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joined Dec 4, 2017

would have been really cool if you got to choose between ano and hina! i love yuna with hina but ano Is best girl of the game for me lol

last edited at Jan 1, 2022 11:37PM

joined Dec 4, 2017

oh yeah, they fight for it lol Vi is still bottom tho, just puts up a front and cait is a natural top who humors her partner's attempt. switch is also good they are just so dam perfect together

last edited at Jan 1, 2022 11:40PM

joined Jun 12, 2019

When doing the Jack-O pose goes wrong (or right)

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

@Licentious Lantern: I just want to say that not all visual novels are eroges though like Clannad which from what I remember has no sex scenes whatsoever.

Concerning this image I really need to find the time to finish the game. I started it a while ago but I keep getting distracted with other games.

joined Jun 12, 2019

The final joke of the series will be that Akari is the only straight girl in the group and when they're all older she'll introduce the first (faceless, nameless) male the manga ever had. Calling it...

joined Nov 6, 2013

^No, you can definitely S-Support Rhea. She gets better after goes berserk, but iirc you need to make sure you get her to A-Support before the time skip.

joined Nov 9, 2021

Some sharks will enter a trance-like state of temporary paralysis when flipped over, called tonic immobility. There's some evidence of orcas deliberately inducing tonic immobility in sharks so they can eat them without resistance, as seems to be happening here.

Alice Nightrose
joined Feb 9, 2021


Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

@karp Visual Novels with sexual content are generally refered to as eroge. If you prefer to call them visual novels with sexual content that is fine as well. The former is a lot more handy however.

Is it really such a stretch that hormone filled high school girls (and an adult virgin teacher) are horny and want to consummate their love physically?

@Sakura Cartelet
Pardon, but I don't understand why you are telling me this. I specified "pornographic" Visual Novels for a reason and I call Kindred Spirits in particular an eroge because it has a lot of sex scenes, basically one for each pair at least.

last edited at Jan 2, 2022 1:21AM

joined Oct 2, 2014

Looks like the time when they are ~ 30
Already doro-doro Mio while Ritsu is slender and still looking good

joined Jan 27, 2016

Best couple in the game.

joined May 10, 2014

We need some Chloe x Nene too.
Those seal x orca edits are hilarious.

joined May 10, 2014

Happy new Crossick!

joined May 10, 2014

Vi seriously needs a visual update in-game. She looks horrendous in her default totally not salty because I don't have the Arcane skins

joined Dec 20, 2018

@Licentious Lantern
Pretty sure there's never been a separate censored version for this one, though. The Full Chorus DLC adds full voice acting and additional scenes, but has nothing to do with any additional censoring of the original VN; it was a later addition for the original Japanese version as well. The H scenes here are tame enough not to have been censored in any release.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I don't remember Da Vinci being a troll at least when compared to BB, Melt, Kama, and the like.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

If some fan works and Second Light are to belived then Hiori also likes "resonating" with Mio her biological sister too.

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

^Astounding. Games with sexual content (real sex scenes) are blocked in many countries, but only Full Chorus is inaccessible to those, which made me assume it is the version with sexual content on Steam at least. I originally got it from another site of course, but the trend of releasing All Ages versions and an adult patch is definitely present in every 18+ VN I played on Steam.

last edited at Jan 2, 2022 1:45PM

joined Jun 14, 2021

Ok, so where can I sign the petition for a spin-off where you can get into actual Ano's route?
Seems like a few folks would be down for that too ;P
I remember playing this VN and I think somewhere after realizing what the ending will be, and the fact it's a kinetic novel essentially, I was super disappointed.
The story's very likeable, but it's clear that two-route approach would enrich the game a lot.

Oh, and this art's nice too :D

joined Oct 25, 2010

Hagino ( Ekaril of Arume ) and Mari are multi universal lovers! I really enjoyed this series and I feel in my heart that they will meet many times!

joined May 15, 2021

Yeah I think of them and best friends too! But my OTP is Rinku x Muni! And since were talking abt bandori my OTP is definitely going to be KasuAri!

joined May 15, 2021

Oh yeah rinki and muni gives off KasuAri vibes, in my opinion ofc

joined Aug 12, 2021

according to wikipedia Kindred spirits on the roof was potentially the first game on steam to have uncensored sex-scenes, as it was released to steam entirely as it was before just with an added translation to other languages.

Full chorus added full voice overs and other things but the sex scenes were there from the start

last edited at Jan 2, 2022 2:23PM

Antonio Meclean
joined Dec 9, 2020

ohhh soo cute

joined Dec 4, 2017

@ Licentious Lantern no it isn’t, however in this particular game, there is no mention of sex from the majority of the couples until the r rated scenes are about to happen. Save for One couple that is already in an established sexual relationship and of course the two ghosts who have to get it on to pass on to the after life lol. It’s really a matter of opinion after all. Not that I didn’t enjoy those scenes just felt less immersed

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