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joined Oct 9, 2019

I wasn't rooting for Yuri for once in my laifu and the author makes Koike out to be a piece of shit asshole. I'm now rooting for MC to say fuck everyone and do her own thing

joined Apr 29, 2019

Reminder that the author is Asano assistant. Despair is coming!

joined May 31, 2019

I'm just here waiting Riko to fire those miniguns in her eyes......

joined Feb 22, 2018

The nickname that Riko gives Sae- "Koeda"- literally means "Twig". Its a pun on Sae's kanji: "Little Branch".

last edited at Mar 24, 2020 7:29AM

joined Feb 22, 2018

The nickname that Riko gives Sae- "Koeda"- literally means "Twig". Its a pun on Sae's kanji: "Little Branch".

Riko is written in Katakana, but if you use the kanji antecedents of her characters, her name would mean "selfishness" or "self interest".

joined Apr 22, 2019

If they all end up being split personalities, I swear to Madokami...

joined Mar 30, 2016

The nickname that Riko gives Sae- "Koeda"- literally means "Twig". Its a pun on Sae's kanji: "Little Branch".

Riko is written in Katakana, but if you use the kanji antecedents of her characters, her name would mean "selfishness" or "self interest".

does koike have any special kanji?

joined Feb 9, 2019

The nickname that Riko gives Sae- "Koeda"- literally means "Twig". Its a pun on Sae's kanji: "Little Branch".

stan and i hadn't realized that. stan just said "it's a mystery." thanks for the info.

Riko is written in Katakana, but if you use the kanji antecedents of her characters, her name would mean "selfishness" or "self interest".

we hadn't realized this either. ty.

does koike have any special kanji?

koike is written as 小池
小 is "small" im pretty sure. says 池 is "pond"

not sure how that relates to riko/sae/koeda if it does at all?

maybe stan will be able to provide more info when he's available.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yeppp this going down a strange and dark path

joined Feb 14, 2013

Yeah, I can definitely feel the Asano in this. There's no way of knowing if it'll be anywhere near as depressing and melancholic as his work can be, but this is pretty surreal.

joined Mar 28, 2015

This is becoming creepier by the chapter.

joined Apr 19, 2018

This is becoming better by the chapter

This is so gripping, I can't wait for the next chapter

joined Dec 5, 2016

Next chapter will be the last


last edited at Apr 9, 2020 7:40AM

joined Jan 9, 2020

Man, I'd love to peek inside Riko's head, because something in there is powerfully off-kilter.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Last already ? Well that was fast.

joined May 28, 2012

Have a feeling that even the author herself is rooting for these two.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Koike kun fuck u!!!!!

"what did I like about him?" I guess It wasn't love, but for the first time she felt appreciated for being just herself so she glorified that, maybe?

No matter what past, redemption or whatever Riko might have in the last chapter, if she can't defend her supposedly best friend in the class, she doesn't deserve her.

I can't believe is ending! I have absolute no idea where this is going

joined Oct 10, 2016

So basically

neither of them should be together, in any combinations

joined Feb 9, 2019

i'll push to try to pick up whatever this mangaka does next, so if you're sad its almost over, i'm sure this is just the start of a great career. there's also a one shot version of this that came first we may also do.

joined Jan 2, 2017

I get that Riko's whole thing is that she's loved by everyone, but man, Kioke just switching feels like it comes out of nowhere. I thought the author had something good going down here, but this chapter really pulled me out of it. I hope the next/last chapter redeems this story.

joined Aug 16, 2014

With the next chapter being the last, I worry that there won't be enough to have a satisfying payoff for the series. It feels like there's too much still up in the air at the moment.

runrin Staff
joined Feb 9, 2019

Sorry for the long delay between chapter 5 and 6. That's entirely on me. Depression's been kicking my ass, also the ending of this is totally unsatisfying and that didn't help either. Bummer... Anyway, that's the last chapter. Enjoy ?

last edited at Jun 2, 2020 8:35PM

joined Oct 26, 2018

i dun get it

joined Sep 30, 2017

Sorry for the long delay between chapter 5 and 6. That's entirely on me. Depression's been kicking my ass, also the ending of this is totally unsatisfying and that didn't help either. Bummer... Anyway, that's the last chapter. Enjoy ?

Nah... Thanks for the hard work...

But yeah... Bad end was appropriate

runrin Staff
joined Feb 9, 2019

i dun get it

neither do we. neither do the japanese commenters on the official raws.

it was her first series, so i'm sure she will only get better. i'm still really interested to see what she does next.

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