@echoblaze Maybe she didnt technically lie- but Im sure asumi thought she meant just for the people there.. not given out to others- even if not 'sold'. Hiding them behind her back as she did tells me they didnt want her to know about it.
Yeah I'm with you on this one. Even if she technically didn't lie, it's still lying by omission.
I still enjoy the series, but I didn't like the lack of consent in this chapter. Just because Asumi ended up enjoying the photoshoot doesn't make it not shady.
And yeah yeah fiction is fiction, and I myself do read all the hard-core and morally wrong stuff all the time, but I think I just don't like how they're portraying it as something that is okay to do and that it's no biggie. The first two chapters were really wholesome, consensual experiences so ch 3 just came out of left field for me.