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joined Oct 15, 2014

And also was explicitly told. That helps too.

“Explicitly told” would be something like “It’s a girl. I’m going out with her.” or “I want you to meet my girlfriend.” But what Akari said was “It’s a girl. She’s really precious to me. I want you to meet her, Mom…” That still leaves a little room for interpretation and might totally fly past someone with gay blindness. But mom interpreted it correctly, so it’s fine.

You don't really need to read the whole conversation to understand what it was about. "It's a girl" and the mother tightening her grip on her shirt is all you need. (I mean, what other context would a girl need to clarify that "it's a girl"?)

What I particularly like about this was Mom was neither a full-on-homophobic parent obsessed with tradition or image nor a diehard yurishipper who's shipping her daughter before she even knows she's gay herself. This is someone who's clearly shocked and uneasy about her daughter coming out, and it's only after spending some time with Shiho that she knows her daughter is in good hands.

last edited at Jan 23, 2020 12:21PM

joined Nov 26, 2019

And also was explicitly told. That helps too.

“Explicitly told” would be something like “It’s a girl. I’m going out with her.” or “I want you to meet my girlfriend.” But what Akari said was “It’s a girl. She’s really precious to me. I want you to meet her, Mom…” That still leaves a little room for interpretation and might totally fly past someone with gay blindness. But mom interpreted it correctly, so it’s fine.

It seemed clear to me that we were seeing the end of a conversation, not the whole conversation. "It's a girl" suggests she told her mom she was dating someone, and later said that. (to me at least, that's how it seemed natural to interpret it to me).

joined Apr 23, 2015

Come on, cut dad some slack. He saw her standing in the entranceway for a few minutes and probably all she said in his presence was “… Okay.” Unless he has a gaydar with the sensitivity set to 11 or his glasses are actually shipping goggles, he’s not gonna figure it out from just that. On the other hand, mom had a lot more info available and noticed all the hints. I’d like to see the parents show up again in a future chapter.

Just giving him a hard time because it's fun imagining him oblivious for the rest of his life


last edited at Jan 23, 2020 4:30PM

joined Nov 6, 2018

"Honey, I walked in on our daughter and her friend when they were alone earlier"

"oh dear....w-what did you see?"

"oh, I didn't see much but I noticed they were naked, maybe we need a new heating system since they were clinging to each other to exchange body warmth, such a nice friendship, to be able to help each other in a situation like this."

If this happened, I would immediately declare it the best manga ever. Of all time.

joined Apr 8, 2019

Seems ok, but not really a big fan of Shiho character types, who seem really detached and lethargic/uninterested in everything. (even if she's not and just can't express herself). But interested enough to keep reading.

I don’t think uninterested is the right word. She does pay attention to what’s going on around her, such as helping out her klutzy gf whenever she makes a mistake. I’d say she’s just the type of person who just wants to do what’s best for her lover (aka one who gets dragged around easily lol).

last edited at Jan 25, 2020 2:05AM

joined Apr 8, 2019

Wow haha I find th dynamic between these two hilarious. They are the polar opposite of one another. Akari’s happy-go-lucky while Shiho’s deadpan lol.

I also find it funny that Akari keeps asking Shiho what she wants even though her answer is always going to be chocolate lmao...

joined Nov 6, 2018

It just dawned on me. We haven't seen the two of them kiss yet.

joined Aug 28, 2016

Oof that awkwardness... but at least she came around in the end. I guess it was the kind of situation where she was worried a woman wouldn't be able to take care of her daughter the way a man would. Outdated, but at least sympathetic.

joined Sep 11, 2016

Loving this so far! The way the character barely move and how facial expression being used here some how give of the vibe of isolation which Girl last tour gave me. And i love how there seem like no story or drama at all which make the story feels real but some how still interesting although it just about two originally people just passing with their life.

last edited at Feb 12, 2020 12:26PM

joined Nov 6, 2018

I have to ask again, why isn't there a Kuudere tag, and why aren't there more yuri manga with kuuderes?

joined Apr 23, 2015

I have to ask again, why isn't there a Kuudere tag, and why aren't there more yuri manga with kuuderes?

Good point. Kuuderes are wonderful.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Aww :)

joined Sep 4, 2014

I was just recently at Miyajima. I wholeheartedly recommend it and Hiroshima, which is one of the few actually pretty cities in Japan in my opinion. Some will say they are overtouristed, but there aren't many places without tourists of some sort in Japan, and Miyajima has been a tourist spot since the Edo era.

The torii is covered in scaffolding right now. I have some good pictures of it.

Also, these two are great. Reminds me somewhat of my parents. My dad doesn't always show what he's thinking but he is very considerate of my mom.

joined Nov 9, 2014

this is the most boring manga I have ever read

joined Aug 19, 2018

Dang, that old man part was kinda sad. But that's what happens when you move away for a long time

joined Nov 6, 2018

And people say Shiho is emotionless.

joined Dec 25, 2015

Aww that was so sweet.

joined Apr 15, 2011

darn it! i didn't expect for Shiho to give her a ring, and it wasn't smooth or cool the way she did it, but it really was a melt-your-heart moment.

And people say Shiho is emotionless.

true. just kinda reminds people that everyone has their own way of showing their emotions.

joined Jul 22, 2017

it's definitely nice to see a couple with very different love languages--and their relationship is solid because they accept that they express themselves differently

joined Sep 9, 2016

"Shiho" is my new favorite onomatopeia.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Tune in next chapter to see if Akari is brave enough to try the chestnut ice cream. With Shiho at her side, anything's possible!

joined Dec 5, 2019

tfw right-hand ringfinger is orthodox way of wearing ring

joined Feb 28, 2015

I really love this what a great chapter. Shiho is a bit hard to understand but I'm happy that she confesses her love in her own way

joined Sep 6, 2011

tfw right-hand ringfinger is orthodox way of wearing ring

It is just being overly complicated and overthinking stuff. Here in Spain the engagement ring may be worn in either hand depending on the region and the wedding ring goes on the other hand... or not. I know a lot of people who slaps both together in the same finger and call it a day. So something like this would be utterly wasted over here as people don't give a single fuck.

joined Dec 5, 2019

Around here the engagement rimg is worn on the right hand and the marriage one is worn on the left so to me it sounded like its on the right because thwy are engaged and it will go to the left soon because they'll marry

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