Forum › Liar Satsuki Can See Death discussion

joined Jul 9, 2021

Hmm not sure if she is really dead, I don't think the author would throw an unresolved point of her thinking that it was Seo who sabotaged her plan and then just end her like that

Also Satsuki's expression is heartbreaking :(

joined Apr 28, 2022

Oh shit it finally happened... And just a few feet in front of her... This was quite the depressing chapter :(

After mentioning Seo... I 100% think she's faking the brain injury/amnesia as well

last edited at Aug 10, 2022 11:48PM

joined Oct 7, 2017

Only 10% of people who are struck by lightning actually die from it. If she does, then y'know what?
Skill issue.

joined Jan 30, 2013

My girl gonna snap

joined Jun 14, 2022

I mean, I knew eventually she had to fail. We had to see what happened. But fuck if that wasn't awful.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Wow, I really hate the stuco people. What a bunch of psychopaths.

joined Jul 23, 2021

Potentially the first death if the cast, yeesh. Ugh, pres is the kinda dude who watched too much Death Note and thought the main character was in the right. A real "no literary analysis" type of mf. Even if you follow his school of thought, dude is wasting his time on killing highschoolers - kids who are still growing and learning and changing. There are way worse people worth killing, like chill, kid. Really sucks that lured such a sick girl into a lightning strike.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Hmm not sure if she is really dead, I don't think the author would throw an unresolved point of her thinking that it was Seo who sabotaged her plan and then just end her like that

It will eventually come up if Seo is only pretending to be amnesiac. Think about this possibility: Seo was the one who actually swapped the oil and had Michiru try to set Miho on fire. Prez and vice-prez had nothing to do with it and thought Michiru herself tried to kill Miho, which "justifies" them causing Michiru's death much more than if they were the ones responsible for swapping the oil. It would also cause them to have to come to terms with having mistakenly killed someone.

joined Nov 8, 2017

I started this manga earlier tonight and just caught up. Maybe I should have slept instead, because the sun is already rising and I haven't slept yet.

About the actual content, this was sad. :(

last edited at Aug 11, 2022 5:16AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Hmm not sure if she is really dead, I don't think the author would throw an unresolved point of her thinking that it was Seo who sabotaged her plan and then just end her like that

It will eventually come up if Seo is only pretending to be amnesiac. Think about this possibility: Seo was the one who actually swapped the oil and had Michiru try to set Miho on fire. Prez and vice-prez had nothing to do with it and thought Michiru herself tried to kill Miho, which "justifies" them causing Michiru's death much more than if they were the ones responsible for swapping the oil. It would also cause them to have to come to terms with having mistakenly killed someone.

Problem is that Stuco had mpre reasons to swap the oil then Seo, i mean come on, they try to kill Miho multiples times now. And even in the tiny possibility it's true, you think they wanna to get rid of someone who can potentially help them kill Miho ? Doesn't seem right.

joined Nov 3, 2018

We don't know what reasons Seo might have to want to kill Miho. We only know something bad happened involving them the previous school year, which might hold the explanation. Seo being in on Michiru's kidnapping plan does signal she was at the very least fine with her doing that to Miho.

Also, we don't know if the student council tried to kill Miho multiple times. They did with the poisoned drink plan, but that was after the kidnapping incident and I'm proposing they might have not been responsible for said incident. And Miho's first death was an accident with her getting a concussion from a bad fall. The poisoned drink plan was already set up without them having to rely on Michiru, and involving others without planning to also get rid of them would be very dangerous anyway since they could become testimonies or hold evidence. That's why they set up the lightning strike for Michiru together with asking her to paint the windows with ink for Seo's murder attempt.

joined Apr 10, 2020

Alright, alright, I see what's going on here, classic tragic villain backstory here.
For us to feel sympathize with a character, thing has to be sad during the past.

Ok, that statement above made you guys think I was still justified the Prez's action.

No, I changed mind, this man is sick, we need Akira and her baseball again. His ideal is excellent, but the way he uses it, he seems having pleasure of doing the killing rather than "ok, that's that" feeling.

People kept talking about Seo faking the amnesia, I feel that would be likely, I know she has less screentime but I have a feeling she's psychopath like that first people Satsuki saved(forgot her name)

Also, keep that child dead, not that I want her to be dead, but that will give impact to the story, every story has to be an impactful moment, take an example from Modern Warfare 3, Soap's death. What if they bring back him? It would ruin all the dramatic and sad moment.

last edited at Aug 11, 2022 8:01AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

That's why they set up the lightning strike for Michiru together

Unless she is a giant metal bar, there is no set up for that lighting strike that is humanly possible. I didn't say anything yet on that but this one rely so much on luck that it's the stupidest plan yet, like even if she is alone in an open field, there is still so few probabilities for someone to be hit by a lighting strike AND die.

joined Feb 11, 2022

That's why they set up the lightning strike for Michiru together

Unless she is a giant metal bar, there is no set up for that lighting strike that is humanly possible. I didn't say anything yet on that but this one rely so much on luck that it's the stupidest plan yet, like even if she is alone in an open field, there is still so few probabilities for someone to be hit by a lighting strike AND die.

Well I imagine being able to see her corpse ahead of time probably helped him set that up.

joined Mar 25, 2019

The virgin prez taking his first life in chapter 51 vs the chad Tokiko "killing" 3 members of her family in the first chapter

joined Aug 12, 2021

You know, the prez and vice-prez are having their victory moment right now but what they don't realize is that they're only still able to walk around because Satsuki has been incredibly pacifistic to a self-sacrificial degree. If she snaps they're both so incredibly dead. haha.

But yeah what a piece of shit the prez is and what a piece of shit the vice-prez is for using her "victimhood" to moralize their actions, like take revenge on those who hurt you there's nothing wrong with that but using the fact that someone once hurt you to justify hurting anyone else. what a shithead you have to be.

As an addendum I do like them as antagonist because wow they fucking suck, and I can imagine that the intended reaction to these characters is going "wow they fucking suck" so that's great.

last edited at Aug 11, 2022 8:36AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

Unless she is a giant metal bar, there is no set up for that lighting strike that is humanly possible. I didn't say anything yet on that but this one rely so much on luck that it's the stupidest plan yet, like even if she is alone in an open field, there is still so few probabilities for someone to be hit by a lighting strike AND die.

Satsuki makes the simple hypothesis on page 9 that prez saw a corpse at the point the lightning would strike and set Michiru up to be there instead. It's not that crazy in the context of this series. Thinking about it, it's even possible the original corpse was from someone in the swimming team since Miho noted that prez was the one who called their training session off due to the storm.

last edited at Aug 11, 2022 8:40AM

joined Jul 22, 2017

RIP yandere-chan, you will be missed.

joined Apr 10, 2020

Ok, lads, some of these comments seems very sadistic and gruesome with how the Prez and his assistant death is going to be, I understand they're messed up, but a simple bullet to the head would do the job.

I don't like the idea of showing off the gruesome death, it feels like I'm reading gore shit. Especially if it's a woman's death be like her testicles reveal and her crying and begging to stop, like, that's a big NO.

Again, just a simple bullet to the head, or a hammer to the Prez's skull would do the job.

The girl, she clearly being manipulated by Prez. Satsuki could talk to her, cause the only people that laughed at that child's death was the Prez, not his assistant, her reaction was just "Ok, that's that", not "Hahaha, marvelous work, once again the child has gone, hahaha." You can see who's the sick one and who's not here, who's the manipulator here and who's getting manipulated.

Everyone making their assumption of how Prez's death is going to be, for me I want him to die at the moment he feels what he did was wrong and wants to correct his mistake, but he can't escape the fact Satsuki's going to kill him.

last edited at Aug 11, 2022 9:20AM

joined Jun 14, 2022

A lot of people here calling for Satsuki to physically harm/main/kill the prez/vice prez, but this would require a pretty big ooc moment for her. She's pushed herself to the limit time and again for good and bad people because of how much she values life.
The most I think she'd be capable of is not mentioning finding his premonitory corpse, but considering he has the same power I just don't see that happening. We'll see how/if the author decides to give him his just desserts but I really don't think it's going to be Satsuki breaking the one driving moral code she's displayed through 50+ chapters at this point.

joined Mar 16, 2018
Everyone's new favorite song in the comment section apparently

joined May 27, 2019

Personally, I hope the student council are made to understand the gravity of what they’ve done via the girl’s funeral and the effect on the student body. They seem to think that only Satsuki would care if she died. I’d prefer them wracked with guilt over something they can’t even properly take responsibility, much less atone for.

joined Sep 28, 2021

Ok uuh how the hell did she knew that her bag was there? '-'

joined Apr 10, 2020

I really don't think it's going to be Satsuki breaking the one driving moral code she's displayed through 50+ chapters at this point.

A character's moral code can be broken when the antagonist keeps pushing the protagonist too much, Prez's masterplan succeeds and Satsuki not gonna stand there and rant about how awful Prez is, let's not forget Akira's dad, one way or another Satsuki has to break her code due to Akira's dad possibly lead the worst circumstances to Akira and her mother.

And 50+ chapters with that moral code sounds pretty long, it's time for that spicy drama you know.

Ok uuh how the hell did she knew that her bag was there? '-'

The Prez likely told her the location of it.

last edited at Aug 11, 2022 10:28AM

joined Sep 28, 2017

Ok so here are my guesses.

  1. I don't think she's actually dead. I mean, I really doubt Satsuki won't start giving her CPR (and a gratuitous first kiss scene) and reanimate her. If the sight dissapeared must be because, well, she's technically "dead" (if you count death as the heart stopping that is) but can be "revived" with the right attention (Satsuki seems to know a lot about healtcare and first response attention)

  2. IF she actually dies, well, Satsuki will break up and will seek revenge (at least for a while) on the prez, who will ultimately die, but not in a gruesome way, here's my guess:

  3. Satsuki won't put herself on his level, so she won't kill him herself, not even puting him in a dangerous situation.

  4. At some point, Satsuki will be able to see the prez "corpse". He won't believe her but his helper will have a redemption arc and will ask Satsuki to help him.

  5. Of course, prez won't accept any help, and eventually will die on Satsuki's arms, not before saying something ironic about life and death or something, and obviously with his trademark smile on his face.

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