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The vice president back story was absolute bullshit "I got bullied so I'm going to kill people" I'm against bullying but still that's way to far

joined Mar 23, 2022

I'm surprised that I'm not interested on whatever flashback this duo has to offer. what I hope to see is how my poor satsuki will get back on her feet to beat the ass of these mere peasants.

joined Feb 27, 2018

I still maintain my stance that only the death of the president is going to stop him, and that killing him or noticing that he is in danger and doing nothing is the morally correct thing to do. Normally I am 100% against the death penalty, but since there is no way to prove he is responsible, he can't be locked up.

I’m usually so against this, but yeah. Someone get Bus Kun on the phone and run this guy over. Then back the bus up and do it again.

Naah, I’d rather he get to watch all his ideals unravel, be revealed as the hypocrite he is and have to live with the knowledge he set up and killed a victim (the type of person he’s allegedly trying to save) for the rest of his life.

The Vice President is a lot more terrifying to me, I think she’s legitimately has the makings of a serial killer and is living out her desires through the president, because she believes it’s a fool proof means of murder/not getting caught. I:E she’s the serial killer, the president is just her weapon. Though she probably has some sort of delusional belief that he’s divine or something.

last edited at Aug 25, 2022 9:25AM

joined Apr 28, 2022

Ugh gross were stuck with that tool of a president for the next few chapters while we get backstory that is supposed to make us feel bad for both of the two murderers? Honestly not looking forward to the next few chapters.

joined Aug 12, 2021

yeah others have already said their piece on how the student council duo are complete murderous assholes for doing what they do, and I myself only have to add that like, to a certain extent taking revenge on those that wrong you is like not the correct thing to do but still understandable.

And in the backstory chapters we are certainly going to see that kind of semi-justified revenge. BUT once you start taking your anger out on people who have literally nothing to do with it anymore. Michiru for one who is now dead not because she did something to the vice prez or even because she wanted to truly hurt someone else, but because she was set up (likely by the vice president) because the prez has no qualms killing a person he believes to be irredeemable.

Genuinely though I think the prez' line about how "it is wrong to blame people for something you're not even sure they did" is an indicator. I really do hope that the prez will find out that Michiru was set up and that he then comes to fully realize that he was not in any way justified for doing what he did, and likely that the vice prez has been playing him like a fiddle to get to murder people from the position of a victim no matter how little of a victim she even is anymore.

And I'm not looking for the prez to go through a redemption arc I just want to see his worldview crumble under its own weight. To get to see his argument void itself as it turns out that his logic has been used from the very start to hurt people who really do not deserve it.

joined Apr 27, 2014

I loved to see where this all came from, now I understand.

joined May 29, 2021

Man the reactions to this chapter have been so kneejerk and childish.

"Oh boo-hoo, I'm supposed to forgive because the vice president was bullied?"

No, they're the main villains. This is supposed to explain how they became the way they are. The vice president was in a pretty terrible situation and the president saved her from it. Then they got revenge. And decided to escalate from there. They are Satsuki's ideological opposite and this is supposed to explain to you how that happened.

"I'm not gonna read anymore until the Prez stops showing up!"

Well then prepare to skip the rest of the manga, because they are very obviously the main villains.

"I'm against killing, but some people are so evil they need to die!"

I find this one especially funny, because I'm willing to bet that's exactly the rationale the Prez and Vice Prez used when they started. That's how EVERY slippery slope starts. Satsuki's entire raison d'etre is that she WON'T kill, even through inaction, even if the person is vile. If she were to let that ideal go she'd be no better than the Prez, so there's absolutely no way that would be the way she'd let it end. That would mean he wins.

joined Mar 25, 2019

Chapter felt shorter than usual. Anyway, I don't think any amount of backstory will save prez as an antagonist really. He just doesn't have that spark you know? He feels more like a nuisance than an actual threat even after the Zeus kill.

Man if they had made someone like Tokiko as the antagonist it would be super awesome. I think someone who is very unempathetic and almost has zero regard for human life is a more compelling foil to Satsuki. The opposite of love is indifference or something along those lines. Her curse would be a better way to handwave the amount of potential deaths than the prez's Wile E. Coyote plans. Satsuki's ideology would still be challenged, now she has a foe who is causing all these deaths but is not really culpable and at the same time completely indifferent to the impact she has to those around her. What does Satsuki do to stop this? Can she just follow the Tokiko around for the rest of her life or will she finally break and kill her even though Tokiko isn't even guilty? She can't even be sure that it actually is Tokiko that's causing all the deaths.

Right now Satsuki's main challenge is outsmarting the prez. The story tries to present it as an ideological battle but really it doesn't work. The prez's ideology can work in concept as a foil to hers but the way he implements it is absurd and completely untenable. If he were to have his way, it's more likely the school would be shut down instead or he'll get caught setting up a piano to fall on someone or something.

Oh and the VP is dying 100%, calling it now. This chapter is an obvious death flag. Villain's stoic sidekick gets a tragic backstory chapter? She dead.

last edited at Aug 25, 2022 1:47PM

joined Sep 28, 2021

LMAO Yeah no, sorry Author there's nothing you can do to make me feel empathy for these two, or understand their shitty reasons

joined Jun 3, 2021

Well then prepare to skip the rest of the manga, because they are very obviously the main villains.

Not really sure if they are the main villains, they feel more like arc-wise antagonists, we still have a lot to unwrap that doesn't feel like they are going to be part of

last edited at Aug 25, 2022 5:16PM

joined Mar 10, 2018

I'm for this. It will make that moment the president learns he killed an innocent person all the more sweet.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Oh and the VP is dying 100%, calling it now. This chapter is an obvious death flag. Villain's stoic sidekick gets a tragic backstory chapter? She dead.

Maybe. I agree with the flags, and the description of VP being the main serial killer and prez being her idol and her weapon weapon. I expect Prez will kill her or murder-suicide. Then the broader mystery continues because these two (thankfully) aren't the main antagonist.

Having just binge-read Walk to Death, I want someone like Tokiko for an antagonist too. We know there's some supernatural element in play, from Satsuki's grade-level, so a curse or ability makes sense. Komachi is a bit different sort of psychopath than Tokiko but we have no evidence she's supernatural, though Komachi could be willing to facilitate murders and suicide. Satsuki and prez have been surrounded by deaths they could prevent, but it seemed like the number is even higher since high school. Maybe a third person can see bodies and the influence tripled? Or maybe Satsuki and prez have no pull towards deaths unless there's a third party involved (like VP).

last edited at Aug 25, 2022 5:20PM

joined Jun 3, 2021

We learned with Walk to Death that this author is really sadistic, I have the feel that he is building up President/VP's confidence and cockyness just so he can destroy it completly at some point with a really heavy turn of events

joined May 30, 2022

Welp, dang I was expecting some roundabout way for Michiru to survive. But she's actually dead.

Is this the start of an chain reaction where every one just starts dying now?

last edited at Aug 25, 2022 6:26PM

joined May 7, 2022

"boo hoo i got bullied by the school from the past and now I'm gonna plot some death traps to the current students in high school to justify the means of killing the delinquents and bullies" bullshit


Also this story lowkey makes me think that the VicePrez is as dangerous if not more dangerous than the President himself because she actually seems to like seeing the deaths, is mesmerised by Kai’s power, and probably would coerce him to keep doing it because “you have to save others like you saved me” (boosting his sense of righteousness, or just creating a fake one tbh).

P.S: I really hope their relationship is not a romantic one, that’s a tiring trope. (“Does it because is in love”) The two of them being childhood friends and each fucked up in their own way with the same twisted sense of justice is way better than “Kai has the same power than Satsuki and could be using it for the good if he wasn’t in love”. Hate this idea, ngl.

We learned with Walk to Death that this author is really sadistic, I have the feel that he is building up President/VP's confidence and cockyness just so he can destroy it completly at some point with a really heavy turn of events

I am counting on this tbh.
Also to see both of them see how wrong their so-called ideals and feel this immense guilt would be a satisfying end for their arc. Although with VP being borderline a psycho probably means the only way to stop her would be death. Prez doesn’t deserve redemption, but death? Maybe not. Going absolutely crazy and breaking down completely? Yes.

(I don’t mean it in a “this would satisfy me” way, just that it would be an interesting way to see someone who used such power for evil: ending up alone, filled with guilt, and every time his power somehow manifests itself, he gets more and more unhinged, not to the cost of others’ safety tho. Maybe mental hospital? Too cliche? Idk)

last edited at Aug 25, 2022 7:05PM

Golden Mertens
joined Jul 9, 2021

I think the actions of these two will eventually lead to one of them dying so that the other finally has a reality check, If this plot gets to a point where they both walk away unharmed with nothing serious happening to them after everything they did, it's going to be insanely unsatisfying

I really hope we're not facing a case of "writers' darlings" here, lol

joined Apr 19, 2020

Tinfoil theory: president is gonna kill the vp for getting overzealous and thus "evil", or he was leading her along the entire time because he's a psycho.

He even kinda looks like walk to deaths serial killer.

That other girl is going to be the true villain, calling it now. That response was NOT good.

Honestly, Kai from before he watched Death Note is everything I like in a character. Outsmart that teacher's ass!

I’m usually so against this, but yeah. Someone get Bus Kun on the phone and run this guy over. Then back the bus up and do it again.

Sheesh, Isekai X2

LMAO Yeah no, sorry Author there's nothing you can do to make me feel empathy for these two, or understand their shitty reasons

You're never supposed to feel empathy for the villains, but rather sympathy. Then again, that sympathy is probably going to be short lived.

joined Feb 27, 2018

Tinfoil theory: president is gonna kill the vp for getting overzealous and thus "evil", or he was leading her along the entire time because he's a psycho.

He even kinda looks like walk to deaths serial killer.

Yeah the author has a real thing for Evil masquerading as Righteous. Which is true, extreme justice or righteousness often has the same outcome as what it purports to fight.

joined Jan 17, 2021

Wew... so sympathy for the devil episode we're heading? If this turned to be a cliché, I'd be disappointed.

joined Nov 9, 2021

Genuinely though I think the prez' line about how "it is wrong to blame people for something you're not even sure they did" is an indicator. I really do hope that the prez will find out that Michiru was set up and that he then comes to fully realize that he was not in any way justified for doing what he did, and likely that the vice prez has been playing him like a fiddle to get to murder people from the position of a victim no matter how little of a victim she even is anymore.

And I'm not looking for the prez to go through a redemption arc I just want to see his worldview crumble under its own weight. To get to see his argument void itself as it turns out that his logic has been used from the very start to hurt people who really do not deserve it.

The prez having a crisis of faith and trying to kill himself per his own rigid moral code only for Satsuki to step in and save him because That's What She Does would be a p satisfying end to his arc, I think.

I get why people want him dead but I think Satsuki saving him is more in line with the themes at play here.

joined Nov 2, 2019

So it's all about 'Ijime'. And in its worst form, because it involves a teacher. So I am not surprised that the seitokaicho decided to kill the teacher. To take part in such mischief is exceptionally villainy. Not to mention that Sayoko was later physically injured.

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