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joined Jun 27, 2018

Is this... plot development???

joined Jul 23, 2019

Aww don't cry uncle.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

It's hard for me to see this truly going anywhere in terms of a long term story, but as a short story, this is pretty cute.

Yuri Yuriyuri
joined Aug 21, 2020

so cute lol

joined May 5, 2022

I check Dynasty Reader every single day for updates from this artist ... honestly her artwork keeps me going through the day-to-day )))

joined Oct 30, 2021

Are we sure the Uncle is not the Dad?

joined Apr 17, 2022

Uncle just has cool vibe. Rock music people tend to be chill considering how queer folks like Prince, Freddie Mercury, Janis Joplin, etc were

Also this yeah, rock has always had awesome queer icons (Freddie has been a personal favorite of mine since I was like...8 or so?). Plus the uncle is a tattooed music store owner, I doubt he's one to care about fitting into the "norms" of society regardless of his sexuality.

While there are some great queer icons in the rock and metal scenes there are still alot of homophobic people in them as well sadly.

Astraea Hill
joined Aug 17, 2012

Massive thank you to the team / person translating this.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Uncle just has cool vibe. Rock music people tend to be chill considering how queer folks like Prince, Freddie Mercury, Janis Joplin, etc were

Also this yeah, rock has always had awesome queer icons (Freddie has been a personal favorite of mine since I was like...8 or so?). Plus the uncle is a tattooed music store owner, I doubt he's one to care about fitting into the "norms" of society regardless of his sexuality.

While there are some great queer icons in the rock and metal scenes there are still alot of homophobic people in them as well sadly.

Aye, unfortunately true for anything and everything. While there's always going to be cool people, there's also going to be some shitty people. Personally I think music and especially rebellious music (like some kinds of rock) should about freedom of self and expression, but I am painfully aware that there are some close minded and hateful people out there who don't agree.

joined May 7, 2022

Imagine having such a supportive family member, how nice

that's exactly why I joked about straight people not being as nice as this uncle. Mistuki is lucky af... good for her, she'll get the girl and get the uncle to pay for the marriage

joined Jul 9, 2020

So... great uncle or best uncle?

joined May 7, 2022

Massive thank you to the team / person translating this.

I think it's one person who does it all alone — and extremely fast. I wish I could hug them.

So... great uncle or best uncle?

consider this: UILF

last edited at May 15, 2022 4:56PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

wait a minute guys what if the uncle is being such an ally because he's queer??? there's no way straight ppl would be this cool, right? right????

joined May 7, 2022

Is this... plot development???

It is! And we're gonna get to see this

And probably this (post-reveal?)

joined Jan 20, 2014

Is there a way to link photos to this? To link this
And this
Seeing that the characters of this series are the ones tha appear there.

joined Feb 4, 2022

This manga has me listening to Nirvana and other rock bands in my music rotation again.... reliving my middle school years and reminiscing how i met my friends through rock/emo music

Excited for Mitsuki and Gyaru (whose name we don't know yet!) to talk and bond about music :)

joined May 7, 2022

This manga has me listening to Nirvana and other rock bands in my music rotation again.... reliving my middle school years and reminiscing how i met my friends through rock/emo music

Have you checked out the Dream Widow album? Mistuki and Gyaru-chan didn't lie, it slaps.
I only found out about it bc of the manga lmfao

Is there a way to link photos to this? To link this
And this
Seeing that the characters of this series are the ones tha appear there.

Good call!
We should add this one too

last edited at May 15, 2022 7:20PM

joined Oct 1, 2014

that was so fast thanks a lot

joined Jun 9, 2021

And here I was expecting the number to be too smudged and she ends up calling the wrong number.

joined May 10, 2015

Did the gyaru ever show any interest in girls? She clearly likes boys and don't know that Mitsuki is a girl.

joined May 7, 2022

Did the gyaru ever show any interest in girls? She clearly likes boys and don't know that Mitsuki is a girl.

aHEM points at profile picture
whole point of the story is that gyaru-chan, presumably straight, unknowingly falls for a girl whose style is a bit on the androgynous side. and that's how she'll figure out she ain't straight and fell for style + personality (regardless of gender)

joined Feb 17, 2013

Did the gyaru ever show any interest in girls? She clearly likes boys and don't know that Mitsuki is a girl.

A) We dont know she likes boys for sure- maybe she hasnt dated anyone yet and just thinks she does

B) Lets assume she does- that doesn't mean she cant ALSO like girls- knowingly or not.

Also- why just say that for gyaru-chan? There hasnt been any real indication rocker chick likes girls either- I doubt rocker chicks have higher instances of lesbians than gyaru's do.

But even if neither of them know they like girls thats hardly a big deal- girls finding out they like girls is after all a very common and well-liked type of yuri story premis!

last edited at May 15, 2022 11:07PM

joined Feb 4, 2022

This manga has me listening to Nirvana and other rock bands in my music rotation again.... reliving my middle school years and reminiscing how i met my friends through rock/emo music

Have you checked out the Dream Widow album? Mistuki and Gyaru-chan didn't lie, it slaps.
I only found out about it bc of the manga lmfao

Not yet! I need to give it a listen! I wonder what other music suggestions we will get from this series haha

joined May 7, 2022

This manga has me listening to Nirvana and other rock bands in my music rotation again.... reliving my middle school years and reminiscing how i met my friends through rock/emo music

Have you checked out the Dream Widow album? Mistuki and Gyaru-chan didn't lie, it slaps.
I only found out about it bc of the manga lmfao

Not yet! I need to give it a listen! I wonder what other music suggestions we will get from this series haha

You’ll love it. The Nirvana vibes are really there!
And there kinda was a little rec on the concept arts for this story ( (saw someone point it out on twitter)

So i’m guessing we’ll have to eagerly wait for Arai Sumiko-sensei’s musical suggestions, since this will happen again

joined May 10, 2015

Also- why just say that for gyaru-chan? There hasnt been any real indication rocker chick likes girls either- I doubt rocker chicks have higher instances of lesbians than gyaru's do.

The uncle seems to know Mitsuki very well and he was rooting for her to call the gyaru. So I think is safe to assume that he knows that she likes girls. Or maybe he assumes so, but she never tried to correct him.

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