Hmmmm. I normally like this kind of thing, but gave the LN translation a read and it feels... very uncomfy. You need juuuust the right tone for an “oh no! A sexy lady that I kinda hate (and kinda dig) is unraveling my repressed lesbianism and I’m just [drapes hand over face] powerless to stop her! Whatever shall I do?” kinda story and this... really doesn’t have that. Maybe the manga will do a better job but... yeaaaah, it’s got a certain, “she actually dislikes it, but the author decides that she stays there and is pleasured by it” vibe, and the other girl literally says she likes it more when they don’t like it/her.
I hope the manga changes up the tone, because if it can pull it off this premise is like catnip for me.
last edited at Feb 10, 2021 1:40AM