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joined Jun 25, 2019

tbf it feel les poly and more that Rin can't make choices about love and want to love everyone equally so she doesn't have to choose someone over another.

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 12:40PM

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

And is it just me, or did Canno paint Rin, the poly girl, as someone weak-willed?

It looks like all the girls around her know exactly what they want. But Rin is wishy-washy.

That's not how I would paint someone intent on making a poly relationship work.

She's a teenager who is discouraged from her past experiences, as we saw in this chapter. Being insecure and unsure of oneself is par for the course for any teenager, but especially those who stray from what's generally accepted by society and their peers. She's not wishy-washy about what she wants, she's worried what she wants is impractical because it hasn't worked thus far and people seem to judge her quite harshly for it.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I'm usually not a fan of poly but so far this one hasn't checked off my "ugh" boxes. I think usually because poly doesn't tend to be approached from an angle of seriousness, or at least, doesn't seem to used much as an actual story-driving plot point rather than the usual "cop out" or "wouldn't this just be fun?" super fast ending. I mean personally IRL poly isn't my thing either, been there tried that didn't like it, but that's not to say that I can't enjoy things I don't like personally in a story.

(Also as a random aside, igenetycs, are you as sad as I am that "Aerial Magic" has been canceled/put on permanent hiatus? (assuming you know and like where your avatar is from).)

joined May 27, 2019

I'm usually not a fan of poly but so far this one hasn't checked off my "ugh" boxes. I think usually because poly doesn't tend to be approached from an angle of seriousness, or at least, doesn't seem to used much as an actual story-driving plot point rather than the usual "cop out" or "wouldn't this just be fun?" super fast ending. I mean personally IRL poly isn't my thing either, been there tried that didn't like it, but that's not to say that I can't enjoy things I don't like personally in a story.

(Also as a random aside, igenetycs, are you as sad as I am that "Aerial Magic" has been canceled/put on permanent hiatus? (assuming you know and like where your avatar is from).)

I know I'm super sad about it. Although, I really can't help feel super bad for the author after that super honest announcement. It was some rare transbian content, too

joined May 27, 2019

I wanna give Rin the biggest hug. It really sucks having to hold back because you know that's the kinder option in the long run.

Also, it's a good sign that she immediately told Akira what happened.

joined Oct 4, 2018

Partial English major here, and I laughed hard.

Former Literature major here. I almost choked on spit and now I am utterly convinced that the word should be changed to multiamory!

Although... either polyphilia or polyeros might work too.

joined Jan 27, 2016

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish

ikr, almost she is a teenager or something. Crazy huh, that teenagers act stupidily

I really wouldn't wave off slapping someone in the face for turning you down as just kids being kids. It's a pretty wildly insane thing to do even for a teenager.

joined Oct 4, 2018

And is it just me, or did Canno paint Rin, the poly girl, as someone weak-willed?

It looks like all the girls around her know exactly what they want. But Rin is wishy-washy.

That's not how I would paint someone intent on making a poly relationship work.

Rather than weak-willed and wishy-washy (even though she IS kinda wishy-washy), her current mindset of "People say that it's impossible to like more than one person and since I have a tendency to like more than one equally at the same time, I'd rather not get into romance" mindset left a bigger impression on me.

Her having a lack of self-confidence is nothing surprising when every attempt (sort of) she made to express that multiamorous aspect of herself had been shot down both by accident and on purpose.

joined Oct 22, 2018

A thought just hit me. IF my memory is good enough (which is a big if), the first chapter is from Miyuki's point of view. This chapter is from Rin's point of view. Should we expect the next chapter to be from Akira's point of view?

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 1:35PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

I can't help but feel bad for Akira in those first pages. X)

Rin: Akira, I have something important to talk about, can we talk after class?
Akira: OMG the girl I like is gonna confess to me, I can't wait I can't wait!!
Rin: I kinda… kissed a girl last night.
Akira: …Oh.

Speaking of which, I really love the work on eyes and facial expressions in this series. I felt that Canno had lost a bit of that around the end of AnoKiss, but she's really upping her game here. Love the subtle shadowing too (like when Rin says "I can't").

I think in Cannos works being gay is the norm not the exception. But I can definitely see modern kids in accepting environments being more confused by someone being poly then someone being gay

It's more that, since everyone treats being gay as normal, the "weird out" cursor is moved to something more unusual like polyamory. Still, I appreciate that even though guys and het people do exist this time around, no one bats an eyelid at gayness anyway. It's still idealistic, but it feels more real than the post-apocalyptic fantasy world that was Seiran Academy (even if that was nice too).

joined Jun 25, 2019

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish

ikr, almost she is a teenager or something. Crazy huh, that teenagers act stupidily

I really wouldn't wave off slapping someone in the face for turning you down as just kids being kids. It's a pretty wildly insane thing to do even for a teenager.

She is angry that's the person she love can't love her back.I don't know, it's not that common but it's not impossible that she will slap her.I know that change from the naïve kouhai who run away while crying.

joined Mar 28, 2015

joined Oct 22, 2018


After I ask what's that from, and then recieveing an answer and than watching that is probably gonna end up being one of those Curiosity killed the cat situations...

joined Jun 5, 2016

That was pretty much my reaction the first time I kissed a girl too, lol... so I kept doing it :D

joined Jan 15, 2020


After I ask what's that from, and then recieveing an answer and than watching that is probably gonna end up being one of those Curiosity killed the cat situations...

...but satisfaction brought it back. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

joined Oct 22, 2018


After I ask what's that from, and then recieveing an answer and than watching that is probably gonna end up being one of those Curiosity killed the cat situations...

...but satisfaction brought it back. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I still didn't get my answer...

joined Jun 5, 2016


After I ask what's that from, and then recieveing an answer and than watching that is probably gonna end up being one of those Curiosity killed the cat situations...

...but satisfaction brought it back. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I still didn't get my answer...

joined Aug 23, 2015

i hope this will b gud

joined Apr 17, 2015

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish

ikr, almost she is a teenager or something. Crazy huh, that teenagers act stupidily

I really wouldn't wave off slapping someone in the face for turning you down as just kids being kids. It's a pretty wildly insane thing to do even for a teenager.

She is angry that's the person she love can't love her back.I don't know, it's not that common but it's not impossible that she will slap her.I know that change from the naïve kouhai who run away while crying.

I mean, that whole "look only at me or never talk to me again" speech did sound slightly yandere-ish…

joined Oct 22, 2018


After I ask what's that from, and then recieveing an answer and than watching that is probably gonna end up being one of those Curiosity killed the cat situations...

...but satisfaction brought it back. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I still didn't get my answer...

First: Thanks.
Second: It appears this video is blocked in Montenegro, and I ain't got a VPN.
Third: When I scrolled to see what it is... it's just a Katy Perry song... So I figured that, in the end, not being able to watch it ain't that bad anyway.

joined Apr 17, 2015

So Montenegro managed to escape that song when it came out?

joined Oct 22, 2018

So Montenegro managed to escape that song when it came out?

I honestly don't know. There may or may not have been a time where it was unblocked. Not that I care enough to find out.

joined Oct 22, 2018

This manga is so good.

It seems so thus far, so I agree (for now).

joined Mar 29, 2019

god each section of the flashbacks just keep hurting more and more as it went on....

Should we expect the next chapter to be from Akira's point of view?

I'd say that a good expectaion, better way to handle a poly story is to give all the members their focus and POV

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 2:37PM

joined Mar 16, 2013

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish

ikr, almost she is a teenager or something. Crazy huh, that teenagers act stupidily

I really wouldn't wave off slapping someone in the face for turning you down as just kids being kids. It's a pretty wildly insane thing to do even for a teenager.

If she just kept rejecting her I would agree, but Rin did not reject Chiyono normally. Since we can see Rins thoughts it's easy to relate to her, but she did start to talk like she would accept the confession and even moved in for a kiss before stopping at the last moment and rejecting her instead. Not a nice move and a slap for this kind of behavior feels relatable/normal, even if it's not okay.

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