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It's a toxic manga.

joined Nov 2, 2013

So I really dont know why you brought religion up to begin with, its not on this topic. So you trying to derail the conversation to talk about b-but westerners do this! Is you telling me not to talk about this important issue.

I am saying it is not a specifically Japanese issue, which you portrayed it as. It gets very, very tiresome reading condescending comments from Westerners about how non-Western countries are awful at this and that when Westerners do the same thing, and often worse. All you had to do was say "this behaviour is sexist and gross" and I'd agree with you - but you framed it in a way that lets you look down on another society as inferior to yours, which is itself gross.

You are right sexism does exist in both societies. I apologize if my comments came off as racist, it wasnt my intention. I dont look down on Japanese society, I enjoy a lot of stuff about it but I also dont. I just see a lot of casual sexism in manga and I wanted to point that out, thats all.

You are right sexism does exist in both societies. I apologize if my comments came off as racist, it wasnt my intention. I dont look down on Japanese society, I enjoy a lot of stuff about it but I also dont. I just see a lot of casual sexism in manga and I wanted to point that out, thats all.

If that wasn't your intention, I apologise for the hostility. I've just seen a lot of this kind of thing used to justify hatred of Chinese/Japanese/Korean people, so I tend to get frustrated quickly when I see something that looks like that.

Liked it, but I hate when “virginity” for women is based on whether or not you’ve had sex with a man.

Same, Japan does that way too much, time to change your Goddamn minds people

This would've been a good read for me if it wasn't for the "lesbian sex isn't real sex/women only lose virginity with men" shit
I'm so tired of it japanese people why do you guys keep using this trope? We're in 2020 not fucking Imperial Japan

joined Jun 24, 2020

Oh man,the comment section sure are triggered AF
That aside,I fricking hate it when a person disregard someone's sexuality

joined Jun 7, 2019

that was g r o s s

joined Aug 21, 2017

"gross" - Have we found Ucchi's sister?

joined Jun 7, 2019

"gross" - Have we found Ucchi's sister?

disgusting then?

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I liked the art but I get the implication that the mc doesn't take their relationship too seriously. Is that just me?

joined Jan 9, 2017

The case of how one innocent speech buble outraged the comments

Seriously, even if we go by it being a wrong assumption its tottally in character for black hair to have it considering she is a gay newb, her Bright hair speaking in terms she understand is just Common curtesy

joined Jan 9, 2017

It's a toxic manga.

I think your immune system is weak then

joined Jan 9, 2017

Side-note: That bar scene is creepy. Suggesting that her going out with women and not men is a waste because of her looks is kinda gross.

That scene scene is meant to be creepy and Gross, it shows some real shit she had to deal with and is another element that ruins her Day (same Day as the office stuff) to the point where she does get pissed enough at black hairs "Gross" comment later on to the point that she decides to counter attack

A Lot of the comments here seems to overlook that she is supposed to be aggrivated AF in that scene

last edited at Oct 12, 2020 5:59AM

joined Apr 16, 2013

Yeah, the virgin part was disgusting, no chance the author is a lesbian
Also the mc explaining homophobia to the other one before kissing her... that was just funny to me

joined Mar 23, 2016

Side-note: That bar scene is creepy. Suggesting that her going out with women and not men is a waste because of her looks is kinda gross.

That scene scene is meant to be creepy and Gross, it shows some real shit she had to deal with and is another element that ruins her Day (same Day as the office stuff) to the point where she does get pissed enough at black hairs "Gross" comments to the point that she decides to counter attack

A Lot of the comments here seems to overlook that she is supposed to be aggrivated AF in that scene

I'm not overlooking her aggravation in that scene. I was just pointing it out because, of all the things that have gotten the comments in a tizzy, that was the one scene that actually bugged me.

joined Mar 23, 2016

You know, I'm just going to follow my train of thought that the two actually seem to hit it off by the end, that's the vibe I'm getting anyway.
Other than the one scene at the bar and the slight difficulty I have following what's exactly going on (might be a me problem and not the manga's fault) I'd say I liked this one.
The scene with them naked on the bed (I'm a softie for shit like this) has a bit of a cute side with the dark haired girl basically saying that that's the last time light haired girl (I know they have names, shut up) is allowed to tease her.

That's my two cents, have a good one everybody.

last edited at Oct 12, 2020 5:44AM

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Deltasa333 posted:

Ps: how do I bold or italic on this site? -.-

Like this or this. All formatting is listed here.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Definitely a mixed bag. The relationship itself was cute enough, but it did feature two pretty crappy tropes, those being the "lesbian sex doesn't count" and the "homophobes are just closeted" tropes.

Although it certainly is a cliché and a stereo type, as is often the case with these gross over generalizations, there is some truth beneath it. I can't say I've seen it much with women, but in my own personal experience I have seen quite a bit of the male variant of this stereo type of guys who are rabidly homophobic often having latent homosexual tendencies.

In my experience it often tends to be the individuals that come out of left field with it during seemingly innocuous situations and who make a big public fuss about it. It's almost like they are trying to shout out to the world "I'm not gay" when everyone else is just going about there usual activities with little or no trigger event apparent. I have known three people like this. Two acquaintances and one lifelong friend. The acquaintances I bumped into years later and they were out of the closet and the life long friend is now in his 40s, never dated and still rabidly homophobic and lets just say he really should take some precautions with erasing his browser history etc. if he is going to let others use his computer. I really do feel sorry for him, although that goes away pretty quickly once he starts ranting. He is also racist against Latinos and has the last name of Sanchez... Yeah.

joined Apr 16, 2013

Also holy fuck, you guys are insane. Yes, she used word virgin, but I understood it as her more just following the guys logic, rather than agreeing that only sex with lesbians counts. Remember that it's literally the next scene and it's small text written next to her bubble, so a afterthought.

I think you missed page 26, my guy

joined Mar 23, 2019

why is the comment section for this manga so toxic? imagine the backlash the author gets :(

Well at least it wasn't a knife to the chest. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Annoying tiresome person and insensitive woman..well...I wouldn't want either but in this manga it was a different read, it felt fresh, even if a bit ,I see people getting worked up about the whole virginity but..well I don't care much for that either way, have a good day people.

joined Aug 2, 2020

Definitely a mixed bag. The relationship itself was cute enough, but it did feature two pretty crappy tropes, those being the "lesbian sex doesn't count" and the "homophobes are just closeted" tropes.

Although it certainly is a cliché and a stereo type, as is often the case with these gross over generalizations, there is some truth beneath it. I can't say I've seen it much with women, but in my own personal experience I have seen quite a bit of the male variant of this stereo type of guys who are rabidly homophobic often having latent homosexual tendencies.

In my experience it often tends to be the individuals that come out of left field with it during seemingly innocuous situations and who make a big public fuss about it. It's almost like they are trying to shout out to the world "I'm not gay" when everyone else is just going about there usual activities with little or no trigger event apparent. I have known three people like this. Two acquaintances and one lifelong friend. The acquaintances I bumped into years later and they were out of the closet and the life long friend is now in his 40s, never dated and still rabidly homophobic and lets just say he really should take some precautions with erasing his browser history etc. if he is going to let others use his computer. I really do feel sorry for him, although that goes away pretty quickly once he starts ranting. He is also racist against Latinos and has the last name of Sanchez... Yeah.

I think no one said it doesn't exist IRL. Problem is,
as someone else pointed here, the idea was very poorly executed. Even within the LGBTQI+ community there are cases of gays and lesbians hating trans/enbie people, which is sad. Even bi people are often victims of hatred within their own community because they swing both ways, so they're portrayed as "unfaithful," or "cheaters."

I myself used to hide the fact I also like women, and even restrained myself from defending the flag, because of the bullying I had to put up with day by day back in school days. The fact that I studied in a Catholic school doesn't help, too, and for many years I lived in a self-denial scenario, but was dating women "behind the scenes." I indirectly contributed to the hating by not defending the LGBTQI+ cause and reminiscing silent whenever someone said shit.

However, the plot holes in this story are many, and the transition points also don't help, so any kind of misinterpration shown in the comments isn't the readers' fault in the slightest.

joined Jul 23, 2017

It was supposed to be a normal read for me but due to those "scenes" (you guys know what it is) it got me thinking so hard and made different interpretations and conclusions ughh!

joined Jan 9, 2017

Also holy fuck, you guys are insane. Yes, she used word virgin, but I understood it as her more just following the guys logic, rather than agreeing that only sex with lesbians counts. Remember that it's literally the next scene and it's small text written next to her bubble, so a afterthought.

I think you missed page 26, my guy

Same logic can be applied here, that she is just talking to Black hair using her logic

But even if not, who cares if this manga 'might' define verginity to mean if you still have your wierd membrane, at No point does the MC discount Gay intercourse as being Lesser or not real.

And i say 'might' because it could just as well be simple speech, as to make sure they understand each other.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Both characters are unlikable, IMO.

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