Forum › Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It discussion

joined Nov 23, 2014

Oh honey, poor baby. Anyway I'm rooting for polyamory, though I know it's never happening.

With this random character just introduced that we know almost nothing about? But why?

...Because I like polyamory? Why do people root for yuri between 2 side characters that barely interact in other manga? Because they like yuri. It's not exactly complicated.

Well, I think two side characters together is a bit different than two main characters with a side character. Anyway I was simply curious, you do you.

Okay, then shipping the female lead of a het romance with a female side character because you like yuri.

Heh, I doubt anyone here would root for a poly development in that scenario, probably not even you.

Some people are bi or pan - I'm not, so I probably wouldn't, unless the leads had a nice and good relationship and the side character did too - but that's not what I was getting at either, I meant the people who ship F!Lead/Side character because it's a lesbian relationship and they prefer that to the main relationship are similar to me, shipping the main pair with a side character because it's a polyamorous relationship and I prefer that to a monoamorous one.

Well yes, I am sure there are people of all sorts here but let's face it, most do not come here to see male characters.

Full disclosure: I do not care for poly, it almost never works satisfactorily to my taste and tends to feel like someone is left feeling as the odd man out as it were. But that is just my take, and you have yours, and that is fine. I guess I can kinda see your comparison, but our thought process on relationships is different to a point that it does not fit in my head quite as you describe it. But that's fine too!

last edited at Feb 6, 2020 1:40AM

joined May 27, 2019

Oh honey, poor baby. Anyway I'm rooting for polyamory, though I know it's never happening.

With this random character just introduced that we know almost nothing about? But why?

...Because I like polyamory? Why do people root for yuri between 2 side characters that barely interact in other manga? Because they like yuri. It's not exactly complicated.

Well, I think two side characters together is a bit different than two main characters with a side character. Anyway I was simply curious, you do you.

Okay, then shipping the female lead of a het romance with a female side character because you like yuri.

Heh, I doubt anyone here would root for a poly development in that scenario, probably not even you.

Some people are bi or pan - I'm not, so I probably wouldn't, unless the leads had a nice and good relationship and the side character did too - but that's not what I was getting at either, I meant the people who ship F!Lead/Side character because it's a lesbian relationship and they prefer that to the main relationship are similar to me, shipping the main pair with a side character because it's a polyamorous relationship and I prefer that to a monoamorous one.

It's just natural. The polyamorous brain doesn't have the instinct for shipping anything monoamorous lol

Also I always end up rooting for characters with low self esteem in particular to get as many girlfriends as possible. If it takes a village to help them love themselves, then all the better :P

joined Jun 25, 2017


joined Nov 29, 2013

I think moe up to butt is just a thing for this series.

joined Feb 28, 2019

This is.... a trap!?

joined Apr 20, 2013

S91 posted:

Lilliwyt posted:

Why do you even need a PS4, a Switch and a Xbox for anyway ? You will never had time to play with each console anyway.

Sure you do, good games don't come every day and as a working adult with no kids, you can manage from 2 to 5 hours of free time.............................but yeah why an xbox too uggh

As someone who owns a Ps4, Switch and a xbox I agree. I haven't turned on my Xbox for at least 6 months.

Do you happen to be tall with long eyelashes? (゜ロ゜)

joined Apr 11, 2016

On the next month, Setouchi's rent was unreasonably high.

joined Feb 1, 2017

it's cool how the title describes both the mc's and the land lady's situation, although they are regretting for different reasons. Idk if anyone pointed it out already cuz I didn't read through all the comments :P

joined Aug 6, 2015

I still am not clicking with these characters. There's nothing wrong with them. I just don't feel anything for them not am I actively rooting for them to get together.

joined Jun 25, 2019

"Do you want to go to my room and play games this afternoon?"


Dunno, sounds good to me.

last edited at Feb 8, 2020 11:23PM by Nezchan

joined Jun 13, 2016


joined Oct 15, 2014

Chapter title is Welcome Home Part 1.

Bump for reminder.

joined Nov 19, 2018


Exactly my thought after reading it. This manga is incredibly lovely awesome!

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

What was the one loss that ruined everything? Was it some New Game! scenario?

From what I can gather from the images alone, it seems that Chiyo showed her game idea to a co-worker, who then stole it for himself, and when Chiyo tried to call him out on it, he got her demoted.

Wow, thank you. Okay that is a bit darker than New Game! would go. More like the guy's back-story in Shirobako.

joined Jan 20, 2019

"Do you want to go to my room and play games this afternoon?"


Dunno, sounds good to me.

It's just games right, nothing wrong with that

last edited at Feb 12, 2020 10:17PM

joined May 27, 2019

I see that hand on the thigh Ms. Neighbor lady~

joined Dec 4, 2017

I see that hand on the thigh Ms. Neighbor lady~

Ahdhgfjhs i pretty much screamed at my screen! Hands off bitch!!!
joined Jan 11, 2020

holy shit bruh. so cute. but the story, not so cute

joined Jun 12, 2019

Huhhh I hope it’s not a love triangle or whatever

joined Oct 10, 2014

That woman has yandere eyes o_o'

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 12:40PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

That woman has yandere eyes o_o'

I guess you could say she has Yande-ray vision

joined Jan 6, 2015

I kinda feel sorry for poor Eyebrow Gamergirl. She thought she found a friendly cutie with similar interests, but she's already 'taken'.

Then again, she did say she already assumed our girl was in a relationship, so maybe not so sorry after all.

...still hella cute, though.

joined Aug 29, 2018

Adds this to the list of manga you can know beef stroganoff from

joined Feb 22, 2019

Good job landlady! You got her number!

joined Aug 16, 2014

What's freaky is that I made a beef stroganoff just a few days ago

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