Forum › Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It discussion
- Landlady isnt forcing the MC to like her. And she isnt extorting MC. From the flashback, it seemed like the contract was for her to clean and do odd jobs .. nothings sexual. She was probably joking with the sex.
- I dont think they had sex. Probably got to 3rd base. But I think landlady caught herself and stopped herself from going further and she regret letting it go that far. She seemed more aware once she realized the situation, like the first time MC was trying to sleep with her. Plus, Mc have that habit of taking her clothes off and pulling people really close to her when she's drunk. Probably why landlady thought she got consent to go a bit further.
Anyways to the story ... I dont know ... I feel like landlady is more disgusted by herself. To me, It feels like she feel in love with her friend and slept with her, during high school, and that friend regretted. Probably told landlady she was grossed out by it. And also probably spread the rumors about landlady like girls. Cause it seem she was self conscious when landlady and MC were holding hands in public. I dunno... landlady knows she like girls and want to be with one but it feels like there some sort of time limit or something like that.
Too much is going through my mind but I feel like I can really relate to landlady. Like wanting someone but knowing you can never have that person or force them to like you back. So you tease them and joke around but you're actually counting the days down before you officially disappear from their life forever.
There is one mystery that'll need to be solved in the chapters yet to come. Why the first time didn't count as a box getting checked off on the contract.
That’s the deposit to summon up the contract.
Those sound like some kinky Yu-Gi-Oh house rules.
I want to see a scene like "Wow this count as two days" hahahaha and imagine what they did
There is one mystery that'll need to be solved in the chapters yet to come. Why the first time didn't count as a box getting checked off on the contract.
That’s the deposit to summon up the contract.
Those sound like some kinky Yu-Gi-Oh house rules.
But what does Pot of Greed do ?
To me, It feels like she feel in love with her friend and slept with her, during high school, and that friend regretted. Probably told landlady she was grossed out by it. And also probably spread the rumors about landlady like girls.
I love how you people can come up with entire backstories out of thin air (I'm not criticizing, it's really fun).
To me, It feels like she feel in love with her friend and slept with her, during high school, and that friend regretted. Probably told landlady she was grossed out by it. And also probably spread the rumors about landlady like girls.
I love how you people can come up with entire backstories out of thin air (I'm not criticizing, it's really fun).
I mean if you pay attention and pick up the hints to what's going like the date scene you sort of wonder why landlady acts like that. She just sat there while her high school classmate just outed her to an unknown guy and MC. Saying things like the whole class knew and thought MC was "one of them" too and never leaving that subject nor answer landlady's question. And then right after they kissed, landlady ask MC if she felt grossed out. So that questioned me on why would she said that? Did someone said that to her before? Does she feel disgusted for doing something she knows MC isnt comfortable to do? Landlady is only 19, so it hasnt been that long since she graduated high school. Or Maybe I'm reading into it a bit too much. But like you said it's fun. Makes me wanna reread everything just find something subtlety new. Like the only time landlady shows emotion or vulnerability is when MC isnt looking or paying attention.
last edited at Jan 20, 2020 2:50PM
And then right after they kissed, landlady ask MC if she felt grossed out. So that questioned me on why would she said that? Did someone said that to her before?
I mean, Chiyo said she was straight so it's pretty normal for Hara to ask if she is grossed out by a girl kissing her.
Saying things like the whole class knew and thought MC was "one of them" too and never leaving that subject nor answer landlady's question.
I mean, she know Hara was dating girl so it's fairly normal for her to assume MC was her GF. Hara wasn't asking a a question, she was trying to make her leave. The schoolmate didn't have any ill intent behind her questions, she was just a bit rude.
To me, It feels like she feel in love with her friend and slept with her, during high school, and that friend regretted. Probably told landlady she was grossed out by it. And also probably spread the rumors about landlady like girls.
I love how you people can come up with entire backstories out of thin air (I'm not criticizing, it's really fun).
I mean if you pay attention and pick up the hints to what's going like the date scene you sort of wonder why landlady acts like that. She just sat there while her high school classmate just outed her to an unknown guy and MC. Saying things like the whole class knew and thought MC was "one of them" too and never leaving that subject nor answer landlady's question. And then right after they kissed, landlady ask MC if she felt grossed out. So that questioned me on why would she said that? Did someone said that to her before? Does she feel disgusted for doing something she knows MC isnt comfortable to do? Landlady is only 19, so it hasnt been that long since she graduated high school. Or Maybe I'm reading into it a bit too much. But like you said it's fun. Makes me wanna reread everything just find something subtlety new. Like the only time landlady shows emotion or vulnerability is when MC isnt looking or paying attention.
hmmm... I thought it was pretty obvious the narrative was going in this direction since you could tell how uncomfortable Hara was when she saw that old classmate of hers. You could even kind of argue that she was accused of raping her friend too by the way she defended herself when Kozuka seemed like she was leaning towards accusing Hara to raping her. But, that's just a made-up backstory of mine using imagery and diction. Come to think of it, our English classes teaches us to do that (that damned plant in Raisin in the Sun), so I don't know, it's just kind of hard wired into us.
Also about the consent thing, I don't think we'll ever get definite closure on how exactly it went down, but in the first chapter Hara said she gave her consent. I don't think it makes sense logically to enter someone's home and start drinking if they didn't say "I'll let you do me", unless Hara let them drink on purpose before she asked for consent (but that would make her a secret villain and judging from how she acts so far, that doesn't seem to be the case). Adding onto the possibility of Kozuka giving consent before drinking is she could've said she wanted to drink before the deed, since she's "straight". Although this could very likely be the case, it still does mean that GendoIkari's statement about it being extortion is true, whether or not Hara got consent while Kozuka was sober or drunk.
I'm sure the author didn't think about it this deeply though, so it's all in vain.
I mean, Chiyo said she was straight so it's pretty normal for Hara to ask if she is grossed out by a girl kissing her.
But why used the word gross than dislike or hate? Or maybe this is just a language barrier thing too.
I mean, she know Hara was dating girl so it's fairly normal for her to assume MC was her GF. Hara wasn't asking a a question, she was trying to make her leave. The schoolmate didn't have any ill intent behind her questions, she was just a bit rude.
Hara was asking what the classmate wanted. Probably assumed the classmate is harassing her. Since Hara stated she isnt close to any girls. So it would be weird for a random classmate, that you barely spoke to, talk to you.
last edited at Jan 20, 2020 6:06PM
hmmm... I thought it was pretty obvious the narrative was going in this direction since you could tell how uncomfortable Hara was when she saw that old classmate of hers. You could even kind of argue that she was accused of raping her friend too by the way she defended herself when Kozuka seemed like she was leaning towards accusing Hara to raping her. But, that's just a made-up backstory of mine using imagery and diction. Come to think of it, our English classes teaches us to do that (that damned plant in Raisin in the Sun), so I don't know, it's just kind of hard wired into us.
Hara was also uncomfortable holding hands in public too. And she did get mad at MC assuming she will take advantage of MC when she's sleeping (when they were talking about the contract of living together). So maybe that did happen but we dont have all the pieces yet, so best to wait it out.
Also about the consent thing, I don't think we'll ever get definite closure on how exactly it went down, but in the first chapter Hara said she gave her consent. I don't think it makes sense logically to enter someone's home and start drinking if they didn't say "I'll let you do me", unless Hara let them drink on purpose before she asked for consent (but that would make her a secret villain and judging from how she acts so far, that doesn't seem to be the case). Adding onto the possibility of Kozuka giving consent before drinking is she could've said she wanted to drink before the deed, since she's "straight". Although this could very likely be the case, it still does mean that GendoIkari's statement about it being extortion is true, whether or not Hara got consent while Kozuka was sober or drunk.
Well from the first chapter, MC was already drinking, and from the flashback hara was explaining the contract to MC. It didnt seem like it was hara intention to end up sleeping with her. And from the looks of MC state of being and mind, i think hara just really wanted to help MC. Which is why she created the contract. She could had kicked MC out, but there wouldnt be a story. And honestly, Hara being there actually helps MC get back on her feet and focus on getting a job than to continue sulking. Also, I think hara knows MC sucks at housework from the way the apartment looked like and after day one from cleaning up the rooms. So Emotional responses seemed like the only service MC can really do and hara probably preferred that too.
I'm sure the author didn't think about it this deeply though, so it's all in vain.
Yeah agreed, but to me it's still a good story. There's still a lot of missing pieces so I wont let it bother me that much.
Hara was asking what the classmate wanted. Probably assumed the classmate is harassing her.
Ot just annoyed her ? Hence why the classmate ask why she speak so politely. Hara was just trying to make her understand she was annoying and if she had nothing to ask then she can leave.
I think mostly it was just that Hara was obviously uncomfortable and the "school friend" was clearly being loud, obnoxious and rude.
But it also had the added bonus of "plot furtherance" because it seemed to be the impetus for our dorky MC to realize she shouldn't leap to be automatically defensive to such questions, and that she needed to stop thinking the way that the old "friend" clearly was. While the "old friend" clearly saw Hara being gay as more like an act at a Freak Show than something that's normal, and I don't think MC DOES, I think MC also still hadn't quite come to accept things as not being abnormal, either.
Yeah, further confused by it being sex she was getting something out of, namely leniency on her rent. Is prostitution under the influence rape? Is prostitution under duress under the influence rape? Like, it's clearly unethical from the landlady, but it's unclear exactly what form of unethical, and she's clearly trying to become a better person. I'd condemn the hell out of it in real life, but in fiction, kinda complicated, and people can change a lot more easy in fiction.
Coerced sex and sex with someone too drunk/high/whatever to give meaningful consent are both rape.
I'm quite aware of both of those facts. It's not entirely clear to me that she was too drunk to consent, nor that it was coerced. Prostitution is not rape. Again, I think it's bad, and the specific definition or form of badness is not clear, but it's not like her sleeping with her landlady because she couldn't make rent is rape in a vacuum, it's much closer to prostitution. And I'm not entirely sure how drunk she was (signs point to "too much" but still), but it is clear that if that was the only thing going on people would not be calling it rape. I believe heavily in consent in all manners of life, and it clearly was not here enough in this case, but the specifics of it are at least slightly muddied.
That's not prostitution, that's extortion. In fact the landlord threatening to evict someone unless they have sex with them is pretty much the default example of extortion rape. Even if she was stone sober the power dynamic between landlord and tenant is extremely inappropriate without any quid pro quo, that puts it well over the line.
I think it's pretty ridiculous what people call rape now. Rape should be only used in rare cases, applying it to literally everything that's uncomfortable/immoral just gets ridiculous. (And no I don't care what the law in certain countries says about this. Laws can be disagreed with.)
last edited at Jan 21, 2020 9:24AM
Yeah, further confused by it being sex she was getting something out of, namely leniency on her rent. Is prostitution under the influence rape? Is prostitution under duress under the influence rape? Like, it's clearly unethical from the landlady, but it's unclear exactly what form of unethical, and she's clearly trying to become a better person. I'd condemn the hell out of it in real life, but in fiction, kinda complicated, and people can change a lot more easy in fiction.
Coerced sex and sex with someone too drunk/high/whatever to give meaningful consent are both rape.
I'm quite aware of both of those facts. It's not entirely clear to me that she was too drunk to consent, nor that it was coerced. Prostitution is not rape. Again, I think it's bad, and the specific definition or form of badness is not clear, but it's not like her sleeping with her landlady because she couldn't make rent is rape in a vacuum, it's much closer to prostitution. And I'm not entirely sure how drunk she was (signs point to "too much" but still), but it is clear that if that was the only thing going on people would not be calling it rape. I believe heavily in consent in all manners of life, and it clearly was not here enough in this case, but the specifics of it are at least slightly muddied.
That's not prostitution, that's extortion. In fact the landlord threatening to evict someone unless they have sex with them is pretty much the default example of extortion rape. Even if she was stone sober the power dynamic between landlord and tenant is extremely inappropriate without any quid pro quo, that puts it well over the line.
I think it's pretty ridiculous what people call rape now. Rape should be only used in rare cases, applying it to literally everything that's uncomfortable/immoral just gets ridiculous. (And no I don't care what the law in certain countries says about this. Laws can be disagreed with.)
I think it's pretty ridiculous (and by ridiculous I mean grotesque) how far backwards people are willing to bend to pretend consent is a grey issue. Rape should be used in any case where an individual did not consent to sexual intercourse. You can't consent while you're blackout drunk. You can't consent when the alternative is homelessness. I'm not even making a judgment about the story I'm just insisting we call a spade a spade and not try to avoid that fact because it's uncomfortable.
Yeah, further confused by it being sex she was getting something out of, namely leniency on her rent. Is prostitution under the influence rape? Is prostitution under duress under the influence rape? Like, it's clearly unethical from the landlady, but it's unclear exactly what form of unethical, and she's clearly trying to become a better person. I'd condemn the hell out of it in real life, but in fiction, kinda complicated, and people can change a lot more easy in fiction.
Coerced sex and sex with someone too drunk/high/whatever to give meaningful consent are both rape.
I'm quite aware of both of those facts. It's not entirely clear to me that she was too drunk to consent, nor that it was coerced. Prostitution is not rape. Again, I think it's bad, and the specific definition or form of badness is not clear, but it's not like her sleeping with her landlady because she couldn't make rent is rape in a vacuum, it's much closer to prostitution. And I'm not entirely sure how drunk she was (signs point to "too much" but still), but it is clear that if that was the only thing going on people would not be calling it rape. I believe heavily in consent in all manners of life, and it clearly was not here enough in this case, but the specifics of it are at least slightly muddied.
That's not prostitution, that's extortion. In fact the landlord threatening to evict someone unless they have sex with them is pretty much the default example of extortion rape. Even if she was stone sober the power dynamic between landlord and tenant is extremely inappropriate without any quid pro quo, that puts it well over the line.
I think it's pretty ridiculous what people call rape now. Rape should be only used in rare cases, applying it to literally everything that's uncomfortable/immoral just gets ridiculous. (And no I don't care what the law in certain countries says about this. Laws can be disagreed with.)
Without informed enthusiastic consent without undue pressure it is rape regardless of the law. Even if consent is given it can be retracted at any time, whatever kind of relationship the parties are in. Just because no one used physical force or drugs doesn’t excuse it from being rape at all.
Ethically id say this is a far cry from extortion, shes literally paying off her debt with things like hugs and gaming together, shes not forcing anything and the main character has definitely never been made uncomfortable or been raped as some people are claiming, you can still say no and not participate after a few beers as she had in this manga, she surely wasnt black out drunk, she was an active participant.
You cannot claim rape after a consensual activity either. Thats like lending someone your pen for a day and then claiming they stole it the next day because you're uncomfortable that some of the ink got used.
On a less serious note: The art is cute, i can already tell theyre gonna fall in love.
she surely wasnt black out drunk
Blackout drunk literally means forgetting what happened while you were drinking, she literally was blackout drunk. What happened with her is the freaking definition of blackout drunk, drinking then forgetting the things that happened while you were drunk.
Even if it was just once, I regret not waiting until this story is finished to read it!!! UWAAAAAGH!
Ethically id say this is a far cry from extortion, shes literally paying off her debt with things like hugs and gaming together, shes not forcing anything and the main character has definitely never been made uncomfortable or been raped as some people are claiming, you can still say no and not participate after a few beers as she had in this manga, she surely wasnt black out drunk, she was an active participant.
You cannot claim rape after a consensual activity either. Thats like lending someone your pen for a day and then claiming they stole it the next day because you're uncomfortable that some of the ink got used.
On a less serious note: The art is cute, i can already tell theyre gonna fall in love.
This is textbook extortion. "Do X for me or I will do Y to you" where Y in this case is eviction. Any consent given under this kind of duress is compromised. Hell, a relationship with your landlord would be a concerning power imbalance even if they WEREN'T holding back rent over your head.
Ethically id say this is a far cry from extortion, shes literally paying off her debt with things like hugs and gaming together, shes not forcing anything and the main character has definitely never been made uncomfortable or been raped as some people are claiming, you can still say no and not participate after a few beers as she had in this manga, she surely wasnt black out drunk, she was an active participant.
You cannot claim rape after a consensual activity either. Thats like lending someone your pen for a day and then claiming they stole it the next day because you're uncomfortable that some of the ink got used.
Whoa, hold on, yes you can. Being drunk is not consent and she was most definitely drunk to the point that she didn't remember.
Irregardless of the manga and the contents, this is a fact that should remain true, in that consent is key, and the first time they had sex most definitely did not have consent.
On topic: I get where Hara is coming from with falling for a straight girls and believing it'll go nowhere. She also must have either internalized, or been told, or both, that women loving women is disgusting or whatever which is why she's parroting back the words. I'm curious where this all goes and the art is interesting, they're all very thicc which is kinda awesome? I want that hoodie.
btw why no age gap tag? I feel like 19/24 is enough of a gap for one
Technically, any difference in ages is an age gap. But some are simply not meaningful enough.
Technically, any difference in ages is an age gap. But some are simply not meaningful enough.
Yes that's why I said "enough of a gap for one", since it's more than 1/4 of the life of the landlady. That's pretty significant.
I'm officially a fan! I love the development. ❤️
I'm officially a fan! I love the development. ❤️
It's pretty good, even with the dubious parts, but I have a feeling that's all going to be settled sooner or later. They keep deliberately skipping around on everything that happened with them in the beginning, and I feel like there's a reason for it.
I'm officially a fan! I love the development. ❤️
It's pretty good, even with the dubious parts, but I have a feeling that's all going to be settled sooner or later. They keep deliberately skipping around on everything that happened with them in the beginning, and I feel like there's a reason for it.