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joined Oct 25, 2014

This was pretty sad...if you look at the chat log, you can also see that MC has tried to keep in touch with the ex(?) more than once, but she never got a response back (just left on read).

But this is the issue. She made a choice. She chose to leave. She has no right to expect her ex to keep in contact or wait for her or whatever. No everyone likes long-distance relationships and the MC should respect that.

last edited at May 24, 2021 12:35AM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Yay! I think I understand!

Girl meets girl.
The girls fall in love over time. (I got that from the changing of their uniforms, from winter to summer, and back again. I was especially proud of myself for that observation.)
Girl decides to go away for college.
Girls break up.
Girl leaves for college heartbroken, because girl didn't show to say goodbye.
Girl hid at station because facing college girl was too painful.
Girl comes back from college a woman, but still a little sad.
Girl came to see college girl return but is hiding because she is nervous college girl won't want to see her.
(Wishful thinking) Girl finds courage to go to college Girl
(More wishful thinking) Girls now adults will reunite and rekindle romance.

Did I get it? Is that right?

last edited at May 24, 2021 2:38AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Edit: although I guess looking back again, the ex is blushing so maybe it will be a hopeful end, but still kind of a douchey thing to do to not let them know you are there beforehand and to make her feel bad when she gets back.

Seeing how the petals are being colored again at the very end, I'd say it implies a happy end, yes.

joined Oct 30, 2018

I love how Murasakino used leaves and its colors to set the time and mood. I love how the spring petals turned to pink in pages 15-16, like life and color returning. It frustrates me that it's an open ending but eh, for me it's a hopeful end.

joined Apr 13, 2021

I think they will reunite given that the petals turned pink on the final page, hinting that their relationship will blossom again. Or the dark-haired girl must be waiting for someone else and not MC.

Okay but who the fuck keeps sending these invisible onion cutting ninjas to my house

joined Sep 1, 2017

This was pretty sad...if you look at the chat log, you can also see that MC has tried to keep in touch with the ex(?) more than once, but she never got a response back (just left on read).

But this is the issue. She made a choice. She chose to leave. She has no right to expect her ex to keep in contact or wait for her or whatever. No everyone likes long-distance relationships and the MC should respect that.

That's not Fair! Expecting your high school lover to throw away their plans, for the future just to stay close is unreasonable. It's asking them to choose between you and their passions and dreams. If you really love them you would stand by their side, figuratively. Long distance relationships are hard but doabl. It should only be for a few years, and there is aways holidays and breaks. Besides now more than ever it's easy to stay in touch, just ask anyone who lived through the year 2020 lol.

joined Mar 5, 2021

i hope the other girl find courage to ask her our again.

joined Dec 27, 2014

A picture says a thousand words.

joined Oct 16, 2013

This was pretty sad...if you look at the chat log, you can also see that MC has tried to keep in touch with the ex(?) more than once, but she never got a response back (just left on read).

But this is the issue. She made a choice. She chose to leave. She has no right to expect her ex to keep in contact or wait for her or whatever. No everyone likes long-distance relationships and the MC should respect that.

I understand this and yes she doesn't have the right to expect anything from the ex, but because the Manga shows that the ex IS actually still interested and has taken the time to actually go out to visit, I still feel like the ex is in the wrong to not give a response beforehand (and for not talking about her insecurities with mc before breaking up with her).

I think it's a happy ending or a open ending, I mean in the last panel it seems that they are going to reunite, isn't it??

joined May 24, 2021

I could be wrong but my first assumption is they finished school and ultimately agreed to go to the same university (w.e the Japanese equivilant is) together, particularly to live in a dorm environment. The scene were they break hands is most likely where it was declared and the rest is just the girl on the train thinking back on how they met explaining the younger appearance. One went on ahead and the girl on the train shortly joined her; explaining the baggage. A happy ending ;)

joined Apr 1, 2020

First time comment from a lurker here. Oh my Lord the story really is beautiful that I got carried away.
Please feel free to read my shitty interpretation of the story.
I glanced at my phone, no texts, no reply. I watched the passing scenery from the window of the train as I begin to reminisce about a time where I dearly looked back to. The dearly held memories of her.
I was high schooler back then, albeit a very nervous one. It was supposed to be an ordinary first day of high school but somehow it felt like destiny had something planned. I saw her when I was looking at the crowded train, I saw another high school girl with the same uniform. She drew my curiosity. It was a mere glance and who would have known she'd looked my way just when I was looking at her. We immediately got a bit self conscious and left it at that.
After reaching school, I realized most people had already formed cliques, of course I should have expected this but I felt somewhat sad but that didn't last long. Someone tapped my back to get my attention, and lo and behold, it was the girl from the train I had met earlier. I was surprised but it was welcome one to be sure.
After that we started to hang out and got along rather well, we were close and as time passed we grew even closer.
The passing of the seasons were rather beautiful and the time I spent with here, even more so. As we hopped on the train and took our seats, she fell asleep while leaning on my shoulder and no words can express how happy I am to have her.
As I watched the snow fall once again, I let myself indulge in this bliss and let myself go.
Time passed and we were now entering the phase of transitioning to adults and that meant we had to start taking our studies seriously for our career and pick a proper college. While I had planned out mine and was in ignorance of the reality, it had seemed that she had already made her own plans and to pursue them too. Crunch time began and we spent less and less of the time we shared. Our relationship had drifted a bit but I do not believe that this love of ours died a bit. Until one day she decided to end it, end what we had, I can never tell if it was the best choice to be made but we both knew that to pursue our interest meant we would have to part.
Time passed once again, and with the start of a new spring I was ready to head out towards the city but as I waited for the train, I couldn't help but look back. I felt immense sadness. She wasn't there. I had hoped that she would at least come see me off but she wasn't there but I promised to keep it touch, I will come back to her. If I had searched for her I would have noticed that I wasn't the only who was sad at this departure, she had been there, hiding. I guess we were both unable to be honest with ourselves.
I woke up from my dream of the past. I took out my phone once again, still no reply. The message I had sent recently had been me hoping that we would be able to meet up.
I let out a sigh as I thought back to past, the memory of when we'd ride on the train and were still so close together.
As I stepped on the platform, on reaching my destination I thought about how I'm finally back and maybe just maybe things would be alright. What I didn't see was that she was waiting for me. I guess this love story has a hopeful end after all.

joined Jul 1, 2020

First time comment from a lurker here. Oh my Lord the story really is beautiful that I got carried away.
Please feel free to read my shitty interpretation of the story.
I glanced at my phone, no texts, no reply. I watched the passing scenery from the window of the train as I begin to reminisce about a time where I dearly looked back to. The dearly held memories of her.
I was high schooler back then, albeit a very nervous one. It was supposed to be an ordinary first day of high school but somehow it felt like destiny had something planned. I saw her when I was looking at the crowded train, I saw another high school girl with the same uniform. She drew my curiosity. It was a mere glance and who would have known she'd looked my way just when I was looking at her. We immediately got a bit self conscious and left it at that.
After reaching school, I realized most people had already formed cliques, of course I should have expected this but I felt somewhat sad but that didn't last long. Someone tapped my back to get my attention, and lo and behold, it was the girl from the train I had met earlier. I was surprised but it was welcome one to be sure.
After that we started to hang out and got along rather well, we were close and as time passed we grew even closer.
The passing of the seasons were rather beautiful and the time I spent with here, even more so. As we hopped on the train and took our seats, she fell asleep while leaning on my shoulder and no words can express how happy I am to have her.
As I watched the snow fall once again, I let myself indulge in this bliss and let myself go.
Time passed and we were now entering the phase of transitioning to adults and that meant we had to start taking our studies seriously for our career and pick a proper college. While I had planned out mine and was in ignorance of the reality, it had seemed that she had already made her own plans and to pursue them too. Crunch time began and we spent less and less of the time we shared. Our relationship had drifted a bit but I do not believe that this love of ours died a bit. Until one day she decided to end it, end what we had, I can never tell if it was the best choice to be made but we both knew that to pursue our interest meant we would have to part.
Time passed once again, and with the start of a new spring I was ready to head out towards the city but as I waited for the train, I couldn't help but look back. I felt immense sadness. She wasn't there. I had hoped that she would at least come see me off but she wasn't there but I promised to keep it touch, I will come back to her. If I had searched for her I would have noticed that I wasn't the only who was sad at this departure, she had been there, hiding. I guess we were both unable to be honest with ourselves.
I woke up from my dream of the past. I took out my phone once again, still no reply. The message I had sent recently had been me hoping that we would be able to meet up.
I let out a sigh as I thought back to past, the memory of when we'd ride on the train and were still so close together.
As I stepped on the platform, on reaching my destination I thought about how I'm finally back and maybe just maybe things would be alright. What I didn't see was that she was waiting for me. I guess this love story has a hopeful end after all.

Came back from lurking mode just to reply that this is perfect

joined Jul 23, 2020

nooo don't hide anymore :(

fuck u, no next page, the rollercoaster didnt go down, it only went up

joined Jun 11, 2021

I like the art, not much to stay about the story. I didn't notice at first but the petals turning pink is a nice hint that it'll end well.

joined Jun 24, 2021

so much can be expressed just from these images alone

joined Jul 8, 2018

Was this reuploaded?

last edited at Sep 7, 2021 2:27PM

joined Feb 20, 2019

Why I saw that manga before long time ago?

joined Feb 18, 2015

I have one thing to say in defense of the girl who broke up with her college-bound maybe-girlfriend: self-esteem problems and feeling like you're just going to "hold her back" because you just aren't good enough are a real thing.

That's how I read that character...

joined Mar 23, 2015

Was this reuploaded?


I feel like I've seen this before, was it reuploaded?

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I feel like I've seen this before, was it reuploaded?

yeah, the earlier comments date back to May

joined Jul 21, 2013

Can someone explain what happened?

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