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Finally got a copy of that fanbook. Just silly situations that don't add a whole lot to the story, which is about what I expected. Still cute though.

joined Jan 19, 2016

Considering the Sex, I guess this would be a very, very awkward talk to the creators. But if they can creat AI advanced enough to recreat love, I guess an artifical vagina wouldn't be very hard? Awkward, but probably not very hard. I mean, I would love all this scene. Imagine the awkwardness when they want to go intimate and Hiro asks for updates that makes er able to have sex. I mean, I don't even think they would have to creat something new, realisticly a sexbot would be the second or third use of advanced robot-technology commercialized.

I agree. We can kind of already see that these scientists have some absurd level of resources at their disposal and are perfectly happy to use that for research of very questionable utility (like Chika-chan2.0, which seems like quite a large investment for a pretty flimsy justification). They seem hell-bent on making android robots blend into human society perfectly, so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have some robots capable of sex already.

I dunno, it seems like there actually would be a large market for robots that were modeled, physically and "mentally", after dead loved ones. It wouldn't exactly be healthy, but that hasn't stopped anybody before.

In their fictional world I don't think that'd be as likely. They mentioned how costly f20s/m20s were to rent out already, and Praha is a one of a kind model. Even with Praha's memories the AI Chika-chan wasn't the same.
And hey we dump billions on nasa and aliens already, if people were just more into androids instead the large spending wouldn't be far off lolol.

joined May 9, 2016

Have no idea why this is tagged non-moe art. Character designs are a little bit unconventional, but overall it's nothing like other manga under this tag with purposefully rough\"heavy" or primitive drawing style. It's still smooth, clean and bright, with a lot of cute facial expressions. Praha is sweet, and Hiro-chan is surely moe, especially when she's blushing.

last edited at Jan 11, 2018 2:17PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

It looks like most of Nishio Uko's works have that tag, so it makes sense for consistency. Also, characters have more realistic proportions in terms of their head/body ratio, eyes, and other facial features.

joined Jan 28, 2018

It was ok.

joined Apr 12, 2015

A great read and no one can change my mind

joined Apr 16, 2018

This story is still absolutely wonderful, every time I read it.

joined May 21, 2018

Really nice, but the sad the aurhor didn't show the father reaction of the proposal :p
Really bittersweet :)

joined Jul 13, 2018

It's 2019 now lol. I wonder why I hadn't read this piece of art a long time ago.

Anyway, I think this is a good ending, and not in a bittersweet way. It's true happiness, and totally gay, uwu

Mr.Chief said something in the end of chapter 8: "You don't realize just how much Praha loves you, in her own robot way". Soooooooo, as a good father, he would just tell Chika to just marry her already lol.

Still at the end of ch.8, Chika said something along the line of "please marry me". Although a bit of a joke, she could very well mean it.

Also she came to a realization that:
1) "As long as I'm spending my time in a way I enjoy, as long as I can feel that supreme happiness"
2) "Now I realize, I wasn't sad just because Hiro-chan isn't human, [...] I've learned that even when you are in a relationship with a human, it's the same."
3) "That's why I can now trust in the feelings in my heart. I love her most of all."
We can conclude that Chika has finally accepted the fact that she loves a robot, and that her lover being robot or not doesn't matter.

Also, in the extra chapter Chika even decided to buy rings.

Additional info: Remember a guy who said "So you're the real thing... I see." to Chika? It can be infered that Chika and Hiro came straight to the HQ to greet the old folks. And right there Chika asked Hiro about her "birthday" and about buying rings. So it's safe to assume that she had sorted her thoughts and feelings beforehand and was on her way back home to find Hiro.

Now comes the bittersweet part, that is, human (and Chika)'s lifespan and aging versus robot's almost immortallity.
Chika never dies, or more accurately, not in the near future - she could possibly live for a few centuries more, who knows? As someone already gave an explaination above, please read the posts. And now, with just one sentence:

- Are you happy if you've got yourself a life partner that 1) is always beautiful and 2) never stops loving you regardless of how old, ugly you are?


joined Mar 28, 2019

Have no idea why this is tagged non-moe art. Character designs are a little bit unconventional, but overall it's nothing like other manga under this tag with purposefully rough\"heavy" or primitive drawing style. It's still smooth, clean and bright, with a lot of cute facial expressions. Praha is sweet, and Hiro-chan is surely moe, especially when she's blushing.

It is non-moe art. Characters don’t have large eyes and their proportions are drawn out pretty realistically. The art of this mangaka’s works looks like they’re made for adults and older teens.

Moe art is generally known as characters that look somewhat childish (or younger) with large eyes. Meaning, art like that of Kyoani studios (Air, Haruji Suzumiya, K-On, etc)

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

BlairYi posted:

It is non-moe art.

What is moe.

EDIT/ Also it seems it was in different video, but for example Nausicaä was consider a "moe character" at her time.

last edited at Apr 1, 2019 3:29PM

joined Oct 1, 2014

Loved the story but I think the final was kinda rushed, could see way more, a little disappointed.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

EDIT/ Also it seems it was in different video, but for example Nausicaä was consider a "moe character" at her time.

I still think Nausicaa is a "moe" character, to the extent that that even means anything. The proportions, especially the size of her eyes relative to her head, are unrealistic. She's even got a cute little pet. And a... uh... cute... big... gun? Definitely moe.

joined Dec 30, 2018

Why does it have not moe art tag
I think the art looks adorable!

joined Nov 11, 2015

Ok, this is really, really impressive, i don't even have the words to express how much i like what i'm reading here.
It's rare to see a manga that ACTUALLY cares about science and logic behind everything, and i'm 100% here for it, this is exactly where i'd love to be more fluent in english so i can say how amazing this is.
So i'll just... you know?
[You can stop reading here, i'm going to start writing in my own language]

Beleza, então eu já li MILHARES de outros mangás que tocam assuntos que NECESSITAM de uma visão mais lógica e detalhada, mas simplesmente são alheios a isso, como Monster Musume, que trata as questões sociais e raciais de uma forma muito rasa, porém, Centaur no Nayami pensou nos detalhes sociais com muito mais cuidado, criando até adaptações e RACISMO, meu deus, assistam. Enfim. Esse mangá é um daqueles que pega, abraça a causa e explica ela de uma forma que faz sentido, e eu AMO isso.
A questão dos humanoides sendo criados para ser uma cópia do ser humano é algo que vc pode se aprofundar muito bem se perceber a qualidade da reflexão social que isso tem. É realmente possível uma inteligência artificial se adaptar ao nosso dia-a-dia como fazemos? por muitos motivos, eu considero possível, mas um robô aprender à amar?
É algo que eu nunca julguei(e acho que nunca julgarei) possível, mas como a Praha trata a Chika, dando tags específicas pra menina e até elevando sua prioridade sobre outras atividades(como o teste) que deveriam ser julgadas muito mais importantes me tira o fôlego.
É apenas um mangá, claro, mas a forma que eles explicaram e o sistema dela até que FAZ SENTIDO, e isso me deixa abismada real.
Falei demais skkskssk
Oi pra vc, Brasileiro ou Português que teve a paciência de vir até aq <3

Ok, eu real tive que editar pra falar que esse mangá me deu uma nova perspectiva do que é o amor. Q é algo q eu nunca me canso de falar e aprender sobre, pq as vezes admito q ainda n entendo kkkk

last edited at Mar 24, 2020 2:04AM

joined Dec 22, 2016

I followed the Robot tag to here and Yes this one is good, Why it took me so long to find this story.
But I think the ending is too rush it can expand more or at least show us when Hiro say that to Chika's father lol

joined Oct 10, 2018

Hnggg robot yuri that’s good shit. The comment about the 2020 Tokyo olympics made me laugh though, that didn’t age too well.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Hnggg robot yuri that’s good shit. The comment about the 2020 Tokyo olympics made me laugh though, that didn’t age too well.

Yeah, too bad about the delay. I guess we don't get to see the robots until next year.

joined Jul 26, 2013

This manga was so interesting and enjoyable to read. Favorited!

Hnggg robot yuri that’s good shit. The comment about the 2020 Tokyo olympics made me laugh though, that didn’t age too well.

Reading this in 2021 was really funny haha

joined Jul 6, 2020

But from an ethical standpoint it's incredibly dubious especially when you start asking the question "Is a sapient AI a person or an object?" because to anyone who views her as a person there's little moral difference between Hiro's situation and a child being raised under laboratory conditions.

I don't really agree with you here. Though Hiro may be "a person", she is absolutely not "a human person". Her needs are different than a human's, and there's nothing wrong with her being treated in accordance with those differences.

One thing is obvious that she needs the lab's resources to survive and grow, considering how often they talk about replacing parts or updating her programming. A human child doesn't need a team of trained engineers to keep it alive and raise it. Another is that, for the most part, she seems perfectly happy in the lab - she lives a relatively normal life, and she considers the team her family, which they each seem to reciprocate.

A better analogy might be a human child with a developmental disorder and an illness that requires her to receive regular surgery and continued care from a team of specialists. Also, she's an orphan. If any human were in that position, and lived a life similar to Hiro's, I think most people would consider her rather well taken care of.

I’m a little late to the discussion but alongside these very good points about Hiro. Right at the beginning of chapter three Chika invites Hiro out, but Hiro declines because she has an experiment that day. Chika responds “No, It’s fine, that’s pretty much your job.” so I think it’s fair to also say that her participation in these experiments is like a day job of sorts for her.

joined Feb 11, 2022

This was beautiful.

joined Dec 3, 2010

I see that Hiro san is an A.I.
She is given a learning model to tackle the problems and solve them. She has already learned the methods to solve the problems the easiest way (for example, solving puzzle), but if human told Hiro san (in this case, it's Chika san) that to solve a puzzle is to start from the corner or it takes all the fun away, then she will learn and adapt to this method by getting rid the most efficient and the right way to solve a puzzle because 'that is how human thinks'.

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