Forum › Haru and Midori discussion

joined Jun 13, 2016


joined Sep 6, 2018

I believe we can remove the “Yuri” tag now that Haru’s mom, Tsugumi, acted like the Fonz from “Happy Days”... never expressing “I love you” until it was too late.

The “Age Gap” tag can stay, in my opinion. Haru admits she’s too young and has to bide her time to reach adulthood.

But too young for what, if not yuri?

Haru admitted she was too young to handle the real world, adult life. She told Midori she’d live with her until she was done with middle school. Then move out for high school.

joined Jun 16, 2015

I'm sad to see this one end so soon but it was nice ride loved the ending but I want more



joined Mar 22, 2018

Crying- ;-;

joined May 24, 2015

Nice little non-ending. Making you want more, but not supplying. Obviously they get back together, don't get me wrong.
Just feels like I'll forget this one in about a week. Nothing really stood out

Really sad to see this one end, but it was a really nice ending overall, so I won't complain. Everything seems to have wrapped itself up nicely and I'm satisfied with the end. I loved all the feels this manga punched me with.

joined Jan 15, 2020

hope this artist makes more manga

last edited at Jun 11, 2020 1:57AM

joined Dec 13, 2015

That letter made me cry so hard...
That "I lov- just kidding" just made made my heart crash into pieces.

And at the end... im so glad Haru came back to the place she always belong <3

joined Mar 23, 2019

Midori is just that all around lovable dork lesbian. <3

joined Jun 12, 2015

Another axed series? Page 3 sure feels like author's comment about how they feel about it. And another time skip to end the manga. Sight. Could be better but it's not.

joined Jan 20, 2014

i really wanted to like it feels like absolutely nothing happened lol.

joined Dec 9, 2019

Tugged at the heartstrings. But I feel like Midori shouldn't "wait" for Haru. Cuz the opposite looks like she's still dependent on Haru's perception of her in conjunction to Tsugumi's "non-confession". She's still in love with Haru's dead mom.

I mean, I'd still wanna see this go on as a slow burn slice of life Yuri.

joined Oct 27, 2011

I coudnt find any yuri in this, but strangely it still a satisfying ending. Maybe i just grown old

joined Mar 20, 2014

Another day, another fake-out yuri manga.

I can't even get worked up about it anymore.

last edited at Jun 12, 2020 3:29AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Another axed series? Page 3 sure feels like author's comment about how they feel about it. And another time skip to end the manga. Sight. Could be better but it's not.

Yeah, that did feel meta.

joined May 29, 2019

even if we only get one chapter of it I'm always up for the concept of developing separately in order to come together, it's top healthy vibes. seen too many fall into codependency nightmares. this has been a very nice introspective story of two people choosing to come together through loss and supporting each other without too much burden placed on haru considering her age, I liked it

a little curious to see if my opinion changes on a re-read though

last edited at Jun 11, 2020 8:47AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

even if we only get one chapter of it I'm always up for the concept of developing separately in order to come together, it's top healthy vibes. seen too many fall into codependency nightmares. this has been a very nice introspective story of two people choosing to come together through loss and supporting each other without too much burden placed on haru considering her age, I liked it

This is pretty much where I am. It seems clear that the author had further developments in mind (Haru’s classmates, for instance) if allowed to take the story further.

Stories that are this low-key aren’t to everybody’s taste, but this was well-written and stayed true to itself all the way through. I look forward to more work from this mangaka.

joined Dec 9, 2014

The fact that Haru feels like she's some type of replacement for Tsugami is very conflicting to me. I mean yes, Midori did say that Haru is different than her mom and she appreciates her for her, but at the same time the author draws them looking exactly the same and this doesn't help. I was sad reading the scene with the letter, but then Haru pops up and it's like "Tsugami died but Haru is exactly like her, so let's pretend everything's ok". So it feels like a metaphor for trying to deny reality and repress the feelings.

I appreciate that they maintained the mother-daughter type of relationship. Even though it feels like the author was itching to make them something more, at least they took the time to grow apart and find their own paths before meeting again.

I wonder why Tsugami said she was a reject and didn't fit in. Did she mean being gay, or was it that the way of her thinking was very different than the rest of her classmates

joined Sep 19, 2017

I really really liked this story. Simple, subtle, ambiguous... it’s well-written tbh. 15 chapters with sort of strangely satisfying end. I want to buy the 3 volume. I hope the author write something again.!

joined Nov 24, 2016

Nice little non-ending. Making you want more, but not supplying. Obviously they get back together, don't get me wrong.
Just feels like I'll forget this one in about a week. Nothing really stood out


joined Apr 1, 2018

Nice little non-ending. Making you want more, but not supplying. Obviously they get back together, don't get me wrong.
Just feels like I'll forget this one in about a week. Nothing really stood out

Basically what I was think but couldn't put into words lol.

Nice series but overall kinda eh, not that is was bad by any means. The premise was intriguing and I really enjoyed the soft and simple art style, but other than that I don't feel as though it was anything particularly groundbreaking.

joined Oct 22, 2018

It was nice, but not captivating.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The fact that Haru feels like she's some type of replacement for Tsugami is very conflicting to me. I mean yes, Midori did say that Haru is different than her mom and she appreciates her for her, but at the same time the author draws them looking exactly the same and this doesn't help. I was sad reading the scene with the letter, but then Haru pops up and it's like "Tsugami died but Haru is exactly like her, so let's pretend everything's ok". So it feels like a metaphor for trying to deny reality and repress the feelings.

I can see where that reading comes from, but it’s pretty much the opposite of what the text says. (You may not find what the text says convincing, of course.)

That scene with the letter is not a preliminary to Haru and Midori being together, but to their parting—Midori isn’t denying reality, she’s accepting the loss of Tsugumi and moving on, only without the immediate presence of Haru but with the bond that the two of them have created together still intact.

The series begins with (and repeats several times) Midori thinking about how she hates spring, which is supposed to be about fresh starts but only reminds her of the loss of Tsugumi. By the end she welcomes spring, and the Haru that returns to her is completely different in style and dress (and height) than the Tsugumi she remembers.

And I think the whole point is that Haru isn’t “exactly like” Tsugumi. In fact, she’s kind of the opposite—Tsugumi was warm and affectionate on the outside but hid her true self (the one who knew she would leave) from Midori, while Haru is Miss Tsundere—mocking Midori to her face (“You’re such a weirdo”) but deeply bonded to her.

So in the sense that Midori had previously only cared for Tsugumi, sure, Haru is technically a “replacement,” but I don’t see any repression or denial in their relationship, just acceptance.

joined Nov 24, 2017

I agree with Blastaar's take on this. This was a very subdued story in terms of things happening, so expecting anything more than what actually transpired is kind of on the reader, not the author. I love this ending, and think it fits the series as a whole perfectly.

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