Forum › The Mute Girl and Her New Friend discussion

joined Aug 11, 2019

Aawww yyyiiiisssss, just in time for a fine dose of fluff to keep me going through the first Monday of the year. Sensible Kokosaki, hardened exterior but still a softie for Mashiro's innocence. So cute.

joined Jan 27, 2016

This manga is so wholesome

joined Apr 20, 2013

They mentioned phones! yay! because it would be weird not to think about it.
Also soooooooooooooooooooooooc cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeee

joined Jul 31, 2019

With a pencil that distinctive, that plan had a low chance of working anyway :P

joined Oct 1, 2014

Please kiss.

joined Aug 7, 2017

MarqFJA87 posted:

Good point about phone ban though, though in her case they might grant her special permission.

laughs in Japanese cultural obsession with conformity and trampling over "special needs"

Seriously, Japan's society sucks when it comes to this sort of stuff. Out of sight, out of mind, and if you dare beg for special treatment you get ostracized for your selfishness no matter what.

It's actually more complex than that. I read about Japanese welfare and it's actually very advanced and they try to make as many places as accessible as possible to disabled people. For example paths for blinds are very common there. But the disconnect is that, while laws are very generous to people with issues and government is trying its best to accommodate them, people's attitude towards people like that sucks in general.

Yeah, someone else already pointed this out.

joined Feb 17, 2013

So now we know- she isn't mute because of some kinda mental block/trauma but from her vocal chords physically not working for whatever reason- probably some childhood illness.

One mistake tho- no way a mute person would use a notepad- you'd be buying 1 per week or more. You'd just carry a small whiteboard and erasable pen for communicating.

And while I kinda like the whole mind reader aspect- its kinda like - so you have to be a mind reader to befriend a mute person? And this girl who always blames herself for people not making friends- once she finds out will it be a case of, so thats why this girl could become friends? she can read my mind and make up for my lack of speech and a normal person couldnt do that?

It kinda doesn't give me a very good impression of the authors view of a mute person atm. Couldnt you have told the same story without mind reading? Its not clear if the author wanted mind reading for the other opportunities it offers or for that kinda thinking.

last edited at Jan 5, 2020 10:17AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

She's so nice

joined Oct 22, 2018

[insert that sound you make when you find something so cute you feel like you're melting into a pink ball of fluff here]

joined Aug 15, 2017

One mistake tho- no way a mute person would use a notepad- you'd be buying 1 per week or more. You'd just carry a small whiteboard and erasable pen for communicating.

Hi, functionally mute here. I've done both. The reality is that whiteboards and dry erase markers tend to be bulkier and less convenient to carry, and draw more attention. Notepads are pretty cheap if you buy in bulk, and are easier to write neatly with.

joined Aug 15, 2017

And while I kinda like the whole mind reader aspect- its kinda like - so you have to be a mind reader to befriend a mute person? And this girl who always blames herself for people not making friends- once she finds out will it be a case of, so thats why this girl could become friends? she can read my mind and make up for my lack of speech and a normal person couldnt do that?

I think it's adorable and should not be overthought. It's not like she's out there using her powers to conquer the planet. What matters is that she's investing time, effort, and emotion into their friendship -- with an ability like mind reading, she could probably befriend literally anybody she wanted. (My post kept being detected as spam, so we're doing this in two parts)

joined Jul 29, 2017

And while I kinda like the whole mind reader aspect- its kinda like - so you have to be a mind reader to befriend a mute person? And this girl who always blames herself for people not making friends- once she finds out will it be a case of, so thats why this girl could become friends? she can read my mind and make up for my lack of speech and a normal person couldnt do that?

Gee, maybe a mute person might have trouble making friends because, on top of being a transfer student, they're shy and self-conscious about being a mute person? You know, like it shows in the story.

It kinda doesn't give me a very good impression of the authors view of a mute person atm. Couldnt you have told the same story without mind reading? Its not clear if the author wanted mind reading for the other opportunities it offers or for that kinda thinking.

I'm pretty sure the author was not trying to write an instruction manual about how to be (or how to treat) a mute, non-deaf person, but rather was going for the comedy of one girl who believes she can't communicate and the other girl who is a mind-reading tsundere.

Maybe, and this is just pure speculation, the author first considered and then rejected the possibility of having the characters be a deaf mind-reader and another girl who was always talking to her friends about how much she liked the deaf girl but was afraid to talk to her. Because then the author would have to draw lots of scenes with the one girl with her back to the deaf girl so the deaf girl couldn't read her lips (but she knew what she was thinking because she was a mind-reader).

Since that wouldn't be nearly as funny.

last edited at Jan 5, 2020 5:40PM

joined Jan 3, 2020

Super awesome; I love this premise.

joined Jun 12, 2019

It’s cute

joined Jun 12, 2017

I mean, that's a pretty distinct accessory you've got on it twintails girl.

joined May 30, 2013

So when will they start dating.

joined Feb 17, 2013

@pill359 I do like it and think its cute- and like I said i wasnt sure what the authors intent was- i just had a little bit of a vibe- but im perfectly happy to enjoy it going forward and assume the author wasnt being negative etc and its just a cute plot idea.

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019


joined Jan 9, 2017

Admiral Hipper Strikes Again

joined Jan 9, 2017

Admiral Hipper Strikes Again

joined Mar 2, 2019


joined Dec 20, 2018

Sure is useless in here. :D

joined Oct 10, 2016

A-what? Hold up. *Searches*

"Aphonia is defined as the inability to produce voiced sound. Damage to the nerve may be the result of surgery or a tumor."

Alright then.



last edited at Jan 5, 2020 7:07PM

joined Nov 5, 2017

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is too damn cute

joined Feb 22, 2018

So now we know- she isn't mute because of some kinda mental block/trauma but from her vocal chords physically not working for whatever reason- probably some childhood illness.

An emergency tracheotomy can also cause aphonia.

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