Forum › A Person Who Feels Good Upon Stopping An Idol discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

"OK, we'll start as friends, but lewd is the ultimate destination, agreed?"

joined May 26, 2020

For once, that DIDN'T escalate quickly.

Go out on bunch of dates and get to know each other. ^_^

joined Dec 2, 2017

Will pay for a full series of this, ngl

joined Jan 4, 2021

Those were some huge crazy yandere eyes

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Wait I’m confused? For a second there I thought that first page led into a flashback but that ending says no? What’s happening?

joined Sep 27, 2017

Those were some huge crazy yandere eyes

Yeah...somebody is getting murdered here...

joined Aug 7, 2019

I'm confused, are they entering the "We're Fucking on the First Date" stage of their newly obtained relationship now?

joined Dec 2, 2017

I'm confused, are they entering the "We're Fucking on the First Date" stage of their newly obtained relationship now?

Is more like that's the final purpouse

joined Apr 4, 2021

Things didn't escalated? Woah

joined Apr 27, 2013

I expected much kinkier from the title

joined Apr 25, 2020

This is one was good, tmfly always delivering, and I'm excited for those upcoming projects, hopefully they are nsfw.

joined Mar 12, 2014

I actually read this as "a person who feels good stepping on an idol" .... So now I feel kind of cheated

joined Jun 22, 2021

I liked this one btw Can someone tell me the title for the first next project the scan is doing?

Latte Macchiato
joined Dec 8, 2015

Stupid question, does anyone know if the BNA book on the 'next projects' page is sold anywhere still? it's such a generic title i can't find anything about it

joined Jul 23, 2014

Amazed by her doctrine, TBH

joined Jun 12, 2021

Shouldn't the title be "stopping being"?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Cute. ^_^

joined Jul 7, 2021

Wholesome tmfly.... Is it possible to learn this power?

joined Mar 5, 2016

MY FAVOURITE IDOL HAS QUIT??! * walks up to & stares her dead in the eyes* let's make fuck

joined May 24, 2014

I actually read this as "a person who feels good stepping on an idol" .... So now I feel kind of cheated

I read the title the exact same way and I swear it said stepping on at first..
Good to see I'm not the only degenerate here ^o^

joined Aug 16, 2018

Methinks yandere doesn't mean what some people seem to think it means...

joined Oct 10, 2014

Ah, I misread the title as "A Person Who Feels Good Upon Stepping On An Idol"!

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Methinks yandere doesn't mean what some people seem to think it means...

Ikwym a yandere is someone whose emotions switch from lovey-dovey to murderously ultraviolent, someone criminally insane and extremely dangerous, but lately I see lots of commenters who throw around the word 'yandere' as soon as a character reveals she has a just slightly crazy and obsessive side.

A good rule of thumb should be: if things haven't gotten to the point where you wanna see that character locked in the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, then don't call her a yandere.

joined Feb 17, 2019

^Plus, sometimes they use the yandere eyes as a joke and people tend to take it too serious. Nowadays yandere eyes are a everyday thing in this site...

joined Mar 21, 2015

Stupid question, does anyone know if the BNA book on the 'next projects' page is sold anywhere still? it's such a generic title i can't find anything about it

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