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joined Jun 25, 2019

This is something pretty rare to happen in reality.

Good thing it's a manga hey.

joined Nov 3, 2019

Dayemmmm poor Izumi! I hope Nanaki turns her down properly, so that Izumi can get her closure and move on to another girl who will love her back just as strongly.

joined Mar 21, 2019

Bruh, I ship Nanaki with Izumi ,wtf is wrong with me

same here, I just want izumi happiness :(((

joined Dec 9, 2014

1- Nanaki had lots of boyfriends, but this doesn't mean that she like boys too, for what I understand of the story it doesn't look like she liked then very much, it was always short relationships and probably just something to increase her popularity and show her "rivals" how better she was, because she was super cute and had a boyfriend.

2- No, liking yaoi doesn't mean you are in to boys, I'm pretty sure there is a lot of girls here who are straight and like Yuri.

The women I've seen who read Yuri, the vast majority are not straight.
I mean the ones who regularly read yuri. There might be the ones who read everything romance, so they treat yuri as another romance story too. But they're not the main audience and they won't get as invested.

Kurokawa's room was full of pretty boy posters and yaoi. Not sure if a lesbian would care so much about boys to have posters of them all over her room.

Also Nanaki seemed at least a bit invested in her relationship with that douche in the beginning. A lesbian would struggle on dating a guy, but she didn't seem to at all. Not liking them very much is different than not liking them at all. Besides, even straight people are in relationships that don't like their partner very much.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Tend to forget that most of yuris didn't outright said that the 2 mains girls aren't lesbians but more that they're in love with each other and it happen that they're both girls.

Kurokawa's room was full of pretty boy posters and yaoi. Not sure if a lesbian would care so much about boys to have posters of them all over her room.

Bruh. I don't think lesbians have their rooms fill with pretty girls poster thought. My room was filled with soccer team player, does that mean i'm gay or that i just like soccer ? Kurokawa being into yaoi doesn't mean she can't be lesbian. Hell, they can be both bi for that matter, it's not because they were into boys before that they can't be into girls now.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 8:10AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Bruh. I don't think lesbians have their rooms fill with pretty girls poster thought. My room was filled with soccer team player, does that mean i'm gay or that i just like soccer ? Kurokawa being into yaoi doesn't mean she can't be lesbian. Hell, they can be both bi for that matter, it's not because they were into boys before that they can't be into girls now.

I mean, comparing soccer posters with handsome men is not the same. Handsome men is connected with sexuality, soccer is just a hobby.

And I never said they're not into girls. I'm precisely saying that they can be into girls too without being a lesbian. Because I was replying to a poster saying they they're now lesbians, to say they don't have to be lesbians to like each other, so it's not unrealistic.

We don't have an actual proof of their sexuality, so everyone can interpret it differently.
A similar situation imo is Yuma from NTR. Like Nanaki, she had a bf and cared about him as a friend. But we could see she was struggling on the intimate parts and with being in love with him.
Nanaki on the other hand liked being with her bf, whether that was for vanity reasons or not.
She could be vain and want to be with a guy only to show off, but I think there would still be signs of struggling in there, if she was gay.
Anyway, jmo and I don't think that part matters here now.

joined May 28, 2018

I mean, comparing soccer posters with handsome men is not the same.

Heh, my school friend, from long-long time ago, have posters of soccer players all over her walls because they were hot guys.
And I think that personal and real experience do matter, but it’s not universal. Just let this story say what it want to.

Anyway, chapter was good and sad. I liked Izumi from the get go and I was thrilled to see her on the covers and in color.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 9:12AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

BTW, is it me or did the middle school friend looked more shocked than disgusted when Izumi said that?

I don't think it's yuri goggles, there definitely were hints the other girl could be gay too.

I'm leaning towards this, too. Izumi's friend's face is on the reverse shot in the same page, and she has almost the same exact expression as Izumi. I'm reading that as both Izumi and her friend being afraid of confronting their attraction to each other, and thus both panicking to back away from it at the same time.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 9:21AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

One thing that links into the poster issue is that both of the protagonists start the story dedicated to projecting what they think of being a “suitable” self—Nanaki as The Incredible Hulk of Cuteness, Kurokawa as the outsider otaku nobody.

One of the major themes of the story (in the beginning, anyway) is about personal style—including room decor—being about the way the girls want to be perceived rather than who they really are (the truth about which the rest of the story seems to be devoted to discovering).

(I must say that a problem I’ve personally had with the story all along is that I think the at-start Kurokawa and her style is completely adorable, and although her makeovers render her more conventionally “attractive,” the changes seem like a net cuteness loss to me. )

joined Apr 19, 2018

Nanaki as The Incredible Hulk of Cuteness

That's a title I never thought anyone would use for referring to someone cute but now I'm stuck with a Kawaii Hulk image in my head and I blame you for that

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 10:19AM

joined Sep 19, 2017

I think, this is the most interesting chapter of all. At last.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Nanaki as The Incredible Hulk of Cuteness

That's a title I never thought anyone would use for referring to someone cute but now I'm stuck with a Kawaii Hulk image in my head and I blame you for that

Responsibility accepted.

(Nanaki is the cutest one there is! RAWR!)

joined Jan 17, 2017

Hmm, hope we get to see a resolution between Izumi and her friend thus leaving an open path for Nanaki and Kuro

joined Oct 25, 2015

Great chapter (as much as I want to see more of the the main pairing).

I've like this story from chapter one, and it just keeps making a stronger impression.

This is a good one.

joined Jun 12, 2019

Well that was good pretty sad
joined Jan 11, 2020

Just catch up with the series.

Izumi and Kurokawa seems like yandere tropes,
with their dead eyes.

It's a bit creepy

Well at least the series start to set that the girls are gay.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Only Izumi is a yandere. Kurokawa no.

joined Mar 13, 2014

Imagine how Yukari was feeling when she gets asked out by Izumi, and then two seconds later Izumi is like, "lolz just kidding!" What's she even supposed to think?

That being said, what a cliffhanger. Fujishiro's a strong-minded person though. Izumi gonna be a sad girl next chapter.

joined Oct 10, 2016

This manga mostly leaves me with anger, because it's dumb and totally unrealistic piece. Just please, Nanaki, don't make mistake and go for her. She's a way better catch than Kanade.

joined Oct 22, 2018

This manga mostly leaves me with anger, because it's dumb and totally unrealistic piece. Just please, Nanaki, don't make mistake and go for her. She's a way better catch than Kanade.

I was expecting you to make a comment, and, as expected, and just like with your previous posts on this forum, it annoyingly goes for the ship the story doesn't build up to. However, this time, it's much more tolerable, since we got Izumi's point of view.

Now I can only hope Nanaki rejects Izumi without having to use the "but we're both girls" card, as that would only result in Izumi further bottling her feelings up the next time she falls in love, and nobody wants that. Plus, Nanaki is in love with Kanade, so there's that, too.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 12:25PM

joined Jan 12, 2020

There's hints on Author's Twitter (Don't know If it's a woman or Man) of Izumi x Iroha shipping so....

joined Oct 22, 2018

Author's Twitter


joined Aug 10, 2015

this is one of those "weeeey noooooo :( " moments

joined May 1, 2019

Dang, Izumi just became a really relatable and sympathetic antagonist. I imagine her desperate confession here will help Nanaki realize her own feelings for Kanade, and I hope Izumi will be rejected in a way that allows her to now overcome her fears and pursue love in the future.

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