Forum › Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It discussion

joined Aug 26, 2018

Neighbour already figured it out, huh?
Ritsuka loves teaching Kozuka how to use her hands for delicate matters. The jokes write themselves.

As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?

Biology. Sex acts release neurochemicals that stimulate emotional dependency and build intimacy. As such, human society, in general, tends to afford greater weight to sexual activity than other behaviors, and so forcing someone to engage in them without honest consent is traumatic, and therefore immoral.

It's not the same for everyone, because people are different, but in general, this is why sex crimes are more traumatic than non-sex crimes, and why casual sex is so hard of a concept for a lot of people.

Money is already the normal means of paying. It's unemotional, to the point and how society runs. It doesn't affect the person who hands the money over.
Selling one's body to someone if you are not into it is certainly the lowest a person can go as far as society is concerned. Well aside from stealing and murder. The only upside here is that she can't get pregnant.

It's even more questionable because she was drunk and thus unable to consent. That's why Ritsuka(landlady) regrets it in the first place. I actually quite like that the title has a twist, that it's not about Kozuka, but Ritsuka.

Of course in this particular story it turned out well, because Kozuka was actually into it without realizing at first. And Ritsuka has been going out of her way to make ammends and hold back. One mistake can't define their entire relationship.

last edited at Apr 6, 2020 4:02AM

joined Aug 14, 2019


joined Jan 27, 2016

As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?

The former is in fact also evil capitalism has just normalized it. However, it's not compounding the inherent exploitation that is the existence of landlords by adding rape on top of it.

joined Apr 6, 2020

Touching all the flowers right now to this. Touching my sunflower.

joined Apr 6, 2020

As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?

The former is in fact also evil capitalism has just normalized it. However, it's not compounding the inherent exploitation that is the existence of landlords by adding rape on top of it.

I was waiting for someone to point out the evils of capitalism. Agreed.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Need more!

joined Apr 29, 2018

miss landlady looks like some kind of fusion between tenma gabriel and kanna kamui...

joined Nov 23, 2014

As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?

The former is in fact also evil capitalism has just normalized it. However, it's not compounding the inherent exploitation that is the existence of landlords by adding rape on top of it.

So do you just consider all monetary transaction evil or what?

joined Jun 5, 2016

Dat handholding tho...

joined Jan 23, 2020

insane amounts of sex tag plzz

joined Jan 23, 2020

Also the hands are drawn really nicely! I appreciated it :)

joined Apr 23, 2019

Im not going to lie me and my girlfriend ask for "hand cuddles" all the time but we all secretly know... its real name is hand sex. it feels way too good.

joined Dec 27, 2014

The handfondling gave me Yuu Mari flashbacks lol

joined Jul 8, 2019

As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?

TL;DR: ANY form of "have sex, or [whatever]" are legally extortion in any civilized country. Deal with it. Thanks God for "Hentai Japan" where such things don't lead to prison time but to yuri comedy shenanigans.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Neighbour has a taste for cute little fangs?

I like her already

last edited at Apr 24, 2020 12:15PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Uh-oh--now there's a clue loose in the apartment. Is there any chance of Kozuka getting it?

joined Jun 12, 2019

I feel sad for her :(

joined Jul 27, 2019

Now I just want her to get with Delivery-san again.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Sigh... it's always like this, ain't it? Once you realize it it's already too late. There better be a reunion later on. This isn't the type of manga that just throws this in to torment us.

It's a bit annoying that Kozuka only seriously thinks about homosexual relationships after talking to a 3rd party, as if Ritsuka hadn't been right there since the beginning. This whole "Oh so it really is a thing that isn't limited by gender" reaction is somehow a bit stupid.
I guess the point is that she first needs to see a "normal" woman who even had a hetero marriage have such feelings to truly get it. Makes sense for someone so heavily in denial...

last edited at Apr 24, 2020 12:35PM

joined Nov 11, 2015

Setouchi is so baby,,,,,,,,,,
I feel you so badly"

joined Oct 7, 2017

so it literally took her 18 parts to realize that lesbians exist, in the year 2020, huh?
people denying the existence of homosexuality in YURI manga of all things is a trope I will NOT be sad to see die

joined Jun 12, 2017

"I have surpassed gender, Kakarot! I HAVE REALIZED THE LEGEND!"

joined Apr 16, 2020

Aww man..

joined May 1, 2015

I want "game design lady" to go back and date Kyouko (Wait wrong manga). She has good taste.

joined Jul 19, 2018

extorting physical services for rent

Cool erotica trope.

cheese in gyoza

I'm out of here!

But seriously, yeah, whew that chapter 8!

As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?

Biology. Sex acts release neurochemicals that stimulate emotional dependency and build intimacy. As such, human society, in general, tends to afford greater weight to sexual activity than other behaviors, and so forcing someone to engage in them without honest consent is traumatic, and therefore immoral.

It's not the same for everyone, because people are different, but in general, this is why sex crimes are more traumatic than non-sex crimes, and why casual sex is so hard of a concept for a lot of people.

Simply offering an alternate payment form really isn't proper extortion. Depending on where you are it could probably fall afoul of prostitution laws but that's a different can of worms. Traditional extortion would be more along the lines of "pay me your rent and if you know what's good for you give me some nooky on the side or we will find something to evict you for."

For something to be blackmail or extortion there must be a threat made. Simply offering somebody an alternative option to save them from becoming homeless due to their own fault and failure to pay rent doesn't meet that requirement. The Land Lady made no threat.

As for people describing this as rape. Again that's a completely false statement and a misuse of the word. For rape to occur the sexual act must not be consensual. Prostitution and rape are not synonyms.

last edited at Apr 24, 2020 4:00PM

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