh stuff, did it?

joined Jan 31, 2015

I don't do hugs, but I really want to give Nico a hug right now. He didn't deserve that. So much heartache.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Man talk about not reading the room...

Though I have to laugh at "maybe she wants to keep it platonic for now" even after that beautiful kiss scene in the previous chapter xD

last edited at Oct 5, 2022 8:44PM

joined Jun 21, 2021


joined Jun 25, 2022

That reaction Nico makes at page 38 effectively captures his sudden shock at the revelation. I feel sorry for him.

joined Mar 10, 2018

Slap that man upside the head cause his brain needs a jumpstart

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Grk?! OK, this is well written, but it's not quite what I signed up for.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Nico needs to get his ass into therapy right now. Man poor Yuuta, there's no way that kid is gonna grow up without any trauma from all this drama that has happened. I'm glad we're finally getting the full story of Michiru and Keiichi though.

joined Sep 3, 2022

omg, that boy could easily fall from the platform

joined Oct 16, 2013

Was that the last chapter or is there an epilogue? Either way, man that was a ride and I'm so glad everything worked out. I'm so proud of Yuuta's growth and how it enabled him to bring everyone he loves back together. I also liked how Nico's desire to live was portrayed. He took a while wandering around before he decided with his suicide attempt and then swam back on his own.

It also cleared up a lot about Keiichi and Michiru's relationship where they were just using each other for emotional support. Really immature ways of handling it from both of them, but understandable given their situations and maturity at the time.

Also man Mocchi is seriously the GOAT. He's helped them all so much and damn, without him, I don't think they would've been able to save Nico's life.

Thanks again to everyone who worked on the scanlation! This was a beautiful series to read.

joined Jan 30, 2013

They ALL NEED THERAPY ALL OF THEM!! also I'm not crying I'm cutting onions sobs

joined Sep 3, 2022

And that's the joker's origin

joined Feb 5, 2020

That is the ugliest f*ckn rainbow I've ever seen in my life.

joined Nov 30, 2016
joined Dec 5, 2018

I haven't cried that much from a manga in probably a decade. Amazing story, beautiful ending.

joined Jul 14, 2022

It's not over yet. From the raws I have there is still some story to tell. Dunno if this is a epilogue but there are some chapter left

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Huh. The band name resonates with me unexpectedly, because this spring my wife and I walked the Camino in Spain--the pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela. Lots of scallop shells--scallop shell route markers, scallop shells in the tacky tourist shops . . .
Oddly, neither I nor as far as I could tell the overwhelming majority of my fellow pilgrims were religious.

joined Jul 14, 2017

Gouma-Den, thank you so much!! <3

joined Mar 4, 2021

Can someone who has finished this tell me if Maya and Michiru ended up together? I remember that I only read until they were (kinda) fighting, so I have no idea how it will end. Either way, I would still finish this, but if they do end up together, I might read it asap. Thanks

joined Jun 21, 2021

Can someone who has finished this tell me if Maya and Michiru ended up together? I remember that I only read until they were (kinda) fighting, so I have no idea how it will end. Either way, I would still finish this, but if they do end up together, I might read it asap. Thanks

short answer yes

joined Aug 12, 2021

So this is really the end huh, honestly wonderful series I'm really happy personally that I only picked this up when it started uploading again because I don't think I could have bared waiting years and years for the story to be picked up again. So overall I really liked this story but wow it had some drama that would have been awful not to see resolved for those that have been reading this one for longer than I have.

joined May 3, 2014

so I only started to read this manga at chapter 30 because of the tags……I shoudn’t had read it :/ sorry but the combination of het + yuri drama + children added to it made it soooo heavy on the drama aspect that I now regret reading it, especialy with this bloody last chapter…..ugh, I did read quite some stories were the may couple had to deal with an child from another relationship and such, but this one takea the cake in twisting that knife really hard.

joined Dec 11, 2017

(first page) (Little kids grown up) (Oh shit this is going to destroy me isn't it.)

joined Sep 3, 2022

"Careful, he might be fat" kek. I felt a lost Ollie vibe. I really liked that manga, I'm glad all that didn't make Yuuta an ass.

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