Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Mar 7, 2017

Stories like this would be less creepy and weird if they were just set in college.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Even after reading this far, I still can't erase the thought that fuwa is just grooming her. Maybe I've read too many doujins.

Well, essentially she is, but with her consent given through the bet whether she can resist it.

joined Jun 17, 2018

Stories like this would be less creepy and weird if they were just set in college.

Wow, what a good point. It would be really helpful in lot's of ways

joined Feb 18, 2015

Stories like this would be less creepy and weird if they were just set in college.

Wow, what a good point. It would be really helpful in lot's of ways

That's a cultural issue, though. It is, sadly, a fact that high school-aged compensated dating is a very real thing in Japan. The main event that started the plotline was when the MC who insists that two girls can't be a legit couple was stating that she might give that a try to make more money, probably in reaction to the fact that she had been sexually harassed at the part-time job she had just quit, now that we have the full details about that. Sort of "If I'm gonna get groped on the job anyway, I might as well get paid better for it and have at least a chance of choosing which clients I want to make money from."

So far, at least, there hasn't been anything in this manga that has been nonconsensual, no matter how much the lady doth protest. She agreed to their bet and the terms of the bet included physical intimacy of the type that has occurred. In addition, the type of things they have done are not out of the ordinary for people of their age group in a relationship. Indeed, since they are 2nd year high schoolers, they are old enough that they are almost old enough to legally buy the porn they were watching. Yes, they are not technically old enough to watch porn, but, let's be real here... how many people who WANT to watch porn don't find a way to watch it before they are legally of age to watch it?

The next arc, showing Fuwa working at a lesbian bar as a 17-year-old, might be a bit more sketchy, but she's already stated that she's legally allowed to work there, but only until 10 pm and only if she doesn't handle alcohol. I presume she's working as a hostess, greeting guests and chatting with them if they request her company. This is another legal form of employment in Japan that, I'm sure, many people will find squicky and think is wrong, but it is a valid form of employment and looking down on the legal sex trade, especially the low end of it where there isn't any actual prostitution involved, is something that the Puritan founders of the USA would be ooooh so proud of! Right along with condemning gays and lesbians! There's not really any valid reason to do it. This isn't the TV hookers from 70s and 80s TV shows. It's entirely different.

Ask yourself: Would two years really make THAT big of a difference in this story? Were you REALLY that much more of an "adult" when you started college than you were your second to last year of high school? (My personal answer is NO! I am pretty sure I regressed in maturity when I went to college and didn't really recover to the place I was as a high school junior until about my junior year of college!)

joined Apr 6, 2019

Ok I'm just gonna ask: where did this come from? ^

joined Oct 15, 2016

I'm loving this goofy ass story. Like, yeah, Fuwa is a creep and a perv, but Marika's reactions are hilarious to me. Marika is the embodiment of the comments from anime fans who basically say "Yeah, these characters might be kissing and gazing longingly into their eyes, but they're not gay!" and i'm all for it.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Blimey, out of the pan and in to the fire. But, as she was pontificating, as long as it's not with Fuwa.

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

Ok I'm just gonna ask: where did this come from? ^

Canon, obviouslyMe. I made it.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

TheLubeTube posted:

Ok I'm just gonna ask: where did this come from? ^

Canon, obviouslyMe. I made it.


joined Apr 6, 2019

Ok I'm just gonna ask: where did this come from? ^

Canon, obviouslyMe. I made it.

You are a genius and my new hero.

last edited at Mar 18, 2021 1:24AM

joined Jul 24, 2018

the idea of grooming some str8 girl into liking women literally makes me wanna vomit. i can't get into this story because it just feels like exactly the type of thing some hetero women think lesbians are like ( predatory af ) which is disgusting to me so i'm quitting this.

joined Apr 15, 2017

I'm loving this goofy ass story. Like, yeah, Fuwa is a creep and a perv, but Marika's reactions are hilarious to me. Marika is the embodiment of the comments from anime fans who basically say "Yeah, these characters might be kissing and gazing longingly into their eyes, but they're not gay!" and i'm all for it.

lol was thinking the same.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Saint00 posted:

the idea of grooming some str8 girl into liking women literally makes me wanna vomit. i can't get into this story because it just feels like exactly the type of thing some hetero women think lesbians are like ( predatory af ) which is disgusting to me so i'm quitting this.

While Fuwa is predatory and creepy regardless, it's quickly made abundantly clear that Marika is just deep in denial.

joined Dec 20, 2018

the idea of grooming some str8 girl into liking women literally makes me wanna vomit. i can't get into this story because it just feels like exactly the type of thing some hetero women think lesbians are like ( predatory af ) which is disgusting to me so i'm quitting this.

Eh, I mean, I do get where you're coming from, and a lot of this story is questionable, but at the same time, the "straight" girl has agreed to this beforehand, and seeing how quickly she already fell for Aya, I really question her actual straightness.

joined Mar 5, 2016

i feel like the central fantasy for the intended reader is for someone to forcibly break their repression? certainly there are more angles but that one seems obvious to me. so people who have spent some amount of time living in fear and uncertainty, feeling like they are nothing, until they finally dare to give in and the world just comes into focus for the first time probably get more out of it than the rest of us. sometimes people just wish they had gotten a kick in the ass.

joined Feb 14, 2016

the idea of grooming some str8 girl into liking women literally makes me wanna vomit. i can't get into this story because it just feels like exactly the type of thing some hetero women think lesbians are like ( predatory af ) which is disgusting to me so i'm quitting this.

Eh, I mean, I do get where you're coming from, and a lot of this story is questionable, but at the same time, the "straight" girl has agreed to this beforehand, and seeing how quickly she already fell for Aya, I really question her actual straightness.

Yeah like while there are some aspects to this that are obviously weird (like where she got her porn collection from) it's not quite as bad as I feared. If nothing else it doesn't seem like she's in a position where she's doing this because she needs the money, and while it's not clear the setting seems to imply stable home life and supportive peers. Despite being lauded here as sweet and wholesome, "Even if was just once..." is probably a creepier premise since none of those things apply, and she's being coerced into a relationship under the threat of homelessness.

In that context I think the early chapters could have done a better job of setting up Maria's latent sexuality (i.e., "I'll do it. I'll prove I'm not attracted to her and wipe the smug grin off her incredibly pretty face!") but otherwise this is a screwball story with the main twist being the characters are high-school girls.

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

In that context I think the early chapters could have done a better job of setting up Maria's latent sexuality (i.e., "I'll do it. I'll prove I'm not attracted to her and wipe the smug grin off her incredibly pretty face!")

joined Apr 6, 2019

In that context I think the early chapters could have done a better job of setting up Maria's latent sexuality (i.e., "I'll do it. I'll prove I'm not attracted to her and wipe the smug grin off her incredibly pretty face!")

I stand by what I said. You're a genius. And you're my hero. (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง

joined Apr 11, 2019

In that context I think the early chapters could have done a better job of setting up Maria's latent sexuality (i.e., "I'll do it. I'll prove I'm not attracted to her and wipe the smug grin off her incredibly pretty face!")

what a straight girl

last edited at Mar 18, 2021 1:40AM

joined Jul 5, 2020

Somehow I feel like this is just rape with extra steps.

joined Aug 17, 2012

In that context I think the early chapters could have done a better job of setting up Maria's latent sexuality (i.e., "I'll do it. I'll prove I'm not attracted to her and wipe the smug grin off her incredibly pretty face!")

Great image

Mod edit: Let's not embed large quoted images.

last edited at Mar 18, 2021 8:32AM by Alice Cheshire

joined Oct 22, 2018

In that context I think the early chapters could have done a better job of setting up Maria's latent sexuality (i.e., "I'll do it. I'll prove I'm not attracted to her and wipe the smug grin off her incredibly pretty face!")


I'll literally pay you to make a wallpaper out of this. No I don't mean a phone or tablet or pc wallpaper, but like a poster you can glue on your wall or wardrobe or doors.

joined Jan 24, 2021


Actually love you for this lmao

last edited at Mar 18, 2021 4:22PM

joined Mar 19, 2021

i feel like the central fantasy for the intended reader is for someone to forcibly break their repression? certainly there are more angles but that one seems obvious to me. so people who have spent some amount of time living in fear and uncertainty, feeling like they are nothing, until they finally dare to give in and the world just comes into focus for the first time probably get more out of it than the rest of us. sometimes people just wish they had gotten a kick in the ass.

That's definitely part of it. I think it's the same idea you see in romance novels a lot, from the Victorian era to the modern day. The protagonist is absolutely 100% not interested in the swarthy handsome kinda racist foreign man's advances and doesn't consent at all to what he does to her because she's a Good Christian Englishwoman and Sex Is Icky, except that's clearly a paper thin veneer and she's enjoying every minute of it.

It's an extremely common setup because it taps into a lot of different appeals at once. It allows you to textually uphold prudish social norms while every page drips with subtext about how great sex is, and the reader can latch on to the protagonist's token resistance to pretend they're still a pure and virtuous woman who would never succumb even as they get off to the protagonist succumbing. You get the fantasy of the repressed woman whisked away from that environment, for those readers who'd rather pretend they can be horny more freely than pretend that they're not. You have a tension around whether she'll give in or keep resisting, and different sorts of readers can root for either outcome. And you tap into the rather common rape/domination fetish, but also because it's so subtextually clear she's into it you don't put off many people who don't have that fetish.

This story is playing for most of the same appeals, but also plays it for comedy by admitting right there in the title that Marika is full of shit and clearly in denial about how much she's enjoying everything. So instead of that veneer that lets the reader pretend they're totally scandalized by what's happening even as they're reading with one hand we're just laughing at her and waiting to see when she finally admits it.

joined Mar 19, 2021

i feel like the central fantasy for the intended reader is for someone to forcibly break their repression

Yeah, it's absolutely this. Het erotica has a tonne of this too. You're not meant to critically look at the behaviour of the pursuer, you're supposed to self-insert with the pursued

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