Forum › Walk to Death discussion

joined Aug 12, 2021

is that a little blush I see on Natsuki when Tokiko tells her that if nobody wants to be friends with her then Natsuki will be the only friend she'll ever need. haha, could love bloom in the horror tragedy story? who knows.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Sad to see Miyuki snap too but you really can't blame her for losing her temper after being talked to like that :(

Hoping she still survives

joined Jul 24, 2020

maybe... this time... the gays won't be buried?? can't believe the author is breaking through tropes!
also i still feel bad for miyuki ç-ç, i hope she makes it too

joined Jun 21, 2021

Damn they're really not losing any time in this, fast-paced as heck~ I'm so much more intrigued by this than i thought i'd be, can't wait to see where this goes!

joined Aug 21, 2017

Eating this up like groceries. Good eats.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Gotta say, I dislike the older detective a lot.

I'm glad I'm not the only one

I was thinking that some of these could be accidental, and some not. What if someone was targeting Tokiko herself? It would definitely prove the elevator and falling sign deaths. Though, that would still leave 4 (plus previous deaths) in the accidental deaths though, which seems statistically high.

Maybe she can see future deaths like Satsuki? Or can tell when someone is going to die, just not how/with premonition bodies?
Maybe it's the same concept as in someone is targeting the family/people around her because they know of her abilities like with Satsuki?

Also the conclusion of chapter 8 makes me wary. The older detective would probably somehow tie it all up to Tokiko with no evidence like he's always done (being annoying), even though it points to serial murders. Maybe whoever carried those out is targeting the Kurosu family now, still doesn't explain the coincidental deaths though.

joined Jun 5, 2018

Kudos to the translators but damn this is so ass, expecially when compared to Liar Satsuki. I'm glad the author learned how to write.

It was fun bad with the over-the-top deaths in the opening chapters but now that it's slowed down it's just regular bad and full of really tiresome, unlikable, and, worst of all, uninteresting characters. I cannot see how this goes on for more than thirty chapters when it was already losing steam at chapter 6.

joined May 1, 2013

uhhhhh is Natsuki the killer somehow? You should always be suspicious of the random extra character in a mystery, and she was probably on that class trip.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Seriously people on this site love to complain, it's tiresome.

For all of you who've complained that there's no more victims, there you go, more dead bodies right here. Seriously Tokiko is someone who brings death to other people around her, and the fact that we've only seen the deaths in her childhood and the current time clearly indicates that there are still many more deaths in between those times. We're finally getting to see more of them now.

For people who say that there are too many accidents and this is simply unbelievable, please look at the "supernatural" tag again. Also it's clear that none of you have read the manga "Billy Bat" if you call this absurd lol. (and tbh, imo, real life can be this random, especially since death can come at anytime, anywhere for anyone).

joined Apr 27, 2014

Where on earth could I buy this to support the author? I really like it. It is not licensed, right? Thanks

joined Dec 16, 2014

Where on earth could I buy this to support the author? I really like it. It is not licensed, right? Thanks

Bought the raws in bookwalker jp. Not sure for official English translation tho.

joined Feb 17, 2013

I thought the little girl was gonna buy it.

I wonder how the two story arcs connect? Assuming they do...

joined Oct 16, 2013

Seriously people on this site love to complain, it's tiresome.

For all of you who've complained that there's no more victims, there you go, more dead bodies right here.

I dont think anyone was asking for more deaths...when we say it's dragging we're talking about the pacing of the mystery and so far the mystery is going pretty slow. The the last few chapters have been big blocks of text that don't necessarily reveal anything that hasn't already been said before. They just repeat the same talking points over and over again without giving the characters any development (I think the chapters where Tokiko's friend came in were fine since they were able to show another side of Tokiko).

Everything may very well make sense in the end, but so far I think it's a poorly paced mystery because the amount of foreshadowing or hints we get per chapter is very little for the amount of pages and words said.

joined Jul 24, 2020

yeah dude taking your little sister to listen to details of a random murder investigation sounds like a great idea and an appropriate fun activity for children

joined Feb 11, 2022

Well the occult people’s spiel turned out to be a bit disappointing.
Nice to see step-sis apologize like an actual adult though.

joined Jun 5, 2018

This mystery manga can't seem to decide if there is even a mystery or not.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Nice chapter with the sis. Happy to see they sorta made up.

The occult people's spiel was really interesting at first but then fizzled out by the time it reached the we've been theorizing it's a curse since the beginning....I'm guessing it's the death from the orphanage that kickstarted it (if the curse theory is true)? Or maybe there was a murder that happened even before that.

joined Aug 21, 2017

This somehow continues to be more interesting than dumb or boring, to me, at least.

joined Jun 11, 2016
  1. the occult club apparently is a science club and then back to an occult club again? Seriously their entire talk was just stupid imo.

  2. The reporter dude is actually quite nice, escorting Tokiko and defending her like that.

  3. Miyuki and Tokiko interactions were just chef's kiss!! I'm definitely shipping these two from now!!!

Thank you for the new chapters noighd!!!

last edited at May 25, 2022 4:13AM

joined May 5, 2013

Nice chapter with the sis. Happy to see they sorta made up.

The occult people's spiel was really interesting at first but then fizzled out by the time it reached the we've been theorizing it's a curse since the beginning....I'm guessing it's the death from the orphanage that kickstarted it (if the curse theory is true)? Or maybe there was a murder that happened even before that.

We have no info about her biological family, there might be something there too.

joined Aug 12, 2021

so we've gotten to see the see-through bones and skeleton Tokiko in the actual manga now. Rather than just on the coverpages. I wonder if that was metaphorical or if it was something shimmering through that another character could have seen happen if they were there.

Because honestly this just makes me think that with the Desire and Compensation, maybe Tokiko almost died some time back when she was young and she made use of this curse (accidentally or otherwise) to save her life, with the compensation being other lives. Maybe it even happened before she was born, and her parents were the ones who started the Desire to have her live, and the Compensation has been taking lives around her because of it.

last edited at May 25, 2022 7:58AM

joined Aug 29, 2019

Still diggin' it.
Not that it really matters (or that I mind), but I'm uncertain as to Aoya's gender. I would assume that slight ambiguity is intentional and the original keeps using neutral language for Aoya as well?

joined Aug 12, 2021

oh, something that I've noticed only after re-reading for a bit, but Tokiko sure is the only character whose eyelashes are truly on point aren't they. It really adds to her expression too because it highlights how her eyes are basically always half-lidded. Gives her a real air of self-confidence/smugness to look at other people with.

Though having read Satsuki is a liar. that might just be a trait this author gives to their main characters.

last edited at May 25, 2022 1:57PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

Though having read Satsuki is a liar. that might just be a trait this author gives to their main characters.

True, though Tokiko's eyes are quite different from Satsuki's. The former's exude this air of mystery and smugness, while the latter's seem earnest and kind. So while the long eyelashes are definitely something the author likes, they use them in a creative way that really compliments their character designs.

Plus, they're cute, so I'd appreciate them even if they served no purpose at all XD

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Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

last edited at May 25, 2022 5:38PM

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