Forum › Well Done(,) Pervert discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

Nene posted:

Oooff that hurt...

Be more specific. Who was? And because of what?

I was ... pulls out doll and points to the chest area Here... This is where it hurts T-T because unrequited love

joined Dec 20, 2018

As suspected, the little tsundere is interested in her indeed. I guess she'll have to hope for a poly ending now. Wouldn't actually mind at all, to be honest.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to switch to left to right direction for the credits page hurt my brain, though...

joined May 12, 2020

Why does ever single yuri manga in existence have this overused cliché of some low lifes attempting sexual assault on one of the girls?

Yeah Japan usually treats young girls with much respect. What is this author's deal?

joined Apr 20, 2013

saltyslug5561 posted:

Why does ever single yuri manga in existence have this overused cliché of some low lifes attempting sexual assault on one of the girls?

Yeah Japan usually treats young girls with much respect. What is this author's deal?

Aahmm... I wouldn't be so sure.
Anyway, yeah these Lame guys are everywhere in beach/pool episodes it gets tiresome but they do exist sadly

joined May 12, 2020

Aahmm... I wouldn't be so sure.
Anyway, yeah these Lame guys are everywhere in beach/pool episodes it gets tiresome but they do exist sadly

Well I was being sarcastic.

joined Apr 4, 2014

unrequited love

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Request for opinions. For this to be a love triangle, class prez would need to be into her sister?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Request for opinions. For this to be a love triangle, class prez would need to be into her sister?

Pretty sure being into Koiko should count too...

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Request for opinions. For this to be a love triangle, class prez would need to be into her sister?

Eh, I don't think the Prez has to be into anyone for it to be a love triangle. Borrowing from TV Tropes, this'd count as a Type 5. Although I guess it really just depends on how broad your definition of love triangle is.

last edited at Apr 25, 2021 6:12PM

joined Dec 4, 2019

The credit page is gold!

joined Sep 11, 2020

A Love Right Angle doesn't flow off the tongue quite as well

Also like, I know I said this idea was really unfluffy and I was worried. Yea okay I'm starting to like this.

More dere pls. And a polyamory ending while you're at it, wish granting genie, thanks!

joined Mar 24, 2015

Poly...?? That'd have incest.......

I just commented on the tag about this actually but yeah, the tag itself is just for triangle shapes in general, not like a proper proper triangle like Nanashi no Asterism (which is actually one of few I've seen on here. If anyone knows of any other full-on triangles, we love to see it).

Also could live without the rescued-from-being-hit-on thing, but that's probably one of the least ridiculous things about this manga lol.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Poly...?? That'd have incest.......


joined Jul 26, 2016

Poly...?? That'd have incest.......

"I consider that an absolute win."
- Mochi Au Lait, probably

joined Jan 9, 2017

Im rootting against the little sister, All indication is pointing towards her winning (big sister isnt getting any screentime) But she has been nothing But underhanded and mean, she is fighting for her love by denying MC Access to her crush and just Hopes that shaming and proximity Will Dispell MCs crush

I dont like it, i feel sorry for the MC

last edited at Apr 26, 2021 9:19AM

joined Jan 9, 2017

Poly...?? That'd have incest.......

"I consider that an absolute win."
- Mochi Au Lait, probably

5 /42 oneshots 11.9%
3 /11 series 27.7%

So about 19.9% propability

joined Sep 27, 2017

Im rootting against the little sister, All indication is pointing towards her winning (big sister isnt getting any screentime) But she has been nothing But underhanded and mean, she is fighting for her love by denying MC Access to her crush and just Hopes that shaming and proximity Will Dispell MCs crush

I dont like it, i feel sorry for the MC

Eh I don't really view the little sister as that underhanded or mean tbh. She's jealous and isn't good at expressing her feelings, but it's not like she's blackmailing the MC into sex or anything seriously fucked up. I wouldn't even say she's REALLY doing everything you're saying, I believe she's mainly teasing the MC for attention. She's not actually keeping her from the older sister, and she knows that the MC's crush on the older sister isn't going to fade just because of her actions. The way you're describing it sounds like some hardcore NTR to me, which I'm not seeing in this story at all. Especially since this is such an ultimately lighthearted comedy, that's not even meant to be taken that seriously to begin with.

They're also young and have a lot of growing to do, they're teenagers sorting out their feelings and they're going to do some dumb shit, that's youth. As long as the younger sister's character progresses, and she learns that just talking to the MC is a far better method than this silly blackmail, I don't really see any reason to hate her.

Edit: Thinking about it, funnily the MC is honestly the one who has done the most questionable things so far. With the older sister body pillow, wanting to smell the older sister's used towel, so fourth. Again though, it's an absurd comedy so we aren't even meant to take these things seriously. If this were a different kind of series, the MC herself might be some kind of seriously disturbed stalker or possibly Yandere.

last edited at Apr 26, 2021 12:47PM

joined Feb 16, 2021

I have the perfect solution poly something whatever the word is for three people together I forgot

joined May 20, 2013

I have the perfect solution poly something whatever the word is for three people together I forgot

Ménage à Trois

joined Apr 4, 2014

Can't be a love triangle without Incest

joined Sep 11, 2020

Poly...?? That'd have incest.......

I actually meant both sisters dating her lol but that might squick some people out anyway.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Poly...?? That'd have incest.......

I actually meant both sisters dating her lol but that might squick some people out anyway.

Yeah I've seen people be oddly squeamish about poly routes in general, ah well lol

joined Sep 11, 2020

Yeah I've seen people be oddly squeamish about poly routes in general, ah well lol

Eh, society I guess. I'm poly myself so I like seeing it represented in a positive light, but its not as common so I guess a lot of people either don't understand it or misunderstand it, y'know? Just like anything else thats not "normal" I suppose =w=

joined Mar 5, 2021

am i the only one who wants to read her fan fiction and also i hope Nika will do something.

joined Jan 6, 2017

That credit page lol

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