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Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

BV posted:

It really ended....... I'll finally be able to sleep at night again

Implies this manga even can be a reason for one's thoughts to slow down oneself falling asleep

EDIT: How do I prevent the > from immediatelly making it as if it's a quote? The latter part shouldn't be quoted

It really ended....... I'll finally be able to sleep at night again

Implies this manga even can be a reason for one's thoughts to slow down oneself falling asleep

EDIT/ You mean you want to use ">"? well you can't since it's part of code.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 6:10PM

joined Oct 29, 2013

I think this ending suits pretty well for this shitty manga, but I’d rather not have read this today.

joined Sep 19, 2014

Is so unconvinced, they probably end together but with a lot ambiguity, the page 22 could easily set this as friendship about everything, it only if they use the pages better

joined Mar 12, 2018

Oh I'm so sad ! The ending was way too weak :(( The plot was very interesting, the art is gorgeous and the mangaka made some very good doujinshis, it could have turn out into one of the best yuri :((

joined Oct 22, 2018

BV posted:

It really ended....... I'll finally be able to sleep at night again

Implies this manga even can be a reason for one's thoughts to slow down oneself falling asleep

EDIT: How do I prevent the > from immediatelly making it as if it's a quote? The latter part shouldn't be quoted

It really ended....... I'll finally be able to sleep at night again

Implies this manga even can be a reason for one's thoughts to slow down oneself falling asleep

EDIT/ You mean you want to use ">"? well you can't since it's part of code.

Well, thanks anyways.

joined Oct 23, 2016

FOUR FUCKING YEARS and thats the ending we get? Not a kiss, not a confession, not a damn thing? I feel so fucking cheated. Thank God I did not waste a cent for this piece of shit story.
I have never given this rating before, but this deserves it, 0/10. Won't even come back to re-read it. Please yuri lovers, do the upcoming yuri newbs a favor and never recommend this trash to them.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 6:32PM

Tmnr: hey Saburouta can I copy your homework?
Sabu: sure just don't make it obvious.
skips over the big main confrontation/disscussion with the guy who stands in the way of the two leads being together with two time skips, instead of one

Time skip was expected, but damn two? So they're just neighbors with Reichii and Kaoru is okay being around the guy she divorced??? Like what was the point in moving if she was going be back around him again '-' she did not do a full 180.
BUTTT LOOOOK AT OL UTAAAA (the highlight of the chapter for me) and at least they're both probably happy which of course is all I wanted for them, but damn what a flat empty "happy ending".

Nice credit page as always tho and thanks for translating up til the end.

joined Jul 15, 2020

What a fucking let down, holy crap. I am dumb folded. I can't understand. This was probably rushed to an ending, but holy hell.

So much build up, angst and expectations, so much time wasted pointing out the same fucking things instead of gradually developing the story.

Probably the biggest disappointment I had related to manga.

joined Apr 15, 2011

umm.... that was rather abrupt.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Look, this ending is pretty much of a piece with the whole rest of the story--poorly paced, too much time on peripheral things, unanswered throwaway questions (like, how did Uta learn "what it feels like to have someone like you"? Was it a boy? A girl? A lizard?), and things that might be meaningful but might just be sloppy mistakes (for example, if Reiichi lives in the same building, why does his door not have a lock like Uta's does? If he doesn't, why was he picking up mail as if he were coming home from work?)

The ending is a problem, but I'd say it's just another symptom of THE problem.

The door Reiichi is going through isn't the same type of door as the one Uta is standing at. It doesn't have an intercom/doorbell system next to it and it doesn't look like it has a lock on the handle. In other words, it looks like it is a door to an interior hallway or a FIRE DOOR as they are called. (Fireproof doors that exist to slow the spread of fires in the event one breaks out.) That would indicate that his apartment is in a different hallway or even a different wing of the apartment complex, though on the same floor. Uta and Kaoru live in a room closer to the elevator.

All in all, I don't hate the ending. It feels hella rushed and intentionally vague, but the theme of the story IS unrequited love, so it is hard to say that a HEA ending where Kaoru came to realize just how gay she is would have been at all fitting for the series either. The one thing I did like about the chapter was the way Kaoru's friends looked at her with that "pitying kindness", clearly thinking that she was keeping a stiff upper lip and thinking that "somewhere out there I'll find my prince who will love me for who I am" when she said, "But out there's still someone... someone who loves me for who I am." I got a good chuckle out of that one AND it gives a hint as to whether the ending should be interpreted as them living together platonically (and queerplatonic relationships are still relationships!) or romantically. That wistful look on her face suggests that, once she gets her own crap together, she might be ready to reconsider her feelings and whether her love for Uta is something that goes beyond familial love. (Which could very well explain why Uta hadn't seen her for a year.) It's just a shame that there weren't three or four more chapters to see whether it happened or not...

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 6:47PM

joined Apr 25, 2018

I have no words.. 4 years of waiting for that? Definitely tops my "most disappointing manga endings of all time" list.
joined May 28, 2015

This ending ... Why !? OK author so if this is your ending then let me put the final dot.

Kuro and Miyabi have a lovely, solid and respectful couple
Her friend from overseas married a foreign guy.
Reiichi married her waifu, Risako !
And Uta still have her f*cking unrequired love for Kaoru and can't move on. After finishing her study and getting a job they decided to live together. Better be near her than letting her find another man. Sometimes looking at Kaoru make Uta sad because she know she will never have her feelings reciprocated but she remember that now the two of them are roomates/good pals so we can say that they are like a couple after all they live together ! And to cover it up they also decide to live next to Reiichi and Risako and be happy. After some times Risako will have her children and she will let Kaoru look after them and the children will consider Kaoru like another mother. But then we will discover than Kaoru still have feelings for Reiichi and she only decide to divorce of him because she was feeling guity about what her mother tell him before she died. And then Uta will discover that Kaoru and Reiichi have an affair and she will decided to marry a guy and leave Kaoru have a treesome with Reiichi and Risako. Moral being gay is too hard.
THE END. (Ok it's ridiculous)

Honestly better that ending the author give us than nothing.

joined Dec 13, 2013

hm… what?
sure there are pages missing……… right?

joined Jan 26, 2020

I waited since 2016 for a kiss scene i waited 4 years for a kiss scene and this is how it ends UGHHHHHHHHH but IM HAPPY but so MAD LMFAOO

joined Feb 17, 2013

So after those 4 years we get exactly 1 panel resolution with NO CLUE how they got together??
No kiss, no confession of feelings returned?

If the author leaves it there- even if it was canceled- then they are an idiot who likes pissing off their fans! nothing would stop them doing an extra themselves and putting out there.. So that best not be it Tmnr!

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 7:18PM

joined Sep 4, 2019

Blastaar wrote:

Or they simply are bad at storytelling and couldn't handle continuing the narrative over longer period.

I'm pretty much on record for this position. I agree that the beginning had a lot of potential, but even early on in the story the signs of dropped threads, poorly structured beats, and more questions than answers were pretty evident.

That "confession cliffhanger" business was a red flag if ever there were one.

I'm going to force myself to limit my "I told you so" posts to a few hundred a day.

I checked the comments solely to read your "I told you so."

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 7:27PM

joined Jan 6, 2020

I would have been happy if it ended with the first skip.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^The second one only made it better- so i dont get that? It just didnt do anywhere near enough.
We got to see they are now living together - presumably as a couple now.

joined May 28, 2013


joined Apr 2, 2020

What the actual fuck?
Dear mother of God, this most be one of the worst manga endings I've ever seen.

joined Jan 6, 2020

^The second one only made it better- so i dont get that? It just didnt do anywhere near enough.
We got to see they are now living together - presumably as a couple now.

Because to me it made sense it stayed unrequited as Kaoru never showed romantic interest a single time, this opened-ended (though leaning towards together) ending just seems forced.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Reichii apparently living nearby doesn't bother me. He's close to his sister, he cares for Kaoru, they divorced amicably (she SAID so) year ago. If their jobs let them live near each other, why not? It's cool to have nearby friends and family whom you like.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Reichii apparently living nearby doesn't bother me. He's close to his sister, he cares for Kaoru, they divorced amicably (she SAID so) year ago. If their jobs let them live near each other, why not? It's cool to have nearby friends and family whom you like.

This is the part that's making me think the ending is even worse that I assumed and that Uta and Kaoru really are just living as roommates. No one with a shred of empathy would purposefully move in across the hall from their brother/lover's ex-husband. Since Uta and Kaoru both are nothing like that, this ending just became so much more depressing for me. Never reading a story from this author again.

joined Feb 11, 2013

Man, that really was not an end I hoped for these two.
The title of the manga makes me now madder than before, like it's laughing at us with this end.

joined Jan 30, 2019

What even happened?

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