Forum › 1 x ½ discussion

joined Mar 2, 2020

Thank lord it happened!

joined Aug 4, 2018

I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.

Since chapter 1, to be precise.

I hope Asuka will later remember to gift Akira a bottle of sake or something...

joined May 27, 2019

It's go time! Ahhhhhhj

joined Feb 16, 2018


joined Aug 10, 2015


joined Apr 5, 2018

Oh my fucking god she said it!!!!! I can't wait till the next chapter! I'm so excited!

also i hope this doesn't get rushed. i feel like that confession is a sign of things wrapping up soon. god i want this manga to last.

I also had this thought and I hope this isn't the case because I think theres still alot of room for development. At the very least though I except we will see that plot of getting a new bed used. I really wish that this series will never end though, unfortunately that is unrealistic but I can dream.

joined Aug 16, 2018

I hope Asuka will later remember to gift Akira a bottle of sake or something...

Least she can do, lol.

joined Apr 19, 2018

I genuinely want to know what is wrong with incest, even disregarding this scenario, if I were to say a consensual relation between a legal of age cousin brother and sister pair, why is that seen wrong?

joined Mar 3, 2019

Dropping those three words on her daughter. Wow, Ayako.

Asuka. Your move.

joined Mar 3, 2019

I genuinely want to know what is wrong with incest, even disregarding this scenario, if I were to say a consensual relation between a legal of age cousin brother and sister pair, why is that seen wrong?

Homosexual incest, as long as it's under informed consent, seems to me, safer than heterosexual incest.

Brother and sister pair can result to unwanted pregnancy with the offspring possibly carrying genetic abnormalities that can't be easily fixed.

joined Aug 12, 2017

Jesus this is getting better by the chapter

joined Mar 23, 2019

x3 ohohohohohohoho!

joined Oct 22, 2018

Got damn. You can't just leave us hanging on this cliff!!! ( TT ∆ TT )

Now you know how I felt ever since episode 15 of the Second Chance was released (IDK when exactly, but it was a long time ago, will edit this post when I check it)

It was released on - and I was shocked by the actual date - THE 21ST OF OCTOBER 2018 . To give you something of an idea, that's little under a month after I first made my Dynasty Reader account!

last edited at Apr 2, 2020 5:09AM

joined Nov 22, 2019

( ಠ ͜ʖಠ) Yaaaaaassssssss!

joined Sep 21, 2014

There we have it, folks. We've arrived at mutual love.

Next up is watching Asuka either fuck it up or fuck her mom.

joined Apr 23, 2019

That's rough but on point I guess.
ClaudeSP89: Today with a world of contraceptives, prenatal screening, in vitro fecundation, sterilization, heck, even genetic manipulation will soon be available. you can't really say hetero incest is a problem anymore, if it ever was.
Gotta be honest...

joined Oct 6, 2017

OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! incomprehensible noises

joined Jul 26, 2016

heck, even genetic manipulation will soon be available.

Just like personal jetpacks, flying cars and viable fusion power!

joined Dec 20, 2018

heck, even genetic manipulation will soon be available.

Just like personal jetpacks, flying cars and viable fusion power!

Well, about that... First genetically modified human was created in China, although the creator was sadly punished for this. Flying cars also do exist already.

last edited at Apr 2, 2020 6:44AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

heck, even genetic manipulation will soon be available.

Just like personal jetpacks, flying cars and viable fusion power!

I'm not brave enough for a personal jetpack.

joined Mar 27, 2020

Makes me wonder if Akira will be another female admirer of her.

last edited at Apr 4, 2020 2:39PM

joined Apr 5, 2018

So, so glad that Ayako has come to terms with how she feels. Hopefully it's not too complicated for them both to take it to the next level , becoming official and what not. I can already see Asuka also not believing what she's hearing. These 2 are stupid into each other. Haha

I wouldn't be surprised if this happened based on Asukas comments, "how many things has she thrown away for my sake", and "she's coddling me way too much". Its possible Asuka could come to a conclusion like, shes only saying she loves me for my sake, or take make me feel better, or something. Or perhaps Asuka could feel guilty about her mothers new realization, thinking that she herself is responsible for it, and therefore tries to distance herself for her mothers sake.
Personally though I feel like any misunderstanding that arises will get resolved in the next chapter as I see the two of them having a conversation about this new situation, the real discussion being how they will move forward from this point on and possibly setting ground rules if they want to hold off on things until Asuka graduates. Although I really hope they dont unless they eventually fail and give into each other because I dont want a time skip.

joined Oct 26, 2016

We're in the endgame now.
This is the precipice.

joined Jul 29, 2017

It’s on, people. This is the real thing—what you’ve all been training for all these months.

Let’s move out. LesbianPirate, you take point.

Stay frosty . . .

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