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joined Feb 14, 2021

tbh I thought the story was going to end after the parent confession arc

IMO it should've ended there, with this chapter serving as an epilogue. That Madoromi chapter was awful, and in hindsight feels like a really weird second-to-last chapter to me.

joined May 23, 2022

What a perfect ending but sad at the same time T_T

joined Sep 11, 2019

nice meme

joined Dec 18, 2013

First, than anything, thank you so much to Dalphie for translating the entire series, it was a fantastic read, and age gap yuri is not that common so I really appreciate it.

That said, I feel the ending was a bit underwhelming and rushed. I think that sato had more planned for Madoromi and the sensei after being brought into the spotlight in the previous chapter. The jump to Kaori and Misumi living together and getting married/proposed is too abrupt if really heartwarming. I would've liked to see more of them dating and living as a couple.

princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

First, than anything, thank you so much to Dalphie for translating the entire series, it was a fantastic read, and age gap yuri is not that common so I really appreciate it.

That said, I feel the ending was a bit underwhelming and rushed. I think that sato had more planned for Madoromi and the sensei after being brought into the spotlight in the previous chapter. The jump to Kaori and Misumi living together and getting married/proposed is too abrupt if really heartwarming. I would've liked to see more of them dating and living as a couple.

YW and everyone else who mentioned it, thank you as well! I'm happy this manga has had its good share of readers: it's made it so much more fun to translate!

As for the ending, my best guess is that the axe was announced to Sato maybe one or 2 chapters into the 5th volume, so while she's had it in her mind to make the volume's main subject about Ai's coming out to Misumi's parent, she's had to improvise and cut things short, tying up as many loose ends as she could within the last volume. I think she stretched out the number of pages as well. My hypothesis is based on the fact that the first 4 chapters of the volume are about that single event, and the last one of these 4 feels kind of like an ending, with the following chapters being a bit more of a three-chapter epilogue, with shorter events contained in each of them. Maybe I'm wrong, but looking back, that's how it feels.

21-24. Ai coming to meet Misumi's parents
25. Misumi's official manga serialization
26. Madoromi's beginning of coming to terms with her sucky world view and healing from heartbreak that she denied up 'til now
27. Ai and Misumi's actual commitment and living together, plus Misumi's manga making it to the big screen.

joined Sep 6, 2011

Tsunderes who stay around for 27 episodes with series they don't like are just part of any forum ecosystem I guess

Flattery won't get you anywhere.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Awwww. Nice!

joined May 15, 2022

I feel like there should have been a downtime chapter between the last chapter and the final chapter. Going from Madoromi to timeskip we're married and living together epilogue felt really sudden.
It's strange. In any other manga it feels like that Madoromi would have been paired with someone else either through the manga or after the last chapter where she "reached her character development" so now she can grow and yet here that was the end of it all, she remained alone, with her character arc being "Learn that you are a piece of shit and that such an attitude will never get you anywhere in life".

joined Aug 21, 2017

I feel like there should have been a downtime chapter between the last chapter and the final chapter. Going from Madoromi to timeskip we're married and living together epilogue felt really sudden.
It's strange. In any other manga it feels like that Madoromi would have been paired with someone else either through the manga or after the last chapter where she "reached her character development" so now she can grow and yet here that was the end of it all, she remained alone, with her character arc being "Learn that you are a piece of shit and that such an attitude will never get you anywhere in life".

I agree. It feels like there could have been a few more chapters, maybe even an entire extra volume. Still good overall though.

joined May 26, 2020

I feel like there should have been a downtime chapter between the last chapter and the final chapter. Going from Madoromi to timeskip we're married and living together epilogue felt really sudden.
It's strange. In any other manga it feels like that Madoromi would have been paired with someone else either through the manga or after the last chapter where she "reached her character development" so now she can grow and yet here that was the end of it all, she remained alone, with her character arc being "Learn that you are a piece of shit and that such an attitude will never get you anywhere in life".

I agree. It feels like there could have been a few more chapters, maybe even an entire extra volume. Still good overall though.

I'm going to sound old for a moment:

Isn't it nice that we're talikng about aYuri manga ending,where they could have wrappedthingsup with a few more chapters.

Instead of staring at an ending with one, or both, leads dead, suddenly straight, or stuck in a loveless marriage?

How far we have come. I also like the angle of a fujyoshi falling in love with a fan artist. Then,that artist realizing her ambition and getting her manga published and serialized. I lovedthat Misumi doesn;t just put up with Ai's extreme fangirl behavior, it part of why she loves her.

joined Mar 10, 2020

Thank you for the hard work Daphie.

Honest I really would have loved to see more of these two, especially the living together, but for what we got it definitely sounds like they're living their best lives now.

last edited at Jun 4, 2022 1:24PM

joined Aug 1, 2020

Awww, I'm a bit sad, now. I really like this manga.

Thanks for the hard work, Daphie. It's much appreciated!

joined Feb 15, 2019

A little anti-climatic but all-in-all a good read, thanks for translating Daphie.

joined Mar 5, 2018

Thanks so much Daphie and GolSho to have brought this masterpiece to us from the world below !

joined Sep 27, 2017

Thanks for the translation! It was a fun read :)

joined Jul 8, 2017

A bit late as I did an entire re-read before the final chapter. I will really miss this series, it had a lot of fun and great moments and it was very fluffy all around. As for the ending I agree it was a bit weak especially after that 40 page penultimate chapter, but overall I still really love the series and would definitely recommend it. Great work from the artist and as always thanks to to translators for bringing it to us.

joined Feb 17, 2020

It's been so long so I wanted to re-read everything since I saw there was no more chapters left... So it took me time.

I'm glad I decided to re-read this manga. It sure is a very good story, but I think the end lack something...
Anyway the mangaka still did a great work. As well as the translators, thank you very much!

joined Jun 12, 2021

I loved that Misumi doesn't just put up with Ai's extreme fangirl behavior, it part of why she loves her.

YES! Their interactions as both a couple and a fan and her idol at the same time, without making one prop up or drag down the other, are the best part of the series imo.

joined Jul 26, 2013

Finally got around to catch up and finish this series! What a sweet ending <3

joined Jul 25, 2022

I seriously need NSFW extras. I'm rolling in my bed imagining Misumi would be the top and Ai be the bottom, reverse is good too. Or some wholesome mixed with tongue-rolling kisses is good too.

The sense of scale conversation reaaaally makes me feel better about styling my clothing preferences around my favs' styles (within reason).

joined Mar 21, 2019

Hehehe, I love how mischievous Misumi is in that last bonus story.

joined Apr 28, 2022

I really loved this series so getting a few bonus chapters is great!

Also uh "Please spread it out properly" was that supposed to be las lewd as it sounded or is my mind just tucked so far into the gutter that the first thing I thought about wasn't like length of signature or whatever she was writing but moreso something better....

joined Feb 17, 2013

Ok that was cute. :D

joined Apr 20, 2013

Thank you SOO MUCH for the extras!! oh my God they're so precious!! aaahh one last look at these super adorable dorks and the little look into their lovely future... It's Paradise.
Immediately I feel a little sad again, I ate these specials too quickly

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