Forum › Exiled From My Old Party For Being A Woman, Me And A Legendary Witch Formed The Ultimate Tag Team discussion

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

oh wow,that title....shitty party....

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

ok i like this already
yeah! revenge!

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well this reached the cringe saturation point about five pages in.

joined Jan 22, 2017

Not having a single girl in your party is pretty gay.

I ignored Sexiled because the writing didn't seem that good and all men being super evil and nasty probably gets old very fast. It reminds me of other isekai where all people treat the hero like trash and later he gets horrible, edgy revenge on them.

This is more...nonsensical comedy, probably? Bit of a shame, I always want more isekai / fantasy yuri. The world just doesn't make much sense to me. If men are against women doing anything why are they even allowed to be adventurers? It also has the same problem as redo.

"I know you are super powerful, but I'll just pretend you are useless and make fun of you, lol"


joined Feb 5, 2020

I bought the LNs for this series kinda just on a whim early this year. It was a surprisingly fun read that never felt to serious. Happy to see that its getting a manga adaptation.

joined Apr 9, 2019

but this was also written by a man that just wanted to make a fun yuri story about fighting the system.

…? I'm pretty Kaeruda Ameko is a woman.

In any case, I remembered reading the light novel a few months ago. Basically the story was written in reaction to the whole scandal where Tokyo Medical University rejected women applicants because they didn't want women doctors. Kaeruda also mentioned something about the high heels protest that was going on at the time.

I kind of wanted to write a review or an analysis of the novels, but I never really had quite enough to write about. Suffice to say, the criticism of the sexism that exists in the society is placed on "a few bad apples, but overall the system is fine", which was kind of frustrating… It's really similar to Persona 5 in that respect.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The world just doesn't make much sense to me. If men are against women doing anything why are they even allowed to be adventurers?

Ya, this glaring bit of nonsense was the final dealbreaker to me.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 4:29AM

joined Mar 22, 2021

Good lord those guys were pretty disgusting. Glad the MC got a friend who can support her and uses "Dipshit Logic".

joined Jun 8, 2020

in goblin slayer that machist shit have actually pretty sense, for preservation of human species obviusly

joined Feb 16, 2013

that dude is a fcking idiot imagine not having a girl in your party

He does have a girl in his party, who he tried to curry favour for by dickishly kicking out the mc.

joined Mar 31, 2018


joined Jul 26, 2016


Being written like a caricature of a negative stereotype of a feminist tract isn't doing it any favors, no.

joined Apr 21, 2020

This TL is driving me insane. I get that the bubbles might not be a great size but, Sexiled has an official English Light Novel. Tanya starts as a Mage, and becomes a Magi-Knight. Laplace was smeared as a Witch, but she’s the one who’s actually a Sorceress, and quite proud of that. Even the incantation for Explosion was off… this must be how angry people get when they’ve read a book before seeing the movie adaptation…

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

aw hell yeah! i was waiting for this series to show up on dynasty ever since i read it on my light novel app, tachiyomi

Which source are you using for LNs?

joined Jul 1, 2020

People complaining about every men being depicted cartoonishly evil should go and read the LNs again. There is also a reason why its a fantasy setting and the reason for so much of sexism in it is revealed in the novel. And also try living in some of the countries around where I live and then tell if these cartoonishly evil men don't exist. I am not 100% sure but sexism in Japan is very prevalent and an author trying to up it to get a point across is nothing bad.

Ps. Read the novel again up till second volume

Also I hope they don't come complaining about it again and again in every other chapter. If you don't like the subject and the way it is being potrayed in this story complaining one is enough. Thank you.

joined May 15, 2020

Both harem and feminism are suck. And feminism is even worse because harem at least works with yuri. Seriously? I guess the author is pretty low.

wow that sure is a take on... something, I guess

Rankarana Uploader
Sexy Akiba Detectives
joined Feb 8, 2014

This TL is driving me insane. I get that the bubbles might not be a great size but, Sexiled has an official English Light Novel. Tanya starts as a Mage, and becomes a Magi-Knight. Laplace was smeared as a Witch, but she’s the one who’s actually a Sorceress, and quite proud of that. Even the incantation for Explosion was off… this must be how angry people get when they’ve read a book before seeing the movie adaptation…

i mean the page literally says magisaber

and Laplace literally calls herself a witch

so i'm not sure what to do to comply with a TL that just changes terms tbh.....

joined Jan 5, 2020

that dude is a fcking idiot imagine not having a girl in your party

Not to spoil too much, but it’s not that he doesn’t want any girls in his party, but that he doesn’t want Tanya in his party. The reasons are pretty shitty, but it’ll be obvious later what they are.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 3:15PM by OrangePekoe

joined Sep 27, 2017

People complaining about every men being depicted cartoonishly evil should go and read the LNs again. There is also a reason why its a fantasy setting and the reason for so much of sexism in it is revealed in the novel. And also try living in some of the countries around where I live and then tell if these cartoonishly evil men don't exist. I am not 100% sure but sexism in Japan is very prevalent and an author trying to up it to get a point across is nothing bad.

Ps. Read the novel again up till second volume

Also I hope they don't come complaining about it again and again in every other chapter. If you don't like the subject and the way it is being potrayed in this story complaining one is enough. Thank you.

This is the first thing I thought of honestly, this series seems directly like a jab at the toxic work industry in Japan. Where at least some men I've heard treat women like they're not "actual" workers, and instead are there temporarily until it's time for them to get married and make a baby.

So I think this series is an intentional exaggeration, while also jabbing at the nonsense sexism that happens daily in real life. It seems very possible that the men being cartoonishly evil might be an intentional choice, but it's sometimes hard trying to figure out what an author's exact intentions are.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 7:43AM

joined Jun 11, 2020

Hohoho finally manga adaptation

joined Dec 13, 2019

afaik wasnt the light novel made after the author discovered abt japanese university purposefully lowering women's grades in a medical school so men did better? This is one of the few times i can completely understand why the author wanted a power fantasy, i was pretty angry myself

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 8:27AM

joined Jun 7, 2019

Both harem and feminism are suck. And feminism is even worse because harem at least works with yuri. Seriously? I guess the author is pretty low.

feminism is literally the reason why women even have an opinión these days
and remember that this manga was made in Japan, and this kind of thing happens
Yes, I don't think they will kick a girl out of their magical adventure group for being a woman, but,for example,it is common that in that country they do not allow women to be promoted because they are expected to "marry and have children" in the future

joined Aug 14, 2017

Social commentary on the shitty treatment women get at the hands of men in Japan (and globally) is arguably not common enough. People who are complaining about the men being "cartoonishly evil" should really take a step back and realize what sort of absurd shit is normally just accepted in anime/manga. Something to counter the typical sexism should be welcomed rather than dismissed.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Social commentary on the shitty treatment women get at the hands of men in Japan (and globally) is arguably not common enough. People who are complaining about the men being "cartoonishly evil" should really take a step back and realize what sort of absurd shit is normally just accepted in anime/manga. Something to counter the typical sexism should be welcomed rather than dismissed.

I fail to see how Chick Tracts level of ham-fistedness is supposed to be the way to go about it.

Certainly doesn't make for good writing.

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Oh, I remember this WN. It absolutely should not be taken seriously. Just enjoy the yuri and the comically stupid douchebags being put in their place.

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