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joined May 26, 2020

It's nice to see this episode from Koguma's point of view.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Can we just appreciate that Koguma wasn't bothered that Hino touched her chest, only that there wasn't enough, she thought, for Hino to touch? Wonder how much else she wouldn't mid Hino doing.

The last page of chapter 60...

Koguma: I’m going to let Hino fondle my boobs as much as she wants!
Hino: Koguma will never let me fondle her boobs, so I baked replicas out of bread instead!

Hino-San no baka has never been truer

joined Feb 18, 2015

I'm pretty sure that we've already seen Koguma's reaction to Hino's bread experimentation at the end of chapter 59. If I had to guess, chapter 59 followed Hino's thought process after the "incident" and chapter 60 followed Koguma's.

joined Nov 17, 2018

wow.... what a ride... i don't even.. i can't even express how i feel properly

it's been a good 60 chapters and yet there's still the same old, dorky dynamic they had in the first ones... even though i love it, i'd also love to see some real, palpable progression. they're more comfy with each other and seem to be realising their feelings slowly but when something relevant happens to their relationship... BAM 10 chapters of hino trolling koguma and nothing really happens.

PLEASE JUST LET THEM KISS!! or something. i can't handle the tension anymore dhsakhdsakjhdsadhsau

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 4:44PM

joined Feb 17, 2020

wow.... what a ride... i don't even.. i can't even express how i feel properly

it's been a good 60 chapters and yet there's still the same old, dorky dynamic they had in the first ones... even though i love it, i'd also love to see some real, palpable progression. they're more comfy with each other and seem to be realising their feelings slowly but when something relevant happens to their relationship... BAM 10 chapters of hino trolling koguma and nothing really happens.

PLEASE JUST LET THEM KISS!! or something. i can't handle the tension anymore dhsakhdsakjhdsadhsau


Hino teasing Koguma isn't funny anymore...
Buuuuut it seems like Koguma and Hino are getting a liiiiittle bit more closer with their feelings

They already fantasize about each other
So I hope there will be just a few more chapters before they get to kiss

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm in love with this manga

joined Feb 9, 2019

but we're both girls

we got a long way to go...

hopefully we get like 3 or 4 chapters of them being out together with some cute progress

joined Jul 22, 2017

oops I guess it was a matter of time until the "we're both girls" line got dropped

but this comic is so light on drama I'm not too bothered

last edited at Aug 30, 2020 10:38PM

joined Mar 23, 2016

Can they please get together.
My poor heart can't take this suspense.

joined Apr 30, 2020

That's very cute.

joined May 15, 2020

so cute, god I think I could die happy rn

joined Feb 12, 2016

Wow that was a glorious chapter jeebuz christ

joined May 20, 2013

Some of you want progression, and I'm fine with that

But moments like this are entirely what I live for, regarding this series:

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Some of you want progression, and I'm fine with that

But moments like this are entirely what I live for, regarding this series:

Same here

joined Sep 4, 2014

Koguma's outfit is too cute, seriously the cutest

joined Mar 2, 2020

I mean progression would be incredible but i also like this.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Koguma still the real baka here.

joined Jan 2, 2017

I mean, this is the first time we've specifically had relationships/couples mentioned at all, right? And the "we're both girls!" Is essentially a stepping stone these days. I'd say that that's all some kind of progress, no?

joined May 26, 2020

I mean, this is the first time we've specifically had relationships/couples mentioned at all, right? And the "we're both girls!" Is essentially a stepping stone these days. I'd say that that's all some kind of progress, no?

The "we're both girls" was bound to come up, eventually. Koguma is clearly attracted to Hina, so that barrier is breached. Hopefully, her desire overrides her anxiety.

Also, Hino is already a delinquent. Going into an arcade would actually be a step up from her usual depravity.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also, Hino is already a delinquent. Going into an arcade would actually be a step up from her usual depravity.

But it's a wholesome depravity.

joined Jan 7, 2020

The best kind.

joined Mar 4, 2018

She seemed extra small today.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Koguma's outfit was so adorable in this chapter.

joined Dec 20, 2018

oops I guess it was a matter of time until the "we're both girls" line got dropped

but this comic is so light on drama I'm not too bothered

Honestly, the way Koguma is blushing while saying this, one may as well read it as "but you're straight" (which she's clearly wrong about).

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