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joined Nov 2, 2019


is the black hair new girl a scardy cat?

Nope. Looking at the trailers, she is rather brave. Which should not be surprising. After all, the girl is a smuggler.

last edited at Feb 4, 2025 10:24AM

joined Nov 2, 2019

Oh, sweet Sun princess Kotone and Yukari. I hope that in the FemC mod for Persona 3 Reload we will also have the opportunity to romance girls.

joined Nov 2, 2019

The Ice Queen and the Sun Goddess who melted her heart. Pure sweetness.
A wonderful, unfortunately dramatically underrated ship.

joined Nov 2, 2019

So true xD

joined Nov 2, 2019

Finally, the final act begins. And it looks like Komachi will play a major role in it. I'm looking forward to it.

The situation with Seo and the prez is strange. A murder has occurred and nothing?

joined Nov 2, 2019

Sweet. And very canonical when it comes to Kotori and her feelings for Honoka.

If you read older titles then yes. There used to be an unwritten (written?) rule that manga's not published in dedicated yuri magazines did not have a romantic ending. I don't know what this was due to, but that was unfortunately the case - my poor Rui Rui, or Irukawa Hot Springs.

joined Nov 2, 2019

honestly, at this point she just snapped. She was thinking of turning a new leaf and the self-righteous prick pushed her to the point she complete went off the rails. I sort of understand where she is coming from.

But what is more interesting is that Komachi is an accomplice. We are finally getting why she's so weird

What are you talking about? Not only did she prepare the classroom to blow up, she murdered pervert chan beforehand.

joined Nov 2, 2019


hey were in the same scene together! They interacted with each other!

It's standard in this fandom.

Although I have to admit that the two of them are lovely

last edited at May 15, 2023 12:29PM

joined Nov 2, 2019

Umi is so lewd __

joined Nov 2, 2019

confirmed that Aerial is sentient and considers Suletta their sister.

This may even be more true than many think.

A Eri A.I

joined Nov 2, 2019

So that is supposed to be the reason for Tanuki to be arrested. And it's not even her fault.

joined Nov 2, 2019

This is damn good. I love this.

Socially awkward tanuki takes responsibility and gets herself a bride.

Unironically, Tanuki was sent there to claim Miorine. So this is how it could end, if they both survive....

joined Nov 2, 2019

I hope it turns out to be at least a wholesome thing. I liked Lycoris Recoil, but I hope this one do it better.

Wholesome Gundam? What?

joined Nov 2, 2019

My doubts and conjectures

1 The president of the school council has either a huge ego or confidence, or she's already in love with someone else, I'm interested in her.
2 I hope the transfer student noticed something beyond the looks to approach her so boldly, why are you so insistent that it has to be her? I would like to know.

  1. Either she is aware that she lives in a strongly hierarchical society and knows that, by her position, she has a higher social position at school than the rest of the students.

  2. Boldness is typical for genki's. If they take an interest in someone, they act with full impetus. As for the second part of the question, I'm curious myself.

I hope she is a pure girl and not a two faced bitch.
me reading lots of manwha giving trust issues with this kind of character.

That would be quite non-canonical. Generally genki's are innocent. Among other things, that's why it's so easy for them to make friends - because they don't calculate, they don't weigh up the issue of social status, etc.

joined Nov 2, 2019

She will get fanged!

I think that's a pretty good.

joined Nov 2, 2019

Damn, the new cover is great. Well, and that scene with the poison was really funny.

It's unbelievable how trusting Satsuki is for Komachi xD

joined Nov 2, 2019

So the teacher is not just a participant in the bullying, but has organised it herself. Even "better".

There remains the question of how Kai awakened the power.

joined Nov 2, 2019

So it's all about 'Ijime'. And in its worst form, because it involves a teacher. So I am not surprised that the seitokaicho decided to kill the teacher. To take part in such mischief is exceptionally villainy. Not to mention that Sayoko was later physically injured.

joined Nov 2, 2019

I am a bit late, but I think I’m able to conclude that Komachi’s personality revolves around a single motto:

“if that’s what you want, I will help you, no matter how twisted it is. If it’s not, I will help you realize what you want.”

A neatly caught motto. Especially as this motto takes into account the potential death of Komachi.

Shoot, have we been thinking that Komachi will potentially die.. she's twisted but at this point I really want her to live lmao she's an enigma

Given that Komachi is, next to Satsuki, my favourite character, I would also have preferred her to survive. BUT it is Ryouko's manga after all. Anything is possible here. That's why I love it anyway ^__^

joined Nov 2, 2019

I am a bit late, but I think I’m able to conclude that Komachi’s personality revolves around a single motto:

“if that’s what you want, I will help you, no matter how twisted it is. If it’s not, I will help you realize what you want.”

A neatly caught motto. Especially as this motto takes into account the potential death of Komachi.

The true mysteries are:
1/ Who is Komachi willing to listen to?

Probably everyone, looking at Miho's case.

2/ How did she become such a person?

And this is the mystery that intrigues most. What shaped her in such a way and allows her to continue on this path.

Sorry for rambling about Komachi when the latest chapter has someone dying. lol

Och, But it is always nice to read about Komachi xD

joined Nov 2, 2019

So it has begun! For people hoping that the Perw chan is alive, I recommend going back to the first chapter. There should be something big ahead.

So we already have confirmation that Michiru didn't mean to hurt Miho. It was "just" an extremely perverted game. And this is where the stairs start for me.

I don't understand why Kai killed her. Did he think it was for real? If that's the case, Seo led him nicely astray.

Kai's and Sayoko's reaction to Michiru's death is very telling. What happened to Sayoko must have been really messed up. And it seems that Kai's failure drove him to the brink of insanity. By the way, I have a feeling that the boy has had a Satsuki-like approach in the past. That, in my mind, would explain a lot.

So we have come to this point. Our favourite protagonist may have been broken. The next chapter is going to be insanely interesting.

And that chart at the end. I see I'm not the only one who can't figure out Komachi.... and I love that about this girl xD

joined Nov 2, 2019

It amazes me that we have more HonoNico works than HonoEri, or even canonical couples: HonoKoto (anime), or HonoUmi (manga and others).

On the other hand, I can understand why people might like this couple. After all, when we meet Nico, the girl is a closed-off loner who can't get over a failure from the past (those rearranging posters at home and lying to her siblings are the best confirmation of that).

Honoka pulls her out of this confinement. She gives her a real chance to make her dream come true.

On top of that, the Honk was the originator of this concert for her siblings, allowing the Nico to finally come to terms with her past and move on.

For a couple that no one outside Japan would consider, not a bad foundation.

Oh, and of course Honoka's personality, which makes the Ginger immune to this tsundere bullshit. Putting up with something like this is not easy.

These two bakas would probably be very happy with each other.

last edited at Aug 6, 2022 4:54AM

joined Nov 2, 2019

I really like how Honoka and her development compared to the anime has been shown here.

The dynamic between HonoUmi is really cute in this story.

last edited at Aug 4, 2022 1:01AM

joined Nov 2, 2019

It seems that the 'curse' is intensifying. I wonder what is behind it.

Am I the only one who didn't think any of that Natsuki and Tokiko was meant to be yuri? I honestly think they are, were, great friends and Tokiko actually cared for her and stuff. I wonder now tho, if there's no curse but sort of a...death magnet, like, in those cartoons where people walk and have a dark rainy cloud over them? but what set it in motion? can it be stopped? does she care? do I?

Anyone seriously thought this was going to be yuri? In "Satsuki" there are actually some indications from the early chapters. But here it's sheer carnage.

It would be boring if, at the very end, this madness was stopped in some stilted way. Personally, I'm hoping for an ending that makes me laugh.

joined Nov 2, 2019

This was hilarious.