Forum › Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) discussion

joined Feb 6, 2018

I wish I knew about the LN sooner. I binged read it all recently after watching some of the anime, and caught up just in time for this chapter. I even went back and started reading from Volume 1. It was only for a few days, but I'm really gonna miss reading AdaShima. I wasn't expecting to like it this much or to feel this much of a void. I can't wait for the next volume to come out hopefully sometime next year! But who knows since Hitoma also seems to be working on other things. I want more AdaShima goodness.

Cute, short chapter. God, I love Shimamura's mom. I was hoping for more, especially with Adachi's mom, but I'm fine with what happened. It was bittersweet considering the future. I also agree it was a weird cut off point. I was expecting at least few more pages to go, only to suddenly see the last page and go "oh... that's a lot of white space." Though, to be fair, we do get a good idea of how their Christmas night went. I giggled a bit when Adachi reacted to her mom and Shimamura's short convo. I hope we'll get to see Shimamura tell Adachi about the sauna fight next volume.

I wonder what happened to Adachi's dad, since I'm pretty sure Adachi mentioned both her parents being gone from home when she tried making homemade chocolate for Valentine's Day. He must have been around February at least. I'm guessing it must have been a really recent divorce. Maybe Adachi will talk about it one day. But knowing her, probably not since she hardly ever brings up her family.

joined May 24, 2017

Thank you so much, Sneikkimies! I truly appreciate your kindness.
This novel always make me smile. It was a wonderful experience reading it. Thank you very much.

joined Nov 2, 2020

Was hoping when Adachi's mom looked downwards she would make a comment about their hands not the dress, bummer

joined Jun 7, 2019

Am I the only one who wants their parents to find out about their relationship? I think it would take an interesting twist if so, although I think Shimamura's mother already has suspicions ... and Shimamura's hints about them knowing that they are dating, mmm. ..

joined Dec 13, 2020

Am I the only one who wants their parents to find out about their relationship? I think it would take an interesting twist if so, although I think Shimamura's mother already has suspicions ... and Shimamura's hints about them knowing that they are dating, mmm. ..

I thought that was how the last chapter was going to end, I'm not sure why it ended where it did to be honest.

joined Jun 7, 2019

Am I the only one who wants their parents to find out about their relationship? I think it would take an interesting twist if so, although I think Shimamura's mother already has suspicions ... and Shimamura's hints about them knowing that they are dating, mmm. ..

I thought that was how the last chapter was going to end, I'm not sure why it ended where it did to be honest.

maybe the author wants to have illustrations for what's to come If you didn't know, the previous artist left the project (although I don't know why)

joined Nov 3, 2018

I feel like there's an extremely simple solution to this which is to employ the artist for the current manga adaptation, but maybe there were some complications for this volume.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Am I the only one who wants their parents to find out about their relationship? I think it would take an interesting twist if so, although I think Shimamura's mother already has suspicions ... and Shimamura's hints about them knowing that they are dating, mmm. ..

I think Shimamura's mom definitely knows, and I suspect Adachi's mom is pretty sure as well. The only one that is likely oblivious is Shima's dad.

joined Aug 28, 2020

That was a nice chapter about the families meeting. I couldn't help laughing when Shimamura was like 'haha what if my mom and Adachi's mom are going out' but then immediately is like 'uhh let's not think about that'. I'd read a spinoff about the moms ngl. It doesn't even have to be romantic yuri.

Anyway, I agree with the afterword feeling super short. I kinda miss having Non's comment there too so I hope the next volume will have an artist assigned again and they'll have some witty comment to put.

joined Jan 25, 2017

If Non doesn't feel up to coming back, they should see if Nio Nakatani can do it. She and Iruma already have multiple successful collabs under their belt, after all.

joined Sep 19, 2020

If Non doesn't feel up to coming back, they should see if Nio Nakatani can do it. She and Iruma already have multiple successful collabs under their belt, after all.

Oh, yes please, that would be sick. Though i heard somewhere, her next work will not be yuri.

joined Jun 29, 2020

Personally, I think the kind of expressions that Nakatani draws are just too understated for a character like Adachi. Even aside from that, I think it would just be too big of a leap from Non's style.

Given that the next volume will likely cover Valentine's again, does anyone think we can hope for a kiss on the lips? Though, I'm most anticipating a resolution to the Tarumi situation. We got no indication that they had met again even after so much time had passed.

joined Dec 20, 2018

If Non doesn't feel up to coming back, they should see if Nio Nakatani can do it. She and Iruma already have multiple successful collabs under their belt, after all.

I do admit, that thought did cross my mind when we got that illustration, although it would probably be better to have someone with a style closer to Non's to keep the novel illustrations more or less consistent.

Oh, yes please, that would be sick. Though i heard somewhere, her next work will not be yuri.

Her own manga, sure, but she's already illustrating another yuri novel as well.

joined Oct 22, 2018

A rather plain, but still fine and enjoyable chapter.

joined Feb 6, 2018

Though, I'm most anticipating a resolution to the Tarumi situation. We got no indication that they had met again even after so much time had passed.

Yeah, I'm hoping for that as well. I was so looking forward to seeing Shimamura and Tarumi hang out again, and how Shimamura would handle it with Adachi, after Shimamura said sure to hanging out the previous volume.

joined Mar 23, 2020

Christmas came early folks, thx a lot for the translation of volume 9 it sure was delightful, a little miffed so much of it was focused on Hino and Nagafuji but that's been part of the course it seems with last volume also half of it being weirdo parallel universe stuff.

Welp got some uncensored, unadulterated, raw handholding so there's that.

Now to wait on volume 10 .... Hope it's not that far away 1 year? Please no more then 2 years at least, especially now in such an exciting point where Shima is finally coming to terms with what she wants her relationship with Adachi to be and finally moving forward instead of her usual passive, lazy attitude.

Lots of development and big dick plays from Adachi, understandable, she finally knows that Shima is here to stay with her, a lot of people are too hard on her saying she's way too crazy or over the top when it's more like she's just scared to lose the first person she's ever connected with and it's her first time interacting with a person, she's just developing her social skills so all her little outbursts are understandable, she's really lucky Shima is so calm and understanding and now that she has a sense of security from Shima returning her affection she's able to be calm and be more cool headed which I love, while I love Shima a lot Adachi is the one driving everything forward, even if she's clumsy and makes a lot of mistakes all this is from her straightforward attitude that was able to Pierce through Shimas passive and uninterested nature.

Anyways great volume and it's gonna be sad waiting on the next one, nothing is as good as this when it comes to romance, the Yuri just makes it all the sweeter lol.

joined Dec 23, 2020

I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of catching up to here and seeing all of the ups and downs they go through. Watching Shima actually come to terms with her feelings for Adachi and actually embrace them is a joy. Also, despite knowing that they're together 10 years later I'm still terrified it's all going to fall apart somehow. XD

joined Mar 23, 2020

Oh Bloom into you: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, volume 3 came out damn finally the conclusion damnnn I'm so excited hahaha, I'm a little miffed I don't have time to read it due to Christmas family stuff .... Welp I'll show my face and go back home to read it lol.

joined Apr 3, 2012

Where should I start reading to pick up where the anime leaves off?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Where should I start reading to pick up where the anime leaves off?

Volume 5, although I would still recommend reading from the start, there's still a lot of additional detail even the anime can't convey.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I just finished watching the anime.

Personally, while Adachi's insecurity about her relationship with Shimamura is understandable, deciding that you only need a bond with one person is a rather unhealthy mindset for even introverts to have. It reminds me a little of how, in Yuri is My Job, Kanoko becomes insistent on keeping her spot as Hime's only real friend. In that case, however, Sumika calls Kanoko out on how unhealthy her clinginess toward Hime is, and she and Kanoko eventually do become friends (a development Hime approves of).

Of course, Shimamura's also partly responsible for the somewhat dysfunctional state of their relationship. Her rather cynical attitude about "fake friendships," especially with the girls in her class whose names she doesn't bother to remember, is rather off-putting. It's fine to acknowledge that most people tend to drift apart sooner or later, but you should at least value those temporary connections while they last, and I say that as an introvert myself. With this attitude, it's no surprise that Adachi sometimes wonders whether Shimamura even cares about her.

Incidentally, going back to Yuri Is My Job, while Hime is rather cynical and considers most of her friends to be fakes who'd abandon her at the drop of a hat, she does actually value Mitsuki and Kanoko's friendships, considering them her two real friends.

Basically, Adachi and Shimamura seem fundamentally incompatible at this point- as an introvert who decides she only needs one special person and someone who doesn't place all that much value on most of her bonds, respectively. Perhaps I'm wrong about this, or perhaps they get better later, but this is how I feel about them at this point in the story.

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 6:21PM

joined Apr 18, 2016

Okay, so I'm two volumes into the light novel, and I have to ask for the sake of my wallet...just how slow burn is this going to be? Is adachi going to spit it out or Shimamura going to realize Adachi's feelings at any point in the next 10 or whatever volumes or is it going to be gayngst and waffling all the way down?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Is adachi going to spit it out or Shimamura going to realize Adachi's feelings at any point in the next 10 or whatever volumes [...]?

Eventually, yes.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Okay, so I'm two volumes into the light novel, and I have to ask for the sake of my wallet...just how slow burn is this going to be? Is adachi going to spit it out or Shimamura going to realize Adachi's feelings at any point in the next 10 or whatever volumes or is it going to be gayngst and waffling all the way down?

The confession is in like the final chapter of volume 6 IIRC

joined Mar 23, 2020

Bro I know what you're worried about but hear me and let you worries disappear.

While it's indeed a slow burn and you could even say that the author plays the "I know what my feelings mean now" card with Adachi like 3 times the pay off is phenomenal minimal spoilers here well like someone already said at the end of volume 6 Adachi confesses to Shima and damn it's a great confession one of my favorite ones from any romance series I love it, Adachi is still a little lost on what exactly she wants from Shima and how to phrase her confession, worried that shima might be put off with the whole lesbian thing, and Shima doesn't let her fuck around, she's direct and to the point in what they're gonna be doing, having a romantic relationship, still Adachi is really the one moving everything along, she might be very awkward and clumsy but she always pushes along to make her love come true it's super wholesome I love her lol, also from that moment on they start acting more and more as a couple and the confession really matter, not like those series where after a confession nothing really changes, nope, things start moving forward in a "we're now a couple way" it's the best

So yeah I really recommend you keep reading it, trust me your wallet won't be disappointed you'll make a 100% return in the feels department, it's well worth it.

last edited at Dec 29, 2020 10:30AM

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