I read this story last year and now I'm rereading it again. I can't really put it into words but there was always something about this story that had me wanting to read more and more. But no matter how much I enjoy the Beginning-Middle of the story the End ALWAYS irks me. My reaction compared to last year is a bit more tame but I can't get over the fact that some of they guys were forgiven so easily. It didn't make sense to me then and it still doesn't make that much sense now
.... everyone's happy tho- ig ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I see what the Author was trying to do. The story to me feels like it's wanting to discuss how the concept of masculinity itself affects everyone and tears down not only the women it mistreats but the men who are forced to act a certain way to be accepted into society.
That being said I think the ending falls flat because everyone gets forgiven, and I don't think everyone should've been let off the hook so easily. Reiko and her partner makes some sense as he actively avoided harming her, so it at least wasn't as abusive a relationship (though obviously power dynamics fuck this up quite a bit, but if we're trying to accept the story the author wants to tell it's the one I can forgive the most) but for me the biggest blunder is Koharu's story.
There was never anything there but a use and control and it still sits so wrong with me that she sought him out. It makes no sense with her development as a character (not to mention she basically got turned into eye candy after awhile anyway as the other characters got developed).
All in all, I think it's a message worth discussing (Toxic masculinity ruins everyone it touches regardless of gender) but the ending didn't resolve everything in a very satisfactory way and just felt like it tried to wrap things up in a neat now, which doesn't really fit this topic.
Also I won't touch the "Let's let the old men that caused all this pain pass away happily and face no repercussions" with a 40 foot pole.