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Matazoro. discussion 15 Jul 07:01
joined Jan 30, 2019

Strange... Baka-updates doesn't have this tagged as yuri, not even as soft gl or subtext. And they usually don't get it wrong when it comes to tags, even less so for series like Matazoro that's been around for 2 years already. As for the magazine, K-Carat isn't exactly known as a yuri venue.

I'll ask just out of dubiousness, are you all adamantly certain this is a yuri manga?

No idea about future chapters but a subtext tag surely fits?

joined Jan 30, 2019

The artist in the extras is apparently a group produced by Kushita Mine / Ikuta Machine! They look like they should be a bigger deal but all of their social media accounts make them look underpromoted.

joined Jan 30, 2019

I'm curious about the author thanks to all the afterwords. Is it a mother? Because that conjures up an amusing image in my mind. A mother of a kindergartener son writing/drawing yuri.

last edited at Jun 30, 2022 9:06AM

joined Jan 30, 2019

This manga is hella entertaining even without the NSFW content. I wish it had monthly updates at least.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Somehow it has the young love/exploring nascent sexuality thing down pat. Enjoying that a lot.

Couldn't find the words to say this myself but yeah!

joined Jan 30, 2019

I don't think the romance tag needs to go (I did at first but not anymore). There's plenty of romance in the series between different characters. Sure, it may not be all reciprocated but many mainstream series with only one-sided feelings are still categorized as romance. Imo a series that focuses on characters' romantic feelings warrants a romance tag whether or not those feelings are reciprocated.

Lol maybe a womance tag?

last edited at Apr 30, 2022 1:25AM

joined Jan 30, 2019

I can't really enjoy this manga because I feel like the MC is rushing ahead with her feelings like she's desperate to find someone. Hasn't she known sensei only for a week?

I don't think she's rushing anything, particularly--she's been crushing on sensei ever since they met remember, she masturbated thinking about sensei in the bath the first night she was there, and now she's living with her crush, so of course we're going to get "She's so cute/sexy!" scenes every chapter just to remind us of Ayu's basic emotional situation.

I mean, it makes sense and is not unheard of in real life but yeah, it's just personally hard to ship it when it's a superficial crush-at-first-sight kind of thing (so far). I understand her being a teen might explain her inability to calm down and think.

Or maybe I'm just biased because since around Ayu's age, I've found it harder and harder to keep crushing on people mainly based on their looks. Probably a defense mechanism because it's just a waste of feelings when the probability of reciprocation is incredibly low (we already have a ridiculously small dating pool).

joined Jan 30, 2019

I am not surprised by the ending as the author had made their romantic/sexual orientations very clear so I don't have many qualms about it except how they live in separate apartments. That's just so absurd. It made me feel awful for some reason? Like they were deliberately avoiding each other. Or hell, even repulsed by each other. Not very realistic either imo. Like others said, it's also impractical because of rent reasons. But what exactly is the problem with them just being roommates or living like a family together? Idk how small the apartments are but money does not seem to be an issue for them so they could have just gotten one with many rooms?

I mean, if I was going out of my way to move in next to my best friend anyway, I'd rather we just live together. It's just so much more convenient. I'd understand Yuriko (or Matoi) hesitating if the other one was a guy though, for social reasons.

On another topic, what do you think Matoi's romantic orientation is? Homoromantic?

Also on a lighter note...

Not sure about that very last panel, but could only thing of a lonely Rio walking off into the sunset by herself

I misread that as "wanking" the first time and got terrified.

last edited at Apr 29, 2022 8:12PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

Considering they're both ace, I don't see how Matoi's romantic feelings make a real difference in their relationship? They already do some of the "romantic" things couples do and like Yuriko, Matoi doesn't want to do other romantic things like kissing either. And they're willing to stay together and prioritize each other? Isn't that pretty much everything Matoi wants from Yuriko?

joined Jan 30, 2019

I can't really enjoy this manga because I feel like the MC is rushing ahead with her feelings like she's desperate to find someone. Hasn't she known sensei only for a week?

It makes me uncomfortable because some of my gay friends have been in similar situations and ultimately gotten themselves hurt.

Also yeah, she was cute before but her "city girl" look is very hard to take seriously.

last edited at Apr 25, 2022 1:37PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

That was deeply uncomfortable...

joined Jan 30, 2019

Lol Naori's cute and I like her fashion sense as a college student too.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Matoi is at least 18 in the beginning. From what I remember reading, I'm not sure where but it was mentioned that she is 19 now. Yuriko iirc was 22-23. Since they are legal adults, I really wouldn't consider that an age gap (if anything, it's quite normal here at unis for 19-20yos to date 22-23yos). Even more because they seem nearly equal in terms of life experiences. "A friend my age" - Yuriko.

Also a 4-year age gap between a 19yo and a 23yo is not comparable to a 4-year age gap between a 14yo and an 18yo, before anyone asks. Even if there was a considerable age gap between them, unlike the sister and her boyfriends, Matoi and Yuriko's relationship has been incredibly pure/innocent from start till now. While in her sister's case, it looks like the older guys are preying on her and taking advantage.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Our two MCs are more normal/comfortable for me to watch than all the side characters for some reason. Might be because I like their calmness when it comes to romance, unlike the rest who seem too loud. I relate to that lack of excitement a bit.

joined Jan 30, 2019


joined Jan 30, 2019

Has anyone suggested a Summer Festival tag? Because summer festival romance is superior.

last edited at Mar 30, 2022 10:30PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

Minus Rio's sudden infodump and nonconsensual charge, I really love the atmosphere of this manga. Love how the main leads are a little awkward but also ultimately super comfortable around each other. Love the pacing and also how the events/developments and characters feel realistic. Love how they talk less and still seem able to convey a lot. I look forward to each release.

Wait I just noticed the age gap tag??? Aren't they like only 4-5 years apart?

last edited at Mar 30, 2022 10:26PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

Judging by her reaction, not asexual?

Probably not aromatic at this point, but perhaps still asexual, we will have to wait and see how this evolves. Though it does seem to start to be leaning toward common tropes, but what do I know.

I was referring to the reaction to seeing her naked. Seemed intentional by the author.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Judging by her reaction, not asexual?

joined Jan 30, 2019

I kind of wish they did not explain the labels so directly. I don't want it to get educational and preachy like a few other manga. Just let readers see and understand? It's obvious what the MC is if she feels romantically attracted but not sexually.

last edited at Mar 21, 2022 5:58PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

I honestly don't get romantic attraction either. Because there doesn't seem to be a consensus on what is romantic? Like sexual arousal by someone's body is an indicator of sexual attraction. But what's romance? People often list things friends do together but the rest sound mildly sexual, like I don't think you could do those with someone you'd never find sexually attractive.

joined Jan 30, 2019

The latter half of this story really needs the romance tag.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Stupid me for initially passing this one over just because I didn't like the art style. I love the natural unexaggerated writing so far.

Right? I love how the writing/progression in the story feels realistic. The art style is decent enough for me, not that I actively like it but I don't mind it at all. I do feel like the proportions are weird in some places but it doesn't stand out.

Milktea discussion 05 Mar 02:50
joined Jan 30, 2019

Omg I first heard this vocaloid song like a decade ago, went back to give it a listen like 2 days ago after a long time and now we have a manga here?! What a crazy coincidence. I've always hated how relatable this story is but I still keep coming back lol.

Milk tea seems to be a recurring motif in yuri (or romance in general). Manga, love songs, everywhere. I feel like I'm missing a bigger cultural context though.

The art in the first and last pages seem to be by that creepy mangaka. Forgot the name.

last edited at Mar 5, 2022 3:17AM

joined Jan 30, 2019

Is this art really non-moe? I guess I haven't read enough but I was under the impression that the non-moe art tag was for the particularly quirky, borderline unattractive art. The art here also doesn't look old-school enough.

last edited at Mar 2, 2022 8:42PM