Forum › Blue Skin, Big Tits and a Fucking Loner discussion

joined Mar 17, 2020

this actually seems pretty cute, looking forward to how it plays out

joined May 18, 2021

Surprisingly cute as hell???? like who would have thought with a title like that lmao

joined Mar 6, 2020

Glad I clicked on this. I feel so bad for Liane and I'm glad she has a friend now. I hope demon friend defends her against bullies.

joined Jul 22, 2014

Poor Liane

joined Jul 6, 2020

Aww Liane is a softie after all, I thought she might be very tsun with no dere but now I see she’s just got a really weak self esteem hiding behind a fake bravado.

I kinda love the faces they’re making in this series, I’m always a sucker for funny exaggerated faces, and I’m also a big fan of supernatural stuff like this.

joined Dec 7, 2020

Cute. I want Ruri to have a scary Nikaidou-esque side to her and see it unleashed when people are bullying Liane or smth. Really hope this goes Yuri too.

joined Apr 7, 2020

Very fucking cute

joined Jun 25, 2021

more interesting than I expected

joined Sep 27, 2017

Love the title and the art style, thanks for translating and sharing! Seems like a fun series, I'm just expecting them to be friends but Yuri later would be a nice surprise.

Edit: I briefly glossed over the artist's work and I didn't see anything Yuri related, their main series I've heard of and it's I believe about a demon mother but I might be mistaken. Again just a brief glance so I might have missed something, still I don't want to get my hopes up for any Yuri content and I'll keep my expectations to simply a fun friends comedy series haha

last edited at Jun 29, 2021 1:04AM

joined Mar 30, 2021

Oh wow! I thought it's gonna be all lewd and fck but it's surprisingly wholesome. Very nice

joined Dec 1, 2016

eh pretty cute

joined Apr 27, 2013

The title mentions breasts, but it's thighs that the art really emphasizes?

Nathaniel Kamb
joined Apr 23, 2019

That title was purposely made to be misread wasn't it?

joined Apr 25, 2020

Now this is a whole new level of wholesomeness man

joined May 18, 2021

That title was purposely made to be misread wasn't it?

Oh totally, i read boner the first time i saw the title and got hesitant on if to click on it and read it or just skip it, thank god I just went for it.

joined Sep 27, 2017

That title was purposely made to be misread wasn't it?

Oh totally, i read boner the first time i saw the title and got hesitant on if to click on it and read it or just skip it, thank god I just went for it.

Lmao I was wondering how people were misreading the title after reading Kamb's comment. Well that's definitely interesting.

joined May 24, 2017

What an interesting manga. This will be wholesome.

Btw, The author tag ch 1 and 2 as yuri but he/she did not tag it since ch 3. In my opinion, I don't think that this manga will be yuri because some ecchi artist have a different definition of Yuri than us. Well, I'm sure it will be a good manga no matter what.

joined Mar 6, 2021


joined Sep 27, 2017

What an interesting manga. This will be wholesome.

Btw, The author tag ch 1 and 2 as yuri but he/she did not tag it since ch 3. In my opinion, I don't think that this manga will be yuri because some ecchi artist have a different definition of Yuri than us. Well, I'm sure it will be a good manga no matter what.

Oh I missed that, thanks for the heads up! Well maybe there is an inkling of hope yet, but yeah I agree that this still probably won't be Yuri.

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's also referenced on yurinavi :

A copy/paste of the description in google translate mentions it's "yuri-like".

It's more of a wacky friendship comedy with voluptuous girls than yuri, but one can always hope.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Mh, the abrupt developments in their relationship feel a bit clunky to me, but if it's just setting things up for some fun, it might be okay ...

joined Sep 27, 2017

Mh, the abrupt developments in their relationship feel a bit clunky to me, but if it's just setting things up for some fun, it might be okay ...

For me the developments weren't abrupt. If I had to guess the demon probably doesn't have many actual friends. The popular girl in class that doesn't have real friends is a somewhat common trope, and we've seen it on this site before. It was also pointed out that she took an interest in the angel before this, and was aware of her hard work. Giving me the impression that she was building up to the friendship confession for a bit now.

As for the angel? It was stated that she has no friends, gets bullied constantly, and desperately seeks praise. So her flipping over to wanting to be friends with the demon made sense to me. That warm and fuzzy feeling when she heard that the demon had noticed her hard work made her putty in the demon's hands.

Plus ultimately it's a cute little comedy series, nothing to take too seriously imo lol

last edited at Jun 29, 2021 3:29AM

joined Feb 21, 2020

Great title, great art style, great characters so far and some great facial expressions. What more do you need (lol)? This seems to be a pretty interesting manga.

joined Mar 22, 2021

I really like this. The faces the characters make are funny and I really like that it's in full colour. I am definetly looking forward to seeing how this freindship goes.

joined Oct 16, 2013

For me I'm wondering why is there a demon going to class with all these angels in the first place. Doesn't look like there are any others besides her in this chapter. Hope they explain the world a bit more in future chapters

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