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joined Oct 16, 2013

Confusing...regardless if it really was wishful thinking or not, the end is still confusing...

joined Jun 5, 2020

would pretty much be perfect if there was no smoking

what do you have against smoking ?

I find it disgusting and it takes away from a character's value. This is just my opinion of course.

Wow. I mean, I’m not a fan of smoking either, but this seems a bit extreme to me, especially in regards to fictional characters. Not sure exactly how it “takes away from a character’s value” to have a bad habit/vice like that. There are a lot worse things that (fictional) character could be doing instead to “devalue” themselves.

To be fair though, as you said, that’s just your opinion, and that’s totally fine. I guess I’m just confused cuz I just can’t really see where you’re coming from with all this.

It's quite a personal thing, so I don't expect many to relate. Smoking is plenty common in my immediate and extended family, and I've lost multiple family members to lung-related disease. Almost everyone around me smokes, save myself, my mom, and a couple of my friends. I was lucky enough (lol) to have asthma that's triggered by smoke, which gave me a valid excuse to tell people to stop smoking in the house. I've grown to be disgusted by smoking and smokers, and find it extremely hard to continue reading a series with a smoker mc/prominent side character. I have a similar aversion to alcoholic characters, but to a lesser degree. I can't really explain why I specifically hate this type of "devaluing" over other, more severe types, but it is what it is

joined Feb 23, 2016

I need a chapter of "Sexual education 120%" describing what BDSM really is.

^^^ this

Well BDSM comes in many forms. My opinion in how i have experienced Bdsm is that consent is always present! You have safewords, know the limit to both partners, and aftercare is always important... if you have a partner that don’t use aftercare... LEAVE. Aftercare Is what you do when everything is done. Like cuddles, and massages it also depends what play you have done and what you like for aftercare, But usually the partner knows too. The Types of play can be to rope tying , candles, toys, spanking, getting hit and the list goes on. Some do it for the pleasure, Some do it for the pain and some do it for both. But i also comes to the way you feel. Some use it to avoid problems, and others do it because they need it. It’s all up to you on how you want it actually. Like you work and talk it out with your partner

But this chapter left me confused as well.. if it was only thoughts she should work it out. But this is also a form of play, but it should always be under control, not like they show here.. that’s just putting bdsm in a bad light and putting your partner at risk

last edited at Oct 13, 2020 6:46AM

Ridiculous Queen of the Scythe
joined Jan 10, 2019

"Tags: Wishful Thinking" I mean, like... I guess? Technically???

joined Jun 13, 2012

SM still somewhat acceptable. BDSM, erm, no thanks.

joined Jun 13, 2016

i like it

joined Jan 22, 2017

Hm...reminded me of 365 / 50 shades in terms of badly explained bdsm. Pretty sure most people don't like to get hit in the face without warning.

joined May 23, 2015

Umm... I'm sorry but... I like it
(I'm too M to hate this)

joined Feb 21, 2019

Imagining what would happen if you punched your friend on a regular basis isn’t an S&M fetish you just have anger issues

last edited at Oct 13, 2020 9:08AM

joined Apr 16, 2020

would pretty much be perfect if there was no smoking


joined Jul 23, 2017

For those who are confused, the difference between this and BDSM is consent. Technically you can do sexual play like painplay without consent (that's sexual harassment or assault!), but BDSM as a culture strictly defines itself as safe, sane, consensual. There should never be a "surprise! its a violent dom!" moment in real BDSM, but of course since this is fictional it tends to go more extreme (like how other doujins play off rape with "she liked it in the end" for those who like rapeplay)

For those of you who like painplay irl but are wary of BDSM, believe me, you'd rather have an experienced dom choke you than springing it on a person who doesn't know anything about where and how to hit without leaving lasting marks/actual damage

joined Jul 27, 2019

What kind of confusing as hell guilty sadistic shit is this??

joined Mar 1, 2018

would pretty much be perfect if there was no smoking

what do you have against smoking ?

I find it disgusting and it takes away from a character's value. This is just my opinion of course.

Wow. I mean, I’m not a fan of smoking either, but this seems a bit extreme to me, especially in regards to fictional characters. Not sure exactly how it “takes away from a character’s value” to have a bad habit/vice like that. There are a lot worse things that (fictional) character could be doing instead to “devalue” themselves.

To be fair though, as you said, that’s just your opinion, and that’s totally fine. I guess I’m just confused cuz I just can’t really see where you’re coming from with all this.

Ahh. My brother-in-law is similar but with actual people. If he likes you but then finds out that you smoke, drink a lot, or have a tattoo he doesn't want to have anything to do with you. I called him a douche for that but hey I won't complain anymore because that's his preference.

joined Mar 1, 2018

For those who are confused, the difference between this and BDSM is consent. Technically you can do sexual play like painplay without consent (that's sexual harassment or assault!), but BDSM as a culture strictly defines itself as safe, sane, consensual. There should never be a "surprise! its a violent dom!" moment in real BDSM, but of course since this is fictional it tends to go more extreme (like how other doujins play off rape with "she liked it in the end" for those who like rapeplay)

For those of you who like painplay irl but are wary of BDSM, believe me, you'd rather have an experienced dom choke you than springing it on a person who doesn't know anything about where and how to hit without leaving lasting marks/actual damage

And there is usually a safe word, no?

joined Nov 24, 2017

I can understand not liking smoking in real life, definitely. I've had plenty of problems with health and quality of life because of other people's smoking. Not sure how that translates to fictional characters, though.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Yeah that's really good.

The things that Bart Simpson gets away with, I swear.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Yeah that's really good.

The things that Bart Simpson gets away with, I swear.

Thank you for continuing to be you.

joined Jul 23, 2017

For those who are confused, the difference between this and BDSM is consent. Technically you can do sexual play like painplay without consent (that's sexual harassment or assault!), but BDSM as a culture strictly defines itself as safe, sane, consensual. There should never be a "surprise! its a violent dom!" moment in real BDSM, but of course since this is fictional it tends to go more extreme (like how other doujins play off rape with "she liked it in the end" for those who like rapeplay)

For those of you who like painplay irl but are wary of BDSM, believe me, you'd rather have an experienced dom choke you than springing it on a person who doesn't know anything about where and how to hit without leaving lasting marks/actual damage

And there is usually a safe word, no?

Yep, though it varies, because sometimes the sub may be gagged so the signal can be done through other movements or noises. There are also safe words that are more of a system, like the common traffic light system (green/yellow/red)

joined Nov 5, 2017


joined Sep 6, 2015

I am pretty certain only this is imaginary, and the usage of the blacked-out page here was to indicate what was happening in her mind (namely, that she lost it in that moment), with everything that followed afterwards being real.

But yeah, this was basically violence that just happened to land on someone who was not upset later, not an actual BDSM play. It does subtly (or not-so-subtly, depending on how you look at it) convey that the attraction is mutual here, so there is that. Makabe being into the other girl was pretty straight-forward, but Hoshizaki was a tougher nut to crack, what with all that boyfriend talk and not really showing anything resembling attraction towards Makabe until she got hit.

Hoshizaki deliberately tried to get a rise out of Makabe, talked to her about being interested in pain play, and once Makabe snapped and started being violent, Hoshizaki reacted with barely any surprise, let alone negativity, almost like she expected and/or wanted it. And those violent scenes look pretty blatantly sexually charged. I mean, if a friend slapped me hard across my face for pulling what amounts to a minor prank on them, literally the only situation where I would not be upset was if I was heavily into said friend, if I was into pain, and if I was extremely forgiving about the circumstances (you know, the whole this-is-not-actually-BDSM-this-is-just-violence thing).

joined Nov 14, 2014

Great art...the content is good overall but a bit too much for me. I like some SM but not to the point of actual hurting.

joined Jun 30, 2016

Yeez! BDSM and violence on a relationship? i just cant get why some people is on this stupid stuff.

last edited at Oct 13, 2020 12:04PM

joined Jun 25, 2019
joined Feb 28, 2013

Yeez! BDSM and violence on a relationship? i just cant get why some people is on this stupid stuff.

People all have their own kinks and desires, and as long as it's fully consensual, it's actually a very mentally healthy thing to express.

Please don't yuck someone else's yum.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Please don't yuck someone else's yum.

I'm pretty sure that's illegal without consent in most places anyway.

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