Forum › I Won't Tell the Teacher Yet discussion

joined May 20, 2013

Boy that ending really socked it to me

joined Jul 26, 2016

This PE teacher is bizarrely casual and fine with spending an hour hanging out and being flirted with by a student after school, the reason of which is never mentioned? I thought maybe it would be something to do with her home life when that cropped up but then that got squashed quick.

Takahaya seems to be the idealistic type who instead of a distant authority figure would rather be a friendly, approachable "big sister" the students can relax around and if necessary freely confide in. definitely new to the job She also seems to think Iijima has at least low-order trouble at home or similar and could use a "safe haven" and sympathetic adult to spend time in/around - and she isn't exactly wrong there. See ch 4 & 5 for case in point, as well as her obvious concern. If nothing else she's good and motivated enough at her job to pick up on that sort of thing.

Doesn't hurt that she seems to genuinely enjoy Iijima's company.

Which then brings us to why she's so ungodly oblivious to the girl's only too blatant advances. Think about the kind of dilemma she, as a sincerely idealistic and straight-laced educator, would face if she allowed herself to recognise them for what they are? Already in terms of professional ethics she'd pretty much have to distance herself from Iijima, thus depriving the kid of a much-needed emotional anchor and confidant and herself of a friend. Only goes double if the crush isn't entirely one-sided...

While we never get to see Takahaya's thoughts I would consider it only too likely that she's somewhat desperately glossing over Iijima's obvious advances with all the usual bullshit excuses applicable in these sorts of situations. Never underestimate the ability of the human mind to blatantly deceive itself for emotional and psychological convenience.

EDIT: Case in point. See also her obvious relief when Otoha later handed her the most cliché and transparent excuse in the book to handwave the matter away with.
This woman isn't Harem Lead Dense, she's in more or less conscious denial for the sake of both parties.

Not really feeling this one, it doesn't feel like the relationship will actually go anywhere

Eh, I dunno. Sensei is clearly too straight-laced and morally upright to readily date one of her charges, but I figure Iijima ought to have decent odds if she bides her time until the end of HS when the obvious moral-ethical hurdles are off the table.

last edited at Mar 21, 2021 6:47PM

joined Feb 8, 2013

the ending hurts(

joined May 8, 2018

Was honestly kinda hoping for at least a confession. I love student-teacher. I don't even care if the manga end after that. I just want a love confession. But you know what, I'll just write it myself. At least it didn't drag on. In a world of manga, that always happen, making me lose interest. Misunderstaing after misunderstaing. That's why I stop reading Useless Princesses because the main girls are literally just that. It's pain peko.

This was wholesome. Maybe too wholesome. Or should I say てぇてぇ.

joined Mar 7, 2021

that's it?
I mean it's really cute and there's a lot of great blushing, but what's the point?
also having something major like abusive parents flashed to but not addressed in any way or manner is kind of frustrating and again what's the point? if you aren't going to actually do anything with it why does she even have abusive parents?

I was really enjoying it as i was reading it but then it just ends and none of it means anything.

joined Mar 7, 2021

Was honestly kinda hoping for at least a confession. I love student-teacher. I don't even care if the manga end after that. I just want a love confession. But you know what, I'll just write it myself. At least it didn't drag on. In a world of manga, that always happen, making me lose interest. Misunderstaing after misunderstaing. That's why I stop reading Useless Princesses because the main girls are literally just that. It's pain peko.

This was wholesome. Maybe too wholesome. Or should I say てぇてぇ.

Useless Princesses is actually reaching a climax if you ever consider picking it back up that said it's 32 chapters right now which I suppose is long by average yuri manga standards.

joined Apr 29, 2018

the title is so true!

joined Jul 29, 2017

if you aren't going to actually do anything with it why does she even have abusive parents?

To explain why Ijima can spend so much time after school without getting in trouble for it at home, and, as random suggested above, to show why sensei welcomes her.

Sure, sensei is super-dense, but the author clearly didn't want to get into squick territory. If the slight hints that sensei returns Ijima's feeling were developed any further, we could watch the "It's a sin and a crime!" brigade descend on the forum in a hot flash.

Altho it seems really out of place the whole abusive parents thing does make sense; it's said many times she's too weak, or too small, or too fragile, and when she feels cold all of a sudden really shows you how underdeveloped/kinda malnourished she is, she has a bad immune system and just isn't healthy (it's even said in one of the chapters that she hasn't been eating properly), the abusive parents thing is a good explanation for that, and since her having all those issues did move the "plot" forward I don't see a big problem
But yes, it did feel rushed and unresolved :/ I wish we could see where the story would go from there

joined Sep 1, 2017

For coming from a culture notorious for being polite and stand-off-ish, manga, and anime often depict teacher-student relationships, as way too casual and intimate.

I'm going to guess that there's some reason for that. Maybe the fantasy of manga and anime allows Japanese authors to explore relationships that are IRL often times stand-off-ish and polite as you put it. Personally I don't see anything wrong with it, as fiction doesn't need to obey or even portray reality.

I don't see any problem with it either, it just seems strange, to me.

joined Mar 3, 2019

I feel sorry for the young girl.

Good job, kingsnowman8.

joined Mar 20, 2021

Good job, kingsnowman8.

Thank you so much!
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

last edited at Mar 22, 2021 10:45AM

joined Apr 27, 2014

It started out quite well! I wanted to have more of an actual ending, but that's how it is and I shall be grateful at least it was cute while it lasted.

joined Feb 4, 2021

Let down at the ending ;(

joined May 11, 2016

I always remember Kiara when I see glass cannon romantics like these.

joined Jun 6, 2013

I think what made the ending especially unsatisfactory is how she very physically and obviously liked her this whole time, but then didn't say in the end or this teacher didn't even expect it or something.

joined Aug 12, 2017

hot trash

joined Mar 4, 2018

Crushes are hard things to bear with the naivete of youth. Still, sad to see the peanut crest-fallen.

joined Nov 14, 2014

Quite standard stuff but I definitely would like more of it.

^ is what I wrote before realizing all chapters were uploaded in the same day. xD OK putting it in to read for now :P

last edited at Mar 26, 2021 9:21AM

joined Jun 12, 2015


joined Aug 10, 2014

Aff this one kind of hurt.

joined Aug 25, 2018

What an amazing ball of nothing. I don’t mind plotless fluffyness, but give me a damn confession ending or something... even oneshots give us better endings...

joined Jun 30, 2016

It was good until that ending.

joined Apr 29, 2021

Welppppp they're a cute couple.... HSKDJWBDJDB I hope the author made it more longer tho but I still enjoyed watching it even if it's so Short

joined Apr 20, 2021

It seems like it was axed, no?

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