Gotta say, I dislike the older detective a lot.
I'm glad I'm not the only one
I was thinking that some of these could be accidental, and some not. What if someone was targeting Tokiko herself? It would definitely prove the elevator and falling sign deaths. Though, that would still leave 4 (plus previous deaths) in the accidental deaths though, which seems statistically high.
Maybe she can see future deaths like Satsuki? Or can tell when someone is going to die, just not how/with premonition bodies?
Maybe it's the same concept as in someone is targeting the family/people around her because they know of her abilities like with Satsuki?
Also the conclusion of chapter 8 makes me wary. The older detective would probably somehow tie it all up to Tokiko with no evidence like he's always done (being annoying), even though it points to serial murders. Maybe whoever carried those out is targeting the Kurosu family now, still doesn't explain the coincidental deaths though.