Forum › My Younger Senpai discussion

Yuri Newbie Fan
joined May 16, 2021

Nana-sawa adult sure is creepy.. I don’t know if I’m going to laugh or annoyed by her, groping boobies like that is so much like a dirty old man.

So how does a clean Young woman groped boobs?

You’re asking me that question? How about a man like you justify sexual harassments of old, young, middle aged man perverts?, maybe you’re just one of them. Your reply is, Idk, sarcastic?

last edited at Jul 13, 2021 8:11AM

joined Apr 30, 2020

Seto has the patience of an angel to tolerate this much perversion from "Sasaki Mai". The nip slip honestly surprised me but I suppose the masturbations in the early chapters were enough indication on the direction this was going. Anyway, excited for the shenanigans to ensue.

joined Jan 4, 2021

Just help your younger self get the girl instead of being a pedo

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Just help your younger self get the girl instead of being a pedo

I was thinking about that too but wouldn’t it create a time paradox or something. That aside, I dunno wouldn’t it be better to pop back into the future somehow and try her luck there. Tho I suppose she could be or at least might think she’s stuck there and if she got them together she might not go back in time in the first place. That aside again, isn’t it kind of messed up to change someone’s life so much without them knowing?

joined Jul 9, 2021

It'll be better if she will just push her younger self to Seto-senpai since she now had a clue that her senpai was interested in her back then. Maybe that's the way to get back to her timeline,
and to make sure that her future self will be happy in the process.

Also, since her senpai is already single at her current timeline, it wouldn't be bad to ask her about how she feels back when they were in high school. Knowing that Seto-senpai WAS interested in her, she can still confirm that at present. Who knows, she might have her chance even on their current timeline!

joined Aug 20, 2016

Someone call the tag police! There was a nipple, but no NSFW tag!

But seriously, why doesn't old Nanasawa just help her younger self get together with Seto instead of becoming her love rival. Honestly I was thinking that was going to be the plot to start with.

Because it isn't necessary, when her younger self is 25 she will travel back in time and will get senpai anyway.
And also, if she help her younger self to get Seto, the old Nanasawa who helps them to get together wouldn't exist. Because the future were she travels back wouldn't be there, so the old one couldn't help the younger one.

joined Sep 1, 2019

Haha, this is fun.

joined Aug 20, 2016

She's her own love rival, from all those experience Sasaki Mai is rather on a wining position, she's more confident as we see, so inviting senpai is not a problem. Mc adult self could be more like a helper for senpai to get mc younger self. I wonder what would happen if adult version won senpau heart and they start dating, let's say she don't come back to her present time line but instead staying in the past, so what would gonna happen to her younger version whe she grow up

The younger version would travel back in time when she's 25.

joined Feb 8, 2020

it could be the classic she was in coma after she hit her head and is alle a dream...

joined Sep 7, 2016

Of course I root for Future Nanasawa, because Past Kevin Nanasawa is so stupid! :v

joined Sep 9, 2019

I just noticed Seto chan has a mole on her neck ;w;)

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Just help your younger self get the girl instead of being a pedo


If you go for women who look like this, you're a pedo.

joined Jul 8, 2018

"I'm my own love rival?"

Lol girl don't be dumb, be like Marty. Just help your past self get together with Seto and your own future will change for the better.

joined Sep 25, 2020

I'm my own love rival

Polyamory is the answer

last edited at Jul 13, 2021 2:06PM

joined May 7, 2020

Just help your younger self get the girl instead of being a pedo


If you go for women who look like this, you're a pedo.

Don't you mean don't go for children that look like this? If a woman looks like this it's fine...
joined Jun 6, 2020

How could she google sports results? The phone is connected to the internet (somehow), not the future. That's why her phone said it's July 25th 2011 when she googled "today's date" in chapter 1

This is an easy one. Remember the big sporting events from the time.

Or more easily. Just invest in bitcoin

joined Jan 9, 2017

Nana-sawa adult sure is creepy.. I don’t know if I’m going to laugh or annoyed by her, groping boobies like that is so much like a dirty old man.

So how does a clean Young woman groped boobs?

You’re asking me that question? How about a man like you justify sexual harassments of old, young, middle aged man perverts?, maybe you’re just one of them. Your reply is, Idk, sarcastic?

Just asking how you envision a lesbian groping another girl

joined Sep 1, 2017

Someone call the tag police! There was a nipple, but no NSFW tag!

But seriously, why doesn't old Nanasawa just help her younger self get together with Seto instead of becoming her love rival. Honestly I was thinking that was going to be the plot to start with.

She startet out thinking she Couldnt even interact with her younger self without exploding. futhermore why would she have confidence in her younger self?

We dont even know if she has enough charm to Play matchmaker, the only move she has show so far is using her age to her advantage

There are a Lot of reasons why she wouldnt have tries that, especially considering she has only been in the past for 0.5 + 1 + 0.5 days

Okay the fear of a time paradox could explain Nanasawa's initial reluctance to play match maker. However now she knows that getting together with her younger self won't melt reality. She also now knows that Seto is crushing on young Nanasawa. It's time for Nanasawa to put away her pervy "big sis" flag and get those two girls together. In the end she will be the winner.

Of course that is reliant on her then going back to the future

Just cal Marty and Doc Brown. They will get her there. lol.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I’m delighted that so many people have such a firm sense of the nuances of proper ethical behavior for when they go time traveling after masturbating on a rocking horse in a public park.

joined Jul 23, 2019

Just help your younger self get the girl instead of being a pedo


If you go for women who look like this, you're a pedo.

Don't you mean don't go for children that look like this?

Exactly! It's plainly evident she hasn't gone through puberty yet.
Someone feed this poor child with a baby bottle!

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

joined Apr 5, 2015

Ok, this is getting weird. It is one thing to not care a fictional character doing things that would be very creep and wrong if it happened in real life. It is another entirely to argue these things wouldn't be creepy.

To be perfectly clear: it doesn't fucking matter if a teenage girl went through puberty. You shouldn't hit on a 17 years old girl if you are 27 no matter how hot you think she is.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Ok, this is getting weird. It is one thing to not care a fictional character doing things that would be very creep and wrong if it happened in real life. It is another entirely to argue these things wouldn't be creepy.

To be perfectly clear: it doesn't fucking matter if a teenage girl went through puberty. You shouldn't hit on a 17 years old girl if you are 27 no matter how hot you think she is.

And everyone be sure to keep that in mind next time you go time traveling and meet up with your teenage crush.

joined Jan 4, 2021

Adult Nanasawa scares me a lot. There is no justification for her actions lol

joined Sep 11, 2019

Here I am hoping MC decides to tag-team with her younger self to do things since both of them are way too horny for Seto

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