[37.5] bit of a false start uploading this one. had a few weird issues, but it's fixed now. enjoy cuties.
EDIT: also, if anyone knows why Iroha is talking about 「ラッピング」, i'd love to know.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the origins of the saying,「敵に塩を送る」, which, according to Weblio, was:
(from Uesugi Kenshin sending salt to his enemy, Takeda Shingen, when Takeda's salt supply had been cut off) to save an enemy from trouble instead of taking advantage of their weakness; to show humanity even to one's enemy; to help one's enemy in difficulty
So perhaps Iroha was trying to say that Izumi kindly wrapped up some salt and sent it to Kanade (very literal translation).
Which, of course, just means Izumi stepped aside instead of taking advantage of Kanade/Nanaki at their weakest.
I would assume Iroha is trying to play up just how kind Izumi is.
last edited at Jan 11, 2022 6:28PM