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Forum › Virgins' Empire discussion

joined Aug 16, 2018

You say Nononon but I say Yes yes yes

You say Nononon but I say Oui oui oui.

Shame on you for cheating Senpai

Come again? Who's cheating who?

joined May 12, 2020

You say Nononon but I say Yes yes yes

You say Nononon but I say Oui oui oui.

Shame on you for cheating Senpai

Come again? Who's cheating who?

She started counting way too late and counted way too slow. She also distracted Yumimi whie cheating. Unforgivable!!!

last edited at Apr 18, 2021 5:10PM

joined Feb 19, 2016

Ooh are we finally getting Yumimi going on the attack? And to think I used to eye-roll whenever these two would come up in a chapter. The character development of everyone in this series is insanely satisfying

last edited at Apr 18, 2021 5:51PM

joined Jul 6, 2020

i really love when you have multiple pages of just a character doing something on a blank background, that was super cute

joined Jan 21, 2019

Nice boat

joined Jan 19, 2015

damn. i envy her

joined Dec 4, 2019

(Finally) a chapter in kohai’s POV I love it!

joined Feb 10, 2013

The healing power of huge bouncing tits.

joined Sep 1, 2017

The panels where she was falling down the stair seriouly cracked me up. The one where she is plowing into the other girl made laugh harder than any manga on this sight ever has.

joined Apr 4, 2021

If only she knew

joined Jan 20, 2014

Nice boat

joined Mar 26, 2020

soooo wholesome pufff! puuffff! pufff!

joined Nov 8, 2017


joined Jun 7, 2019

No, because I love character development, look at Chie, Kanae, Honoka and Mari
You can't tell me that they are the same person they were at the beginning of the manga, the only ones that did not change are Miyoshi and Ayano, well, more or less, before their relationship seemed less one-sided

joined Oct 22, 2020

This selective use of colour and first person perspective nearly killed me dead.

Then seeing A-Chad in the credits made me laugh out loud

joined Jul 26, 2016

Credit page on point as always lmaoooo

joined Jul 6, 2020

These two are so cute together

joined Jun 3, 2014

This selective use of colour and first person perspective nearly killed me dead.

Then seeing A-Chad in the credits made me laugh out loud

That credits page made me laugh for too long. Ai-chan is truly the chad of this chapter

joined May 12, 2020

I know every relationship is different but this couple seems much less...mature compared to others. I mean yeah they are still in high school but their relationship seems to go back and forth more than the others with no tangible development.

joined Mar 10, 2018

I'm getting a little worried with these close-ups and colored pages. Makes me think the series might be wrapping up soon and these are serving as pseudo-finales to the relationships. Also, the credits page just being a close up of chad Ai was perfect.

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

I know every relationship is different but this couple seems much less...mature compared to others. I mean yeah they are still in high school but their relationship seems to go back and forth more than the others with no tangible development.

They're not developed enough? What are you talking about?

If you go back to the beginning of the manga, their relationship has really grown. They're dating now, when before there was hardly any development. I'd say Ayano and Miyoshi are the ones that seem to have far less development.
Ai and Chie have really changed from the start of the manga. It's wonderful seeing them grow.

As for the manga ending, I hope we have a few more years left. There are still a couple of relationships and character arcs that I want to see completed.
I'm crossing my fingers for several more years.

last edited at Apr 28, 2021 5:45PM

joined Nov 13, 2017

We could get an "unofficial" epilogue thinbook where Ai and Chie get married and spend 19 pages consummating their new life together.

joined Jan 6, 2020

I'm getting a little worried with these close-ups and colored pages. Makes me think the series might be wrapping up soon and these are serving as pseudo-finales to the relationships.

He's been adding colour inserts for over a year now, so seems doubtful.

joined Nov 6, 2018

Kiss Chart

Full kisses:
6.7 - Michiru x Airi
14.7 - Mahimahi
60.5 - Ayano x Miyoshi
85.7 - Shizuka x Mio, 85.9 too
97.2 - Shizuka x Mio (flashback), 97.5 too
98.8 - Kaoru x Shizuka
99.12 - Nao x Nao
100.10 - Ayano x Miyoshi
102.5 - Mahimahi
107.2 - Kaoru x Shizuka (flashback)
107.3 - Shizuka x Mio (flashback), 107.11 (for real)
110.7 - Kaoru x harem (fantasy)
115.12 - Ai x Chie, finally!!
117.10 - Shizuka x Mio
122.6 - Kaoru x Mask, there's a mask in between them, still I'm counting it as a kiss
143.12 - Shizuka x Kaoru, oh no....
149.10 - Ai x Chie, dawww!
156.12 - Kaoru x library girl
186.10 - Mio x Shizuka, through 186.13 Multi-page color kiss!!
189.17 - Kaoru x Mask, another masked kiss
192.14-15 - Ai x Chie, color
198.4 - Mio x Shizuka
204.3.4 - Ai x Chie, color
209.10 - Yuu x Mari
216.10 - Elisha x Honoka, a glancing blow, but Eli says it's so

One-sided / near kisses (lip play):
19.6 - Mahimahi
23.6 - Nononon x Yumimi
37.11 - Ai x Chie
39.12 - Elisha x Honoka
45.12 - Elisha x Honoka
46.7 - Kaoru x Hibiki
49.10 - Ai x Chie
68.7 - Kaoru x Shizuka
85.3 - Shizuka x Mio, 85.4 too
92.8 - Yuu x Mari, 92.9, 92.10 too
100.11 - Ayano x Miyoshi
101.7 - Ai x Chie
131.9 - Yuu x Mari, 131.12 too
138.12 - Mahimahi (?)
139.10 - Yuu x Mari
146.12 - Nononon x Yumimi, 146.14 too
156.9 - Kaoru x library girl, 156.10 too
159.9 - Mahimahi
163.7 - Ayano x Miyoshi
163.15 - Micihiru x Airi
168.5 - Micihiru x Airi, 168.9 too
172.13 - Elisha x Honoka
196.3 - Ai x Chie, color
206.10 - Mahimahi
206.10 - Mahiru x Yuu, 206.11 too
206.12 - Yuu x Mari
206.14 - Mari x Mahiro, trouble
209.13 - Mari x Yuu
214.10 - Yumimi x Nononon, 214.11 too
216.9 - Elisha x Honoka 2x
219.3 - Yumimi x Nononon, 219.5 for the reversal
220.3 - Ayano x Miyoshi, 220.5 for the reversal (virtual?)
224.7 - Elisha x Honoka

Time for an update.

joined Jun 7, 2020

@Mr. Zilla ^ Missed this list. Appreciate it!

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