Forum › Qualia the Purple discussion

joined Feb 5, 2015

I like to think that ending, where Yukari repeats her gesture with the robot from Chapter 17, implies that all they've shared, and Gaku's infinity-spanning heroics, remain in some way, and Yukari stays because a woman who'd go to such lengths is worth so much more than personal advancement.

I agree and think that is what happened.

This was a trip. Found it at midnight last night and read it in one go.. Good thing I didn't work today. I can't express enough how much I love it, and the comparisons to Lain are pretty accurate.

Trippy stories like Evangelion or FLCL aren't quite as interesting to me as they used to be (though I still love them), but the ones that manage to maintain a coherent story despite all the weirdness, like Qualia or Lain, are still some of my favorite types of stories to read. Probably this particular mix of sci-fi is one of my favorites too, reminding me of Gibson's books for one.

And I can really understand Gaku-chan, myself. Like her, I can feel the desire to go that far for someone, if only I had the ability. And even in the end, though I share her mild frustration with not finding a "perfect" solution, I can also understand why such a thing is necessary. I'd be too selfish to remain a non-existence, for sure. I'll end up rereading it, probably in the near future, but frankly I expect this to become one of my all-time favorite mangas.

joined Dec 5, 2016

Halfway through this all my reactions became just "Holy shit!" repeated over and over.
This was... Hard to describe. Way beyond my expectations.

Also, shouldn't the title be "The Qualia of Purple"?

joined Jul 19, 2018

I'm glad I stumbled across this one. If you are reading this sentence and haven't read this manga yet you should correct that.

last edited at Aug 16, 2018 6:52AM

joined Dec 12, 2014

This manga really give me so many "holy shit" while reading, and it is also an emotional rollercoaster ride to me (I am almost cry when gaku finally meet yukari again). And the ending is just perfect, it made me feel like everything was just a dream.

joined May 1, 2017

Well fuck, i want to do that too.

joined Oct 7, 2017

The story of one girl's journey to save the life of the one she loves by reaching the world line known as... Stein's Gayte

joined Dec 25, 2018

This got way to deep for yuri. I loved it though

joined Apr 22, 2019

This was... Really something else, in all the right ways.

joined May 9, 2011

Ouf, that was certainly a read. I haven't seen Stein's Gate, but all I could think of was Akemi Homura recreating the world over and over to save Kaname Madoka

joined Jun 27, 2018

And the ending is just perfect, it made me feel like everything was just a dream.

Technically, it all happened in the story. But at the same time, it didn't, because all other superimposed realities collapsed when observed, leaving only the one at the end as the "real" one. Rather than a dream, considering the theme of this story, it might be more adequate to call it a "thought experiment" :)

joined Jan 31, 2015

Came back to reread this one (after enough time had passed). Holy cow, this is one seriously emotional ride. Text-heavy, to be sure (thank you, translators), but it's rare to see an MC hit such moral highs and lows, careening between hero and antihero. And when it finally came Full Circle, I totally lost control of my tear glands. Good story.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Firecat1311 posted:

The story of one girl's journey to save the life of the one she loves by reaching the world line known as... Stein's Gayte

Underappreciated comment hahahaha

joined Aug 28, 2016

This whole thing is such a great misdirect. The initial premise and tone lead you in a few obvious directions until the plot absolutely clubs you in the back of the head and drags you away in another.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

SyxThree posted:

This whole thing is such a great misdirect. The initial premise and tone lead you in a few obvious directions until the plot absolutely clubs you in the back of the head and drags you away in another.

Which is a shame, because I much preferred the other direction.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Man, that was like Shinsekai Yori in how it kept shifting gears.

Cognitive science and quantum and optics, waaah.

Magical girl chapter, looking like Nanoha, whose design was based on Gundam robots, so full circle there. is very reminiscent of a scene from Monster.

Drills + robots = TTGL and Gaku kind of had some spiral energy going.

Super-Homura loop. Also Re:Zero but I guess that was made later.

Trippy ride. OTOH with weak points, like why Yukari kept getting killed, and then didn't. I think the ending stumbled.

joined Apr 25, 2014
joined Feb 14, 2018

at first I was like cool science then I was like taiga is that you? you're in the wrong manga

joined Jul 13, 2021

This is a masterpiece. I have no words to express how good this is.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Well I'll be damned.

It still bothers me immensely that nobody thought to rename this in English as "The Qualia of Purple", which is both in line with the story and the most accurate translation of 紫色のクオリア.

I don't care if it's printed on the original cover, "Qualia the Purple" makes no sense.

last edited at Dec 30, 2023 4:20PM

joined May 5, 2024

i was reading the new chapter of erio and the lectric doll, they mentioned qualia and i honestly thoguht "not again."

i love this manga, it's such a trip, if i tried to describe it somebody they would think i was lying

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