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joined Feb 28, 2015

How can a manga get better and better, it is really good and this manga got really awesome when Mask joined. And I read the raws of the next chapter and understood most of it so I'm happy I'm progressing

joined Nov 9, 2017

Every time there’s a Hibiki/Midori chapter, I’ve already forgotten they existed, but I still enjoy them as they come.

joined Apr 1, 2015

I kinda see why we didn't get a characters or chapter page this volume, it would have given away way too much!
Also, aren't we into volume 16 territory by now?

joined Jan 11, 2014

After rereading ch 210 like 3 times I finally got what’s going on. Mask wanted really badly to be the “lucky one” who was the cause of all the good things that happened: the rain stopping, the green lights. But as the events progressed and the lights threatened to turn green on her and a car came by and splattered her and everyone except Kaoru, she realized Kaoru was the special one, not her. Mask seems to have this desire to be special and exceptional.

Put another way, Mask seems to be incredibly jealous of people who can move through life with ease. Onobi, who seems to pop up new and innovative ideas every single day because that’s just who she is. Kaoru, who moves through life gracefully and unaffected. They’re the people “who have it”. “It” being talent. In contrast, Mask struggles a lot with her art and finding inspiration. She’s not any more graceful than any of her classmates. She struggles, and when surrounded by people who seem to do the things she wants to do with ease, she gets feels inferior and inadequate.

But she’s able to put a ripple in that. She has this profound effect on Kaoru where she’s able to disrupt that god level of grace. Perhaps part of her is relieved by that. But I also think part of her is disappointed because she holds “special” people up as untouchable geniuses who she cannot be. Mask definitely has a few issues left to work out.

She’s starting to see Kaoru’s special side as well as all the flaws she initially saw. She’s beginning to respect Kaoru a little bit more because of that, or at least acknowledge Kaoru has peaked her interests.

Maybe Mask begins to see Kaoru as a way to reach the genius place because she can see Kaoru is affected by Mask.

I think once Mask finally achieves something with the help of Kaoru as her inspiration, or once Mask finally sees her idols as humans with flaws just like her, she might be able to move forward with Kaoru.

last edited at Dec 10, 2020 10:12PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

^ I think you got it, spot on.

By the way... "Tokino Mayoi?" Seriously?
"Toki no mayoi?"
That sounds like "Lost in time." Like, someone was travelling through time and got lost.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Mask confirmed time traveller!

joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^ sounds about right, that's more or less what I meant with "critical mass of frustration" earlier. Though I'd add there's probably also an aspect of Mask (grudgingly) recognising her own fascination with Kaoru.

What's interesting about the exchange between the two is how it plays out like nothing so much as a challenge. By turning on the flirt herself and somewhat melodramatically giving out her full name like that Mayoi is basically throwing down the gauntlet and declaring "I'm done running; come at me if you dare, Nee-sama." (Kaoru is naturally delighted.)

Ofc as tends to be the case with idol-worship she's also quite ignorant of the private troubles the "special people" she puts on a pedestal actually have like everyone else, like Onibi's own creative struggles (and the often quite strange things she does to get through them) and Kaoru's neurotic predisposition for bizarre and extreme reactions to serious emotional upsets...

By the way... "Tokino Mayoi?" Seriously?
"Toki no mayoi?"
That sounds like "Lost in time." Like, someone was travelling through time and got lost.

An appropriately chuuni-sounding name I should think o3o

last edited at Mar 29, 2020 2:15PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

An appropriately chuuni-sounding name I should think o3o

You said it before me, you Fasty McFastpants, you. d(´∀`)b

last edited at Mar 29, 2020 3:03PM

joined May 20, 2013

After rereading ch 210 like 3 times I finally got what’s going on.

Thank you for this post because I read it just after waking up (excited to behold it), then I read it again and I still had no idea. Thankfully there are people paying attention to this long term, much better than I am. I really appreciate the analysis!

Inquisitor Vel
joined Feb 8, 2019

It’s come to my attention that, likely due to it being 200ish chapters in, people are starting to forget that VE is ultimately a coming of age story.

last edited at Mar 29, 2020 3:15PM

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

^ ???

joined Oct 7, 2015

Every single reaction between mask-chan and kaoru makes me feel so blessed to be alive in a time where I can read this manga. I just love this.
The TL people are a bunch of awesome beasts too. I even look forward to their next credit page lol.
to think that I was once put off by the ecchi elements in the first pages this manga...
I kinda got the wrong idea about how it would go. I'm glad I came back to give it a try again.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Nene posted:

^ I think you got it, spot on.

By the way... "Tokino Mayoi?" Seriously?
"Toki no mayoi?"
That sounds like "Lost in time." Like, someone was travelling through time and got lost.


Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

shadesan posted:

I kinda see why we didn't get a characters or chapter page this volume, it would have given away way too much!
Also, aren't we into volume 16 territory by now?

We just don't have it yet. Chapters come from the online version which releases chapter after chapter. We'll see the cover once it's going to be published as a volume. Well, we know who is going to be on the cover though.

We don't really know where v16 starts...

last edited at Mar 29, 2020 3:57PM

joined Jul 22, 2018

kaoru and bou-chan, a true pleasure

joined Sep 15, 2014

Lord mask was pre-ready for the COVID-19

joined Jan 11, 2014

What's interesting about the exchange between the two is how it plays out like nothing so much as a challenge. By turning on the flirt herself and somewhat melodramatically giving out her full name like that Mayoi is basically throwing down the gauntlet and declaring "I'm done running; come at me if you dare, Nee-sama." (Kaoru is naturally delighted.)

Oh that's a nice way of looking at it. I can't wait for what's to come.

joined Jul 26, 2019

I totally agree with what is said above, mayoi ^^ by saying her first and last name to kaoru, clearly encourages kaoru to hit on her... mayoi considers kaoru as a superior person and even if she doesn't see herself as with onibi, she likes it.
Another factor to take into account is that Mayoi also knows that for once she is in a position of strength in front of Kaoru (who is madly in love) and that this must comfort her in her esteem.

last edited at Mar 30, 2020 8:39AM

joined Jul 23, 2019

By the way... "Tokino Mayoi?" Seriously?
"Toki no mayoi?"
That sounds like "Lost in time." Like, someone was travelling through time and got lost.

Pffft bwahahahahahah!!
“At times, I'm the mysterious Mask-sempai. Other times, I'm the elusive Bou-chan. But my real identity is... THE LOST TIME-TRAVELLER!”
Chuunibyou much? Tho to be fair, it's her parents who are really at fault here. xP

joined Jan 18, 2016

Credit page back at it again: thanks for always making me laugh!

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chuunibyou much? Tho to be fair, it's her parents who are really at fault here. xP

Ie. both nature and nurture are to blame :U

joined Jun 2, 2016

SaturnX posted:

Gosh every chapter is so beautiful. Am I the only one that looks forward to seeing the credit pages? Thank you to everyone that helped pick this manga back up.

Thanks a lot! It's actually really incredible. It was more that one year ago that I started pressing for the rights to continue this work. Then soon after Limonene and Ochan came to help with both translating and editing! Even the consistancy and passion that linked all of us and all the people that came after to help. Now, more than 100 chapters afterwards, we are so close to catch up with the japanese version (for now, ch210 is the only one left! Ch211 should come out soon though)!
In the meanwhile, we are already thinking about next projects to start.
Thanks to the people that are supporting us on Patreon we are going to buy new mangas. We are thinking about starting with some other Kishi's work (we'll soon have a Oneshot ready, then we'll start with another serialization) and afterwards we'll continue with other yuri manga.
We accept suggestions! We'll make a list and decide which projects to contine with :)

HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS PATREON... I immediately subscribed just now.

joined May 27, 2019

Holt-Inchou in the credits fucking killed me lol

joined Apr 20, 2019

Ayano and Miyoshi, the slow as molasses couple.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Good stuff~

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